UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. During the term of this Agreement the Corporation agrees to deduct Union dues at a rate in accordance with any schedule as certified to the Corporation by the Union either:
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. The City agrees that all Union members shall be permitted to pay dues through payroll deductions, provided that such members shall individually and voluntarily certify, in writing, that they authorize such deductions on a form provided by the Union for this purpose. Employees desiring to withdraw their payroll deduction authorization shall provide a written request to the City and the Union during the thirty (30) to forty- five (45) day period prior to the expiration date of collective bargaining agreement. Deductions will stop within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request.
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. Employer will deduct from the wages and remit to the Union, the regular monthly Union dues and fees of such Union members who shall authorize such deduction in writing. Deductions shall be made from each pay of the employee in an amount certified by the Union. In the event an employee’s pay is insufficient for the deduction, Employer will deduct the amount from the employee’s next regular pay where the amount earned is sufficient.
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. During the term of this Agreement the Corporation agrees to deduct Union dues at a rate in accord with any schedule as certified to the Corporation by the Union. Beginning with the effective date of this Agreement for every present employee. Beginning with the first day of employment of every new employee. All said deductions, payable to the Canadian Media Guild, shall be remitted no later than seven calendar days following the end of each pay period. Dues deducted from supplementary payments made during the calendar month shall be remitted no later than the of the following month. Memorandum of Agreement Unit One Article The Corporation will permit reasonable access to its premises by the accredited Union representatives to enable them to observe whether the provisions of this Collective Agreement are being complied with. If the visit involves entry into restricted areas, arrangements can be made when notification is given. The Union will conduct its affairs on Corporation premises in a manner that causes no production or employee interference. Meetings may be held on Corporation premises subject to space being available and at the discretion of management. Permission will not be unreasonably withheld. At each location the Corporation shall delegate Union bulletin boards in suitable places on its premises for the posting of Union announcements regarding meetings, elections, negotiations, Union policies and positions, and internal affairs of the Union. The Union will not post material considered damaging to Union/Management relationships. Union postings may be placed on other bulletin boards when by the Local responsible for Industrial and Talent . Relations or the approved delegate.. At the time of the ratification vote of Collective Agreement, operational requirements permitting, the Corporation shall allow a period not exceeding one hour to be taken during work hours to enable employees to vote. Subject to space available and at management’s ‘discretion, elections of Union officers may be held on the premises of the Corporation. The Corporation may allow employees to vote during . working hours and if they do so, time will be made up. In any event, employees ‘till be permitted to vote before and after their shifts and during meal and break periods. May Subject to operational requirements, leave without pay shall be granted to any employee duly to represent employees in order to attend executive committee meetings, Labour conventions, and other legitimat...
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. Employees shall tender the initiation fee (if any) and monthly membership dues (or agency service provision fees, if applicable), by signing the authorization form. During the life of this Agreement and in accordance with the terms of the form, the Employer agrees to deduct monthly union membership dues or agency service provision fees in accordance with the Constitution of the Union and this Agreement from the pay of each employee in the unit who executed such form and remit the aggregate amount to the Treasurer of the Union along with a list of employees from whom such dues or fees have been deducted. Such remittance shall be made by the 10th day of the month.
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. ‌‌ UNION DUES‌ All employees will be required to sign an authorization for dues assessment and initiation fee deductions at the time of hiring. A copy of this authorization shall be sent to the Union.
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. ‌ 1. The Employees may authorize payroll deductions for the purpose of paying Union dues. 2. Upon the execution of the proper payroll document and coinciding with the commencement of a payroll period, the City agrees to deduct from the wages of an Employee, on a biweekly or monthly basis, such sum as the Employee may specify. 3. Payroll will not deduct assessments or fines. 4. Each Employee shall have the right to terminate such payroll deductions at the end of any payroll period upon the timely execution of the proper payroll document. 5. The Union will indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless against any claims made and against any suits instituted against the City on account of any action taken or not taken by the City in good faith under the provisions of this Section. The Union agrees to refund to the City any amounts paid to it in error on account of the payroll deduction provision upon presentation of proper evidence thereof. 6. The Employee's earnings must be regularly sufficient after other legal and required deductions are made to cover the amount of the appropriate Union dues. When a member in good standing of the Union is in non-pay status for an entire pay period, no withholding will be made to cover the pay period from future earnings. In the case of an Employee who is in non-pay status during only part of the pay period, and the wages are not sufficient to cover the full withholding, no deductions shall be made. In this connection, all other legal and required deductions have priority over Union dues.
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. All employees are required to sign an authorization for dues deductions. This will allow a deduction from their pay cheques of the amount of the dues, levies and assessments payable to the Union by a member of the Union. The Lil’wat Nation will provide a copy of the authorization form, which has been forwarded by the Union, to each new employee. The Lil’wat Nation agrees to deduct the amount of the Union dues, levies and assessments payable to the Union by an employee in the Union’s bargaining unit. The Union will inform the Lil’wat Nation in writing of the amount to be deducted from each employee. The Union will advise the Lil’wat Nation in writing ninety (90) calendar days in advance of any change in the amount to be deducted. The Lil’wat Nation will remit such dues, levies and assessments to the Union within forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of deduction, together with a written statement listing the employee’s first name, last name, phone number provided by the employee, increment step, worksite name, and the pay periods covered, with start and end dates of the pay periods. The Lil’wat Nation will provide the dues report to the Union in either Microsoft Excel or .cvs format provided that it can be done so at no additional cost to the Lil’wat Nation. The Lil’wat Nation will supply each employee, without charge, a receipt for income tax purposes shown on the T4 slip in the amount of the deductions paid to the Union by the employee in the previous year. Such receipts will be provided to the employee prior to March 1 of the succeeding year. Deductions for levies and assessments will be a percentage of wages as prescribed by the Union.
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. UNION DUES‌ All employees will be required to sign an authorization for dues assessment and initiation fee deductions at the time of hiring. A copy of this authorization shall be sent to the Union. DEDUCTION OF DUES‌ The College shall deduct Union dues, assessment and initiations semi-monthly. The College shall remit the dues deducted to the Local Union Secretary Treasurer not less than once each month, with a written statement of names of employees for whom the deductions were made and the amount of each deduction. The College shall remit the said dues no later than the end of the following month.‌
UNION DUES AND DEDUCTIONS. The City agrees that all Union members shall be permitted to pay dues through payroll deductions, provided that such members shall individually and voluntarily certify, in writing, that they authorize such deductions on a form provided by the Union for this purpose. Employees desiring to withdraw their payroll deduction authorization shall do so a form provided by the Union. The Union will notify the City of the withdrawal in writing. Employees who withdraw their payroll deduction may do so only from thirty (30) days prior to, and twenty (20) days after the expiration of this contract, or during the fourteen (14) day period following execution of this contract.