Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. A. Any teacher employed in the District shall have the right to request transfer to a vacant position in another school building, or reassignment to a vacant position in a different subject area or grade level if the teacher has not been placed on a plan of improvement during the previous school year8. No voluntary transfers shall be granted any teacher during the school year.
B. The superintendent shall acknowledge promptly in writing the receipt of all requests for transfer or reassignment.
C. The following hiring procedure will be used when teachers from inside the District and outside the District are vying for the same position9:
1. The building principal will interview potential out-of-district applicants and select those who will proceed to the next round of interviews.
2. Teachers currently employed within the District shall forego the initial principal interview and will proceed to committee for further consideration.
3. Grade level teachers and/or subject matter teachers will be a part of the second round of interviews, along with the building principal.
4. Final determination will be made by the building principal with input from the committee.
D. Requests for transfers and reassignments shall be submitted to the Superintendent on the form set forth in Appendix C.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. An inter/intra classification change in job assignment requested by the Bargaining Unit Member.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. Initiated by either the Employee or the Employer with the consent of the Employee.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment a. A transfer is the movement of a unit member from one work location to a different work site.
b. A reassignment is the movement of a unit member from one subject area to another subject area or one grade level to another grade level at the same work location.
c. A unit member may submit a request for transfer subsequent to the posting of a vacancy notice pursuant to the posting procedure of this Article. When two (2) or more unit members apply for a vacancy and are equally credential qualified, seniority shall be the deciding factor in filling the vacancy.
d. A transfer request shall not be denied arbitrarily, capriciously or without basis in fact.
e. If a unit member’s request for a voluntary transfer is denied, the unit member shall be granted, upon request, a meeting with the administrator who denied the request to discuss the reasons for denial. The unit member may request and shall receive written reasons for the denial following said meeting.
f. If a unit member requests that his/her request for transfer be kept confidential, the matter will be treated as confidentially as practicable.
g. Unit members returning from leave shall be afforded all rights provided under this section.
h. Once vacancies are announced, the District shall hold a Job Faire at the District Office in order to allow as many credential qualified teachers as interested to transfer grades and/or sites should their credential allow this transfer. This job Faire would eliminate the 10-day advertisement requirement of 19.5.
i. Upon mutual agreement between the Association Leadership and the District, a job faire may be held with 3 days’ notice to all members should a vacancy occur during the contracted school year. Association members shall be notified by email with a copy of the posting. In addition, Association members shall be notified by text and/or phone. Association members may use another unit member to act as proxy during the Job Faire.
1) New jobs will be posted for everyone to see.
2) The unit member’s names will be read from the top of the seniority roster and continued downward.
3) When a unit member’s name is called, he/she may bid on the open position(s) for which they are qualified.
4) Each time a position comes open, that position is added to the list of available positions and the reading of the seniority roster returns to the top of the seniority roster.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. In the determination of assignments and transfers, the convenience and work of the employee shall be considered to the extent that these considerations do not conflict with the educational program. As to the employees who desire a transfer or reassignment, the following procedure shall be used:
1. Employment of any new employee for a specific position shall not be made until all those employees who have a pending request for transfer or reassignment to that position have been considered.
2. At least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the school year, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall notify, in writing and by personal conference, each employee whose request for transfer or reassignment was not granted and the reason(s) for not granting the request. Part time staff do not have a right for preferential hiring to increase their contract and will only be considered for transfer or vacancies that match or decrease their contracted time. To assure that employees are given consideration in filling any vacancies or newly created positions which occur at any time within the District, the following procedures shall be used:
a) All vacancies and new positions including summer school and extracurricular activities shall be publicized to the staff and Association through a written notice and shall be posted in each school and office and a copy sent to the Association's president and secretary, as far in advance of the date of the opening of any vacancy or new position as possible.
b) Said notice of vacancy or new position shall clearly state procedures and timeline and to whom the request for transfer is to be submitted.
c) All vacancies or new positions shall be filled on the basis of qualifications for the teaching position. Seniority will be a factor of consideration to the extent that such consideration does not conflict with the educational program of the District, as well as state and federal teacher qualification guidelines. (2008)
d) Before out-of-district hiring can occur, the District shall fill vacancies and new positions with their present teaching staff, provided that such actions do not conflict with the educational program of the District.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. 20.1.1 A unit member may submit a request for transfer/reassignment to the District at any time, whether or not a vacancy exists. A unit member may submit a request for a reassignment subsequent to the posting of a vacancy notice pursuant to the posting of this Article.
20.1.2 If two (2) or more unit members with appropriate credentials apply for reassignment, the administration shall review all applications. The rights of placement shall be the duty of the Superintendent. All applicants shall be given equal consideration. Seniority shall be the deciding factor if all qualifications are considered equal.
20.1.3 Transfer/reassignment shall not be denied arbitrarily, capriciously, punitively, or without educational basis.
20.1.4 If a unit member’s request for a voluntary transfer/reassignment is denied, the unit member shall be granted, upon request, a meeting with the administrator who denied the request to discuss the reason for the denial. The unit member may request and shall receive written reason for the denial following said meeting.
20.1.5 A unit member returning from an extended leave of absence shall be afforded those rights concerning reassignment as specifically defined at the time the leave was granted, as included in the contract.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. A faculty member may request a voluntary transfer or reassignment whenever a posted vacancy occurs.
11.2.1 Teachers may initiate the transfer/reassignment by submitting a written request to the District Personnel Office.
11.2.2 Applications for transfer/reassignment may be submitted at any time during the District’s regular office hours.
11.2.3 A transfer/reassignment application may be submitted in response to a particular opening that has been announced in the District.
11.2.4 The administration shall post notice of all known certificated vacancies. Such notice shall be posted in designated areas at each school site and through staff email, for no shorter than 5 business days. Notices shall include the position description, grade level or subject matter assignment, closing date and credential requirements.
11.2.5 Vacancies shall be filled as soon as possible after the closing date. Unselected applicants may request and receive from the District, appropriate notification of the candidate selected.
11.2.6 Vacant positions in the District’s faculty shall be posted internally and externally concurrently. Internal candidates that apply for a position, are qualified, and satisfy the program need may receive priority placement.
11.2.7 When a vacancy occurs and two (2) or more current faculty members apply for a vacant position, all criteria, below, will be considered in selecting the individual to fill the position.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. 11.3.1 When there is a posted vacancy, all unit members who indicate interest on the Transfer Request Form will be considered by the Director of Human Resources and the principal(s) of the school(s) involved. Unit members will have an opportunity to notify the District of interest in a specific posted position(s) by filing a Transfer Request Form with the Human Resources Department within five (5) work days of the posting date.
11.3.2 It is the responsibility of each unit member to indicate on the Transfer Request Form his/her interest in either a reassignment to a specific position(s); a desire to job share within the same school; or to transfer to a certain school(s) and /or specific positions for the next school year.
11.3.3 If a unit member already has a Transfer Request Form on file, it is not necessary to make a further application in order to be considered for any vacancy.
11.3.4 After the administrators involved have had sufficient time to review the unit members’ transfer requests, a decision to fill each vacancy will be made.
11.3.5 If two (2) or more unit members who are equally qualified apply for the same position, the unit member with the greatest seniority shall receive the transfer.
11.3.6 Each unit member who requested a specific transfer or reassignment will be notified by submitting the Transfer Request Form.
11.3.7 Unit members returning from leave shall be afforded all rights under this provision.
11.3.8 Unit members may only voluntarily transfer once each school year.
11.3.9 Once the transfers and reassignments have been determined (approximately April 15th), any remaining vacancies will be advertised both internally and outside the District. Unit members, as well as outside applicants, may apply and will be considered for any vacancy. The District will fill all remaining vacant positions as soon as practicable.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. 14.2.1 A unit member may submit a request for transfer/reassignment to the District at any time, whether or not a vacancy exists. A unit member may also submit a request for a transfer subsequent to the posting of a vacancy notice pursuant to the posting procedure of this Article.
14.2.2 Transfers shall be made by the Superintendent according to the needs of the District and the pupils therein, using the criteria in 14.2.
2.1 as a basis for making the decision. The Superintendent’s determination may be appealed to the Board. The Board’s determination on the matter shall be final. Reassignments shall be recommended by the principal and made by the Superintendent according to the needs of the District and the pupils therein. The educational needs of the District. Unit member meets certification requirements. Formal evaluation and/or recommendations.
Voluntary Transfer/Reassignment. A transfer is the movement of a unit member from one work location to another work location, or from one program to another program such as year-round education, restructured schools, or reconfiguration. A reassignment is the movement of a unit member from one subject area to another subject area, one grade level to another grade level, or from one configuration to another such as team teacher, restructuring, or other reconfiguration within the same worksite. Unit members who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment or who desire a transfer to another school site may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent not later than May 8. Such statement will include the grade and/or subject to which the unit member desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which he/she desires to be transferred, in order of preference. Transfer to another position shall be based upon a consideration of a change in the entire nature of the job, increased or reduced responsibilities, quality of work performed based on the unit member’s California Teachers Standards based evaluation and length of service in the District. If the unit member’s request for transfer is denied, the unit member shall be granted, upon request, a meeting with the administrator who denied the request to discuss the reasons for the denial. The unit member may be accompanied by a representative if he/she so desires. The unit member may request and shall receive written reasons for the denial following said meeting. A transfer request shall not be denied without basis in fact. If the unit member requests that his/her application for transfer be kept confidential, the supervisor at his/her worksite shall not be notified by the District of the application. Unit members returning from leave shall be afforded all rights provided under this section. Involuntary Transfer/Reassignment Unit members who are transferred/reassigned during the work year shall be allowed two days of paid release time for preparation prior to the effective date of the transfer/reassignment. The District shall provide assistance in moving a unit member’s material whenever a unit member is transferred/reassigned.