Training and Tuition Reimbursement. The employer recognizes its responsibility to provide relevant training for each new employee and continue on- the-job training, and the need for its employees to keep abreast of technological advancements in the various fields related to State government.
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. Guidelines for reimbursement of training, tuition and book expenses for employees furthering their professional education or career development are provided in the Authority’s Policy and Procedures Manual.
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. Section 1. Each employee of the bargaining unit will receive reimbursement for tuition expenses at accredited schools up to a maximum of $150.00 per 3-credit course per semester and two such courses per year. Courses chosen must benefit the employee and the Employer and be approved by the Department Head.
Section 2. Employees shall receive a refund only for a passing grade.
Section 3. The Employer shall reimburse the bargaining unit employee for the credits, as set forth herein, within thirty (30) days of receiving the grades from the employee. If the employee does not remain for one year thereafter, the Employer shall be reimbursed by the employee.
Section 4. Nothing set forth herein shall affect the existing practice whereby employees, from time to time, are required by the Employer to take certain courses at the Employer’s expense. Nothing set forth herein shall affect the existing practice of in-service training whereby the Employer, from time to time, provides seminars and workshops.
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. A. The General Manager shall encourage training programs to further the competence of employees. Department Heads shall be responsible for the training of the individual employees in their departments, and may seek the advice and assistance of the General Manager, or his designated representative, as to format, materials and procedures for training.
B. Employees are encouraged to participate in suitable training programs to prepare themselves for advancement and to improve their ability to serve the public. The Town, in their sole discretion and to the extent possible, will provide training when adding new technologies to positions.
C. Any employee in the bargaining unit taking college courses which, in the sole discretion of the General Manager or his/her designee, directly relates to the employee’s current assignments, shall be eligible to be reimbursed for seventy-five percent (75%) of tuition cost and books when the school and course(s) are approved in writing by the General Manager or his/her designee in advance and the employee receives a “C” or better (“B” or better for graduate work) in such approved course(s). The determination of the General Manager or his/her designee shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. Notification of intent to take such course(s) and requests for approval must be made with enough notice, so that money can be properly budgeted. If said notice is not provided in a timely fashion, reimbursement may be delayed until the following fiscal year. Employees who leave the Town’s employ for any reason within three (3) years of being reimbursed under this Section, shall have deducted from any payout for which the employee is eligible under Article VIII, Section 8.1 A-C, the amount of reimbursement they have received under this Section. Any employee who is not eligible to receive payouts shall be required to repay all tuition reimbursement received if the employee leaves the Town’s employ for any reason other than layoff within three (3) years of being reimbursed under this Section. Authorization to deduct monies from final pay will be sought from the employee and/or payments shall be made by the employee directly to the Town on a mutually agreed schedule.
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. 11.1 The City will make every reasonable effort to enable the employee to attend required in service training during the employee’s normal working hours. When necessary to attend in-service training with schedules different from the normal work schedule, a Lieutenant’s work schedule can be adjusted with forty-eight (48) hours notice to the Lieutenant.
11.2 Where the City requires any employee to attend supervisory training and/or training in specialized police techniques and/or any other job-related training, the City will make every reasonable effort to schedule the employee attending such training during his normal working hours. When necessary to attend training classes with schedules different from the normal work schedule, a Lieutenant’s work schedule can be adjusted.
11.3 This Article shall not in any manner apply to any training required by the Florida Police Standards Board to re-obtain Police Lieutenant certifications for purposes of employment with reinstatement to the Department in the event that such certification shall have lapsed, expired, and/or terminated.
11.4 Subject to budgetary constraints and the availability of funds, the City agrees to reimburse the employee for tuition (excluding fees categorized as “other fees”) up to two (2) approved classes per semester (fall, summer, spring). The employee will be reimbursed at the Daytona State College (DSC) rate. The City will reimburse the employee for tuition (excluding fees categorized as “other fees”) for graduate course work at the rate of one half (1/2) the cost of tuition for graduate course work at the University of Central Florida (UCF) rate, regardless of where the courses are taken. Courses will be paid on a reimbursement basis with proof of payment and grade. The City will require each employee to remain in the service of the City for one
(1) year after completion or termination of the most recent class paid for by the City or the employee will be required to reimburse the City for the costs of tuition unless the employee is terminated by the City. The obligation will begin on the day after the school semester is completed. The decision for approval or disapproval of courses is not subject to the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement. The employee shall not be reimbursed by the City if the course is not passed with a grade of “C” or better or a passing grade on a pass/fail system or if grades are not received within three (3) months after the completion of the cours...
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. All required training and certification costs will be paid by Tri-Com. The following types of training are offered to employees:
A. In-Service Training - Training conducted during working hours on an individual or group basis to improve skills, introduce new techniques, and/or keep abreast of developments in the telecommunications field. Employees will receive a two (2) hour minimum for off-hours training completed on duty days and a four (4) hour minimum payback for training completed on an employee’s regular day off.
B. Specialized Training - Attendance at vocational, technical or professional training programs directly related to Tri-Com functions.
C. Academic Instruction - Completion, by correspondence, internet instruction or classroom attendance, of course work provided by an accredited educational institution beyond the high school level, must bear a relationship to Tri-Com functions and/or the improvement of the employee's job-related skills and abilities. Tri-Com will put out a list of approved curriculum and any courses not listed will be at the discretion of the Executive Director. For approved academic courses, the employee will be reimbursed 100% of the cost of tuition, registration fees, books and other fees incidental to the course, charged by the educational institution upon presentation of receipts for the reimbursable expenses. Tri-Com shall have authority to decide whether or not to fund the tuition reimbursement program in each fiscal year. Tri-Com will announce whether the tuition reimbursement program will be funded no later than May 1 of each year. Employees are encouraged to let Tri-Com know by December 31 whether they plan to apply for the tuition reimbursement program in the following year to increase the chances that the program will be funded.
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. The Township and Union recognize the need for the development and training of qualified employees to fulfill the Township’s needs to maintain operations, quality and service. The Township shall reimburse union employees for the cost of tuition incurred by them for job related courses, which are approved by the Department Head, the Business Administrator and the Mayor. The course must be taken at any accredited institution of learning, including courses taken which re at vocational and technical centers of learning, including State Agencies. The employee must receive a passing grade.
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. A. The Township has a policy of encouraging self improvement and shall support a training assistance program for its employees based on job related requirements.
B. Employee requests for tuition reimbursement must be submitted for approval to the department head to determine job relevancy and availability of funds. All requests for training and reimbursement must be approved by the Township Administrator prior to employee enrollment in any course of program.
C. Employee requests for training courses or seminars, which are substantially pertinent to job content and duties, must be approved by the Township Administrator prior to enrollment in the training course if the cost exceeds $500.00. The Township shall pay the fee for such courses directly to the institution.
D. The Township shall pay the fee for the grant or renewal of any special licenses, which the employee is required by law to have in the performance of the duties and responsibilities specified in the job classification.
E. When using one’s personal vehicle for Township business, the Township shall reimburse the employee in accordance with IRS mileage.
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. Employer-Initiated Training
Training and Tuition Reimbursement. Section 1. All training required of the sergeant by the Police Department when off duty will be compensated at time and one half, except for training or travel activities that are off site and considered to be seminars, conferences, and special programs where expenses incurred are paid for by the City.