Training Schedule Sample Clauses

Training Schedule. Apprentices will receive training and on-the-job experience in areas listed in the Mechanical Department Locomotive Electrician Training Task & Performance Reference & Validation Booklet to cover all aspects of their trade at the point sufficient to enable them to perform their duties in an efficient and workmanlike manner. Insofar as practicable, on-the-job training and technical training will be on the same subject at the same time, time periods indicated are suggested guidelines only. It is recognized that because the facilities and work vary from point to point, the training schedules will vary accordingly in order to properly train the apprentice for the work most likely to be performed as a journeyman. The Local Chairman will be kept apprised of the apprentice’s training.
Training Schedule. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, the Employer reserves the right to change any employee’s schedule to accommodate training programs as follows:
Training Schedule. The Employer will develop and maintain a list of required training for each position. The list may be modified at the Employer’s sole discretion. This list will be provided to each employee prior to October 1st of each calendar year. The Employer will schedule required training with as much notice as possible. The Employer will endeavor to post an annual training plan prior to October 1st of each calendar year that outlines required training courses. Required training that does not require specialized instructors, texts, or resources shall be accomplished, if practical, on shift. The Employer will attempt to provide, where practical, a means to make up required training that is missed by an employee. It is the employee’s responsibility to make up the missed required training. The employer shall not incur additional overtime costs if an employee needs to make up required training that was missed due to reasons under the employee’s control. After all rounds of leave picks have been completed, the employer may utilize open leave slots to prevent overtime as a result of employee training.
Training Schedule. ITN's experience and industry leadership have shaped our approach to training for online booking technology to lead to quicker implementation, swifter employee acceptance and adoption, and faster realization of the benefits Company expects from the deployment of ITN Global Manager. ITN offers a unique modular approach to training, and directs training resources to three key audiences--Company's travel management administrators, designated agency operations staff and internal support desk. ITN can also assist with training Company's travelers and travel arrangers. This effort is managed by a program consultant in the Professional Services Organization who can determine the right training media and match these materials and programs to Company's culture and demographics. The program consultant can include a training plan as part of Company's implementation project plan. A typical training plan establishes dates for training to be conducted after initial configuration of the site and prior to launch for each targeted audience. Training for Company's travelers/travel arrangers requires a customized solution set that incorporates change management initiatives, train-the-trainer initiatives, and direct sessions where possible. This can be both pre- and post-launch, as well as an ongoing basis as Company tries to reach its adoption goals.
Training Schedule. (a) Within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the Effective Date, Bank of America shall finalize the training program, and shall commence initial training of its employees who serve the public in the areas of deposit accounts or consumer lending in branch locations (including branches located in other retailers' facilities) or the 24-Hour Telephone Customer Service regarding implementation of the Auxiliary Aids and Services Policy and Procedure. (b) Within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the Effective Date, Bank of America shall complete initial training of employees described above regarding implementation of the Auxiliary Aids and Services Policy and Procedure. (c) New employees hired after the Effective Date and after the date specified in section 6.4(b), who serve the public at branches in the areas of deposit accounts or consumer lending, or at the 24-Hour Telephone Customer Service shall receive training regarding implementation of the Auxiliary Aids and Services Policy and Procedure. Bank of America shall include annually an article or reminder notice about the Auxiliary Aids and Services Policy and Procedure in a publication circulated to its employees. (d) The training described in this section 6.4 shall include training regarding use, operation and location of Talking ATMs consistent with the schedule and locations for installation of such Talking ATMs.
Training Schedule. Apprentices will receive training and on-the-job experience in the below-listed aspects of their trade sufficient to enable them to perform their duties in an efficient and workmanlike manner, in accordance with a detailed program to be prepared and furnished to the General Chairman from time to time by the apprentice supervisor, and the response of the General Chairman will be given consideration with the view of upgrading the training programs. Insofar as practicable, on-the-job training and technical training will be on the same subject at the same time. It is recognized that because the facilities and work vary from point to point and seniority district to seniority district, the training schedules will vary accordingly in order to properly train the apprentice for the work he is most likely to be required to perform as a mechanic. These training schedules are not intended to change classification of work rules or jurisdictional practices.‌‌
Training Schedule. For all sworn employees who attend training that is four (4) or five (5) days in duration (a week), their schedules will be adjusted from the normal work week. Employees will not receive overtime during scheduled training as described here unless it exceeds their normal forty (40) or forty-four (44) hour workweek. Schedule adjustments will be documented in the notes section when making the timekeeping system entries.
Training Schedule. Section 1 The City may implement a work schedule that will allow completion of mandatory training with minimal impact on patrol shift and avoidance of overtime. Section 2 Each officer will be advised in writing of their training schedule at least two weeks in advance of their training day. Each officer will be provided at least eight hours between the beginning or end of their working shift and the beginning or end of their scheduled training day. Section 3 Officers participating in training shall not be eli9ible for any overtime payment because of the designated change in schedules for training. However, if officers participating in training do not receive at least eight hours off per Section 2, above, the hours worked in violation of Section 2, above, shall be paid at one and one-half times the officers regular rate of pay. Section 4 Schedule changes for voluntary training must be mutually agreed upon between the officer and his/her supervisor and will not result in overtime. Section 5 Employees shall submit written requests for training and tuition reimbursement in a timely manner. The City shall provide a written response to all submitted written training and tuition reimbursement requests within ten calendar days of the written request.
Training Schedule. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, employees assigned to training or attending a conference for at least three consecutive days, or held outside Jackson County, Oregon, may be placed on an eight-hour, five-day work schedule to accommodate the training schedule, and meal and rest periods will be as determined by the facilitator.
Training Schedule. The Northwoods project team and Xxxxxx HSSD Project Manager will develop a training schedule as a document separate from the Baseline Project Schedule. The training schedule will provide scheduled dates, timeframes, and locations for the proposed session.