Parental and Maternity Leave Sample Clauses
Parental and Maternity Leave. Permanent (full time and part time) and casual staff with at least twelve (12) months continuous service are entitled to up to 52 weeks parental leave on the birth or adoption of a child, which is unpaid.
Parental and Maternity Leave. Employees will be eligible for Parental Leave in accordance with the provisions of Mass. General Laws c. 151B, §4 and c. 149, §105D as interpreted and enforced pursuant to c. 151B §4(11A). Extension of Maternity Leave for medical reasons may be granted by the Superintendent of Schools.
Parental and Maternity Leave. An employee taking a parental or maternity leave as provided for by The Employment Standards Code of Alberta shall not lose seniority.
Parental and Maternity Leave. Employees will be entitled to Parental Leave and Maternity Leave in accordance with the
Parental and Maternity Leave. Parental leave will be granted per the County Personnel Policy Manual and §49-2-310 and -311, MCA.
Parental and Maternity Leave. 28.1 Subject to the terms of this clause Employees are entitled to maternity, paternity and adoption leave and to work part-time in connection with the birth or adoption of a child.
28.2 The provisions of this clause apply to full-time and part-time Employees.
28.3 All full-time or regular part-time classified female Employees whose length of continuous employment with the Company is twelve months or more, shall be entitled to fourteen weeks’ paid maternity leave and up to 46 weeks unpaid leave. An Employee may elect to be paid fourteen weeks on full pay or twenty-eight weeks on half pay.
28.4 An Employee must provide notice to the Company in advance of the expected date of commencement of parental leave. The notice must include a certificate from a registered medical practitioner stating that the Employee is pregnant. The notice must also contain the date on which the Employee proposes to commence maternity leave and the period of leave to be taken.
28.5 An Employee will not be in breach of this clause if failure to give the stipulated notice is occasioned by the confinement occurring earlier than the presumed date.
28.6 Unless agreed otherwise between the Company and the Employee, an Employee may commence parental leave at any time within six weeks prior the expected date of the birth.
28.7 Supporting Parent’s Leave A full-time or regular part-time Employee with more than twelve months’ continuous service with the Company will be entitled to two weeks’ paid supporting parent’s leave at the time of the birth; and a further 50 weeks unpaid leave in order to be the primary care giver of the child.
Parental and Maternity Leave. The provisions of the NSW Industrial Relations Xxx 0000 apply with the following exceptions:
20.1 Employees who have had twelve months continuous service shall be entitled to four (4) weeks paid & forty eight (48) weeks unpaid maternity leave
20.2 Employees are required to provide a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner not less than four weeks prior to the date when maternity leave is required. In addition, the Employee is required to advise in writing to the Management Committee their intention to take maternity leave and commencement date of leave
20.3 Entitlements to annual leave, stress leave and superannuation will not be accrued during the unpaid leave period
20.4 Long Service Leave will be accrued during the unpaid leave period
20.5 Parental leave will not break continuity of employment
20.6 The employee shall advise the Management Committee in writing, of her intention to return to work no less than six weeks prior to the expiration of the notice required by this sub clause
20.7 The employee shall be entitled to return to work to the position occupied prior to the taking of maternity leave
20.8 Replacement Employee – employees specifically replacing an Employee taking maternity leave shall be informed of the temporary nature of their employment.
Parental and Maternity Leave. Parental Leave
59.1 An employee is entitled to unpaid parental leave in accordance with this clause where they have completed 12 months of continuous service with the APS and has responsibility for the care of a new born child of the employee or adopts a child or accepts a child for long-term fostering.
59.2 Employees are entitled to take up to 52 weeks of unpaid parental leave, less any periods of paid maternity and parental leave types taken.
59.3 Parental leave must be taken in a single continuous period, subject to the NES provisions regarding concurrent leave with the employee’s partner during the first 8 weeks.
59.4 Parental leave is inclusive of public holidays and will not be extended because a public holiday or Christmas Closedown falls during a period of paid or unpaid maternity or parental leave.
59.5 Unpaid parental leave does not prevent an employee from taking any other kind of paid leave while he or she is taking unpaid parental leave (excluding the taking of personal/carer’s leave or compassionate and community service leave).
59.6 Where an employee takes another kind of paid leave while on unpaid parental leave, the taking of such leave will not break the continuity of parental leave and will not extend the 52 weeks of parental leave.
59.7 An employee entitled to a period of parental leave may apply for a further period of parental leave up to a maximum of a further 52 weeks (104 weeks in total). The second period of unpaid leave is to commence immediately following the initial 52 week leave period.
59.8 A period of unpaid parental leave does not count as service for any purpose. Supporting Partner Leave
59.9 An employee who is a parent but not the primary caregiver of a dependent child will be entitled to four weeks of paid supporting partner leave, which must be taken within 12 months, or another period as agreed with the Director, following the birth, adoption or fostering of a child.
59.10 Supporting partner parental leave can be taken concurrently with the primary carer’s period of parental leave.
59.11 An employee may elect to spread the payment for the four weeks of paid leave over a period of eight weeks. A maximum of four weeks of paid leave will count as service.
59.12 Supporting partners may also access up to four weeks of their accrued paid personal/xxxxx’s leave credits for the purpose of spending time with the child subject to the leave being taken within twelve months, or another period as agreed with the Director, following...
Parental and Maternity Leave. 1. A Leave of Absence without pay may be granted to a Teacher Aide or Teaching Assistant by the District with the recommendation of the Superintendent for the purpose of child-bearing or child-rearing for a period not to exceed two years.
2. A Teacher Aide or Teaching Assistant shall notify the District not less than three
Parental and Maternity Leave. 6.5.1 An Employee is entitled to the provisions contained in the NES.
6.5.2 In addition to the entitlement under the NES the Employer will pay an amount as follows:
(a) Where the Employee is to be the primary care giver, the employer will pay the equivalent of the difference between the applicable Government paid parental leave scheme and the Employees normal take home pay for a period of six (6) weeks.
(b) Where the Employee is not to be the primary care giver, the employer will pay the equivalent of the difference between the Government paid parental leave scheme and the Employees normal take home pay for a period of six (6) weeks.
6.5.3 To avoid all doubt, if the Government paid parental leave scheme ceases to exist the Employer will pay to the Employee the Employees normal take home pay for the periods set out above.