Overtime and Weekend Work Sample Clauses
Overtime and Weekend Work. 55.1. Employees will be required to work reasonable weekend and non-weekend overtime when requested as determined by the Company to meet the needs of the Company’s contractual requirements for completion of work on the Project.
Overtime and Weekend Work. Overtime in excess of ordinary hours as determined shall be paid at the rate of time and a half for the first 3 hours and double time thereafter. Overtime for casual employees shall be applicable when an employee works in excess of 8 paid hours in a shift, additionally when an employee has worked in excess of 38 ordinary hours in one week additional hours will be paid as overtime. All time worked on Sunday shall be paid at the rate of double time.
Overtime and Weekend Work. 8.6.1 All rostered and approved work done in excess of 8 hours, Mondays to Thursdays and 6 hours on Fridays, is considered overtime and will be paid for at time and a half (150% of the Penalties Base Rate) for the first 2 hours and double time (200% of the Penalties Base Rate) thereafter.
8.6.2 All rostered and approved work done on a Saturday will be paid for at time and a half (150% of the Penalties Base Rate) for the first 2 hours and double time (200% of the Penalties Base Rate) thereafter.
8.6.3 All work done on a Sunday will be paid for at double time (200% of the Penalties Base Rate).
Overtime and Weekend Work. (a) Any additional hours worked on Monday to Friday inclusive are payable at time and a half for the first 2 hours of overtime and double time thereafter.
(b) Additional hours worked on a Saturday are payable at time and a half for the first 2 hours and double time thereafter and additional hours worked on a Sunday are payable at double time.
(c) An employee who works more than 9.5 hours on any day is entitled to payment of a meal allowance in the amount of $8.65 on each occasion that this occurs.
Overtime and Weekend Work. 18.1 The Company may require any employee to work reasonable overtime and such employee shall work overtime in accordance with such requirements.
Overtime and Weekend Work. 1. All hours worked in excess of or outside the ordinary working hours prescribed by this Agreement shall be paid at the rate of time and one half for the first 2 hours and double time thereafter.
2. For hours worked on a Saturday, employees shall be paid at the rate of time and a half for the first two hours and double time for the rest of the hours worked. All hours after midday on Saturday are to be paid at double time.
3. For all hours worked on Sundays, employees shall be paid at the rate of double time.
4. For all work done on a prescribed Public Holiday, employees shall be paid at the rate of double time and a half.
5. Employees recalled to work overtime not continuous with ordinary hours shall be paid for a minimum of four (4) hours work at the appropriate rate.
6. When employees are required to work more than two hours overtime continuous with ordinary hours, a 20 minute crib break, shall be treated as time worked. A further paid crib break shall be allowed after every hour (4) hours of overtime completed.
7. An employee required to work overtime continuous with ordinary hours for more than two hours without having been notified the previous day that they would be required to work overtime shall be provided with either one meal voucher, cash to the value of $9.00 or have a meal supplied. A second meal voucher to the value of $9.00 or above alternatives, become available to the employee, after he has worked an additional 4 hours overtime.
8. When overtime work is necessary it shall be so arranged that employees have at least eight (8) consecutive hours off duty between the work of successive days. If an employee has not had at least eight
Overtime and Weekend Work. An employee (other than a casual employee) directed by XxxXxx to work after 6 p.m., Monday to Friday inclusive, or who is directed to work in excess of an average of 38 hours per week over 28 consecutive days, shall be granted the equivalent amount of time off in lieu. An employee (other than a casual employee) directed by XxxXxx to work on a weekend shall be granted the equivalent amount of time off in lieu.
Overtime and Weekend Work. 13.1 For all work performed outside ordinary hours, the rate of pay will be: % of Employee’s ordinary hourly rate of pay First 2 hours 150% After 2 hours 200%
13.2 In calculating overtime, portions of an hour will be taken to the nearest one-tenth of an hour.
13.3 In computing overtime each day’s work will stand alone.
13.4 A casual Employee will be paid for all overtime worked at the overtime rate specified in clause
13.1. For each hour of overtime worked a casual Employee will also be paid 10% of the ordinary hourly rate of pay for their classification. A casual Employee will not receive the 25% casual loading referred to in clause 10.11 whilst working overtime.
13.5 An Employee required to work on a Saturday will be paid at the rate of: First 2 hours 150% After 2 hours 200%
13.6 An Employee required to work on a Sunday will be paid at the rate of: All hours 200%
13.7 A minimum payment of 4 hours will apply to all work on a Saturday and Sunday.
13.8 The penalties and loadings in this Agreement (including for overtime, shift work, work performed on a Saturday or Sunday, and work performed on a public holiday) are not cumulative. Where two or more loadings or penalties may potentially apply to hours (or part hours) worked, only one loading or penalty (being the highest of the potentially applicable penalties or loadings) will apply.
Overtime and Weekend Work. 26.1 All time worked beyond an Employee’s ordinary time of work (inclusive of time worked for accrual purposes as prescribed in Clause 24 shall be deemed overtime. Overtime shall be paid for at one and a half times the ordinary prescribed rate for the first two hours, and at double the ordinary prescribed rate for all time thereafter.
26.2 An employee recalled to work overtime after leaving the Project (whether notified before or after leaving the project) shall be paid for a minimum of four hours work at the appropriate rates for each time the employee is so recalled. Except in the case of unforeseen circumstances arising, the employee shall not be required to work the full four hours if the job the employee was recalled to perform is completed within a shorter period.
26.3 Clause 26.2 hereof shall not apply in cases where it is customary for an Employee to return to TJH’s project to perform a specific job outside ordinary working hours or where the overtime is continuous (subject to a reasonable meal break) with the completion or commencement of ordinary working time.
26.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 28.1(e), if TJH requires an Employee to work during the time prescribed by 28.1, the Employee shall be paid at the rate of double time for the period worked between the prescribed time of cessation and the beginning of the time allowed in substitution for the meal break. If the cessation time is shortened at the request of the Employee to the minimum of 30 minutes prescribed in 28.1 of this Agreement or to any other extent, (not being less than 30 minutes) TJH shall not be required to pay more than the ordinary rates of pay for the time worked as a result of such shortening, but such time shall form part of the ordinary working time of the day.
26.5 No Employee under the age of eighteen years shall be required to work overtime or shift work unless the Employee so desires.
26.6 No apprentice or trainee shall be required to work overtime or shift work at times which would prevent the Employee’s attendance at a training facility, as required by any statute, Award or regulation.
26.7 An Employee who works so much overtime: between the termination of the Employee’s ordinary work day or shift, and the commencement of the Employee’s ordinary work in the next day or shift that the Employee has not had at least ten consecutive hours off duty between these times; or on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, (not being ordinary working days) or on a rostered day...
Overtime and Weekend Work. 10.1. The provisions of this clause do not apply to Employees employed on an Annualised Salary.