Admission and registration Sample Clauses
Admission and registration. 3.1. The candidates must fulfil the criteria for admission to the double PhD degree education, registration, training and examination at both universities and the respective faculty/school.
3.2. The candidates should undertake a joint research project with supervisors from both universities.
3.3. The candidates must meet the admission requirements at both institutions. The applicant is required to hold a master's degree. The application must contain a project proposal and progress plan. The application for admission to the double PhD degree education is to be evaluated and decided upon by the faculty to which the candidate will be affiliated at UiB and [add equivalent formulation from partner institution].
Admission and registration. If accepted the candidate will first register at universities involved in the agreement and then at the partner university. On the application forms for partner institutions and UiB respectively, the candidate must specify that he/she wishes to register for the joint doctoral education according to this agreement. The application must be recommended by potential supervisors at the universities. If a PhD candidate wishes to register for the joint PhD education according to this agreement after first having been registered only at one university, this must be done no later than one year after the candidate has been admitted to the university where s/he was first enrolled.
Admission and registration. 2.1. holder of a master’s degree or equivalent in field/subject from [school/unit] fulfils all the conditions for admission to PhD studies in both institutions and the respective faculty/school.
2.2. Upon admission to the double PhD degree education, the candidate must have secured financing for the full 3 years of PhD education.
2.3. At name of institution, the candidate will be affiliated with the faculty/school and department. At name of institution, the candidate will be affiliated with the faculty/school and department.
2.4. is to be admitted firstly at XXX and secondly at XXX
2.5. The candidate will have to pay the registration fee at XXX, with a registration fee exemption at UiB.
2.6. The admission of the candidate to PhD education in both institutions is based on the funding: [Name of PhD research fellowship/student scholarship.]
Admission and registration. The Student declares that she/he fulfils the admission and selection criteria, and that she/he meets the admission procedure and registration that are mentioned on the MASTED programme website (xxxxx://xxxxxx.xx). The Student declares that she/he has provided authentic information to the best of her/his knowledge during the application and registration periods. The Student commits herself/himself to obtain all the legal document (valid passport, residence permit, etc) that she/he needs to develop properly, and in accordance with the legal and academic applicable frameworks, all the activities related on her/his individualised study track. The Student hereby commits to accept the study place in the MASTED programme and to attend the MASTED courses with the objective of successfully passing the prescribed coursework and examinations inherent in the programme of studies. The Student will complete the assignments and participate in all examinations, unless in the case of justified reasons, which she/he must serve written notice on the Consortium as soon as she/he knows it. The Student commits to register as a regular student at the Universidad xx Xxxxxx for the complete master, and at one of the five partner Universities for the compulsory and optional mobilities that she/he selects according to the individualised study track attached as Annex 1. The Student will benefit from all rights guaranteed to regular students and she/he will have the same obligations and duties of the Consortium’s university where she/he attends courses, in terms of academic, administrative and financial aspects. The Student must pay the tuition fees2 (€4 500 in total for EU students and €9 000 in total for non-EU students) according to the schedule below or accept the deduction of that amount out the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship according to Xxxxx 2 to this agreement. 2 The tuition fee coverages registration fees, management fees, awarding of diplomas and joint diploma supplement, private insurance cover for all medical expenses and repatriation, and all other costs for obligatory course modules/training/seminars. Reservation XX/XX/XXXX 450 for EU students 900 for non-EU students SEMESTER 1 XX/XX/XXXX 675 for EU students 1 350 for non-EU students
Admission and registration.
2.1 You can accept an offer of a place to study at WUC by following the steps set out in your Offer Letter. Your Offer Letter will also identify whether your offer is subject to you meeting specific conditions. Further information on how we assess applications to study at WUC can be found in our Admissions Policy: xxxxxxx.xx.xx/XX-Xxxxxxxxxxx-&-Xxxxxxxx.
2.2 On acceptance of an offer and fulfilment of any conditions set out in the offer, you will be entitled to register with WUC for the academic year set out in the offer. We will ask you to read, review and agree to this Higher Education Student Agreement again when you register at WUC. You must register with WUC no later than the deadline set out in your registration and induction letter; failure to do so means that you may not be permitted to register.
2.3 WUC is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible environment and to meeting its obligations under the Equality Xxx 0000. In order to ensure that we can implement any reasonable adjustments needed for you to access our services during the admissions process and/or your programme, you must notify us of any disability, long term physical or mental health condition or learning difficulty at the earliest opportunity. Any information you provide will be treated sensitively and processed by Learner Services in accordance with our Privacy notice and other data privacy policies.
2.4 You may not be permitted to register with WUC if:
a. it is discovered that you have provided incorrect or misleading information to WUC;
b. you are unable to demonstrate to WUC’s satisfaction that you have the right to study in the United Kingdom;
c. you fail to pay the required tuition fees, or fail to provide information regarding payment of tuition fees, as determined by the Higher Education Fees and Refund Policy; or
d. you fail to meet any of the conditions set out in your Offer Letter.
2.5 All continuing students are required to register (“re-enrol”) with WUC on an annual basis, normally during the months of August-September. Failure to re-enrol by the published deadline might mean that you are unable to continue your studies during the next academic year.
2.6 You may not be permitted to re-enrol with WUC if:
a. you have an outstanding tuition fee debt or have otherwise contravened the terms of the Higher Education Fees and Refund Policy;
b. you have been withdrawn from WUC, either through failure to meet the required academic standards or by contravening one or mor...
Admission and registration. The mission of the Catholic school, as is the mission of SSPP, is an extension of the evangelizing mission of the Catholic Church. SSPP School is a Roman Catholic School and it adheres to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. All Christians and non-Christians are welcomed where openings exist. The school does not discriminate against students on the basis of race, sex, or national origin. All students participate in the religious education program in the school, which includes respectful attendance at prayer and worship celebrations, as well as participation in the religious instruction. SSPP admits students desirous of a Catholic education and whose educational and physical needs can be met by the school, through reasonable accommodation. Although PL 94-124 guarantees a “free and appropriate education” in public schools, Catholic schools are not bound by that law. Catholic schools are, therefore, not required to meet every need of every child. The school administration makes the final determination on the school’s ability to meet those needs. Students with Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) must provide that IEP at time of application to enter the school. At that time, the school will determine the school’s ability to provide services required by the IEP. All children will be considered for acceptance. Parents must submit copies of report cards and test scores (excluding NYS test scores) at the time of application. No student will be accepted to the school until all records have been submitted to SSPP. These records will be reviewed to determine whether the program at SSPP School will meet the educational needs of the student. An interview with the parent and student (grades 1-8) is part of the admission process. The requirements for admission to SSPP are as follows: • A child must be of legal school age to enter Kindergarten. The entrance age for Kindergarten is 5 years old ON or BEFORE December 1st of the entering year. Pre- K 4 students must be 4 years old ON or BEFORE December 1st of the entering year. • New York State requires that a child be immunized and proof of immunization must be presented at registration (see Health Regulations). In decisions about admission: • Families registered at SSPP Parish or other Catholic parishes that do not have a school are given preference. • Families registered at parishes with Catholic schools and families with no parish affiliation are accepted at the non-parishioner tuition rate. Registration for school i...
Admission and registration. 1. Mr/Ms… is to be admitted as a doctoral candidate at the partner institution: [school unit] Mr/Ms… is also to be admitted as a doctoral candidate at the department, University of Bergen. The candidate must meet all formal requirements for admission to doctoral studies in both institutions. The candidate must register in both institutions, but with a registration fee exemption in one of the institutions during the period of joint supervision. The candidate will have to pay the registration fee at partner institution, with a registration fee exemption at the University of Bergen during the period of joint supervision.
2. Ms/Xx xxxxxx of a Master Degree or equivalent in field/subject from [school/unit] fulfils all the conditions for admission to doctoral studies in both institutions.
3. The admission of the candidate to doctoral studies in both institutions is on the basis of the funding of the doctoral candidate by funding scheme: [PhD research fellowship/student scholarship].
Admission and registration. The selection committee of the consortium will analyse applicants and propose a ranking as a function of their merits. The first 25 applicants in the list will be admitted to the program, the rest will be in a waiting list. Without prejudice to high academic standards, in order to ensure geographical diversity among students, the Consortium shall respect the following basic criteria when selecting students for an Erasmus scholarship. For countries with very large population such as China and India, a maximum of three grants can be allocated. For the rest of the countries, the maximum of grants is two. On admission, student will register for the first-year Programme at the entrance institution (US-ES) and will also register in UniPD-I for path 1 and UniCT-I for path 3, and for the second year at UNICAEN-F for all paths. Registration at each institution will follow the institution’s normal registration rules. All the Spanish universities will give at least one subject during year 1. Students will travel to Madrid and Barcelona to receive the classes in the university.
Admission and registration. To apply for admission to St. Xxxx School, compliance with scholastic demands and standards and the ability to meet financial responsibilities are required. Children applying for Kindergarten must be five years old on or before August 31. Children applying for grade 1 must be six years old on or before August 31. All new pupils must present birth certificates, baptismal certificates, and immunization records. We assess the readiness of a student’s capability to perform the work of a given grade by testing and by reviewing the academic records of the previous school. Registration will begin around Catholic Schools Week in late January. Churches of neighboring parishes will include the date in their announcements. Re-registration will be completed by February vacation. All application forms may be found on the website ( under the Admissions tab. St. Xxxx does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, age or physical handicap.
Admission and registration. 9.1 Prior to midday two business days (being any day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a bank holiday in the United Kingdom) before the Subscription Date, Barclays shall procure to be delivered to the FSA a duly completed application for the Subscription Shares to be admitted to the Official List in accordance with the Listing Rules and to be admitted to trading on the market for listed securities of the Exchange and shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that Admission takes place on the Subscription Date.
9.2 Barclays shall procure that the Registrar will, without delay on the day of Admission, effect the registration of the nominee referred to in Clause 8, as the holder of the Subscription Shares and shall procure that the Subscription Shares are credited to the account or accounts in the CREST System as specified by the Investor (without charging any registration or administration fee). If in the reasonable opinion of Barclays it is impracticable for the Subscription Shares to be admitted to the CREST System, Barclays may issue the Subscription Shares in certificated form to the Investor (or to such nominee as it shall direct in writing).