ARTICLE DURATION. The term of this Agreement shall be from October to September and thereafter from year to year unless or until either party gives notice in writing to bargain during the three (3) month period preceding the date of its termination. This Collective Agreement, during its term, may be amended from time to time by mutual agreement, in writing, of the parties. Any notice or correspondence to be given by either party concerning this Agreement shall be considered sufficiently given if mailed (prepaid and certified), and delivered, delivered by courier, or sent by facsimile transmission addressed, in the case of the Employer to: in the case of the Union to: Superintendent of School President Halifax Regional School Board Alderney Drive Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union Xxxxxx Avenue Dartmouth, with a copy to the Employee Relations Officer assigned to the Local. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this agreement this 30th Day of November, at Dartmouth in the Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia. Signed on behalf of the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union: Signed on behalf of the Halifax Regional School Board: President Board Chair SCHEDULE WAGE RATES School Based Secretaries, and Teacher Resource Centre Secretaries, Central Office Print Room Technician and Mail Room Clerks 1/05 Rate Increase Increase Increase New Rate Step Step Step3 Step Step Central Office Department Secretaries, Booking Clerks, Payroll Clerks and Finance Clerks 1/05 Rate 1/05 Increase 1/05 New Rate 1/06 Increase 1/06 New Rate 1/07 Increase 1/07 New Rate APPENDIX B EXCLUSIONS LIST The following positions are not included in the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union bargaining unit: Superintendent Directors Coordinators Managers Purchasing Manager Regional Accounting Service Manager System Manager (Research and Technology) Payroll Supervisor Communications Officer General Counsel Human Resource Services Generalists Secretary to the Board Executive Secretary to the Superintendent Secretary to the Communications Officer Secretary to the Coordinator of Race Relations, Cross Cultural Understanding and Human Rights Legal Services Secretary Legal Services Negotiations Assistant Secretaries to Executive Directors Secretaries to the Human Resource Services Department Persons represented by another Bargaining Agent Persons excluded from any other Bargaining Unit Persons excluded by paragraphs (a) and of Subsection (2) of Section ...
ARTICLE DURATION. This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from January to and including December and shall thereafter be automatically renewed from year to year unless either party notifies the other of its desire to change, modify or terminate the Agreement. Either party desiring to change, modify or terminate this Agreement must notify the other party in writing at least sixty (60) and no more than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement or any year in which notice of change or termination is given.
ARTICLE DURATION. The patties agree that this Agreement shall be effective from inclusive and thereafter from year to year unless within three 3)months immediately preceding the expiry of this Agreement, written notice of intention to negotiate is given by either party to the other party. This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent. This Agreement made in duplicate and signed the day of Level Job Title Instrumentation Technician Electrician Assistant Instrumentation Technician Plum Mechanic Cabinetmaker Assistant Xxxxxxxxx Painter General Maintenance Worker Labourer (temporary) Cleaner Employees shall progress through the step system annually effective the first pay period following the completion of each year's service until the maximum of their range has been reached. The Lead Hand of the General Maintenance Workers will receive a premium of per hour on top of his regular rate of pay. The Window Washer will receive a premium of per hour on top of his regular rate of pay. When one or more employees perform work as an assistant window washer, they will receive a premium of per hour for the amount of hours worked in this function. Continuing and part-time Lead Hands /hour Continuing and part-time Cashiers Part-time Parking Attendants (up to hours worked for the Corporation) Parking Attendants (over hours worked for the Corporation) Lead hands on evenings and weekends shall be appointed by the Employer on as needed basis and will be compensated at the lead hand rates. Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Dear Sir: This will authorize you to deduct such amount from my salary as may be authorized by the Union and to forward this amount on my behalf to the Public Service Alliance of Canada. I am sending you this letter in duplicate, one copy for your files and one copy to be returned to the Public Service Alliance with the deduction. Yours very truly, (Employee's signature) Please print employee's name am to When necessary, two (2) general maintenance workers will be assigned to cleaning the garage on a night shift (Oh to am). Each change in scheduling will be for a minimum period of five days, from Monday to Friday, and will be posted five working days prior to the scheduled dates. This paragraph only applies from December to March of each fiscal year. SAMPLE DE DE TRAVAIL M TU WE V S D V S D M V S D SA SA SA M WE SA HOUR TRAVAIL DE ) de M TU WE V S D V S D L
ARTICLE DURATION. This Agreement shall become effective on the 1st day of January, and shall remain in force and effect until the day of December, and from year to year thereafter unless notice that amendments are required shall be given in accordancewith the provisions of Article hereof.
ARTICLE DURATION. The term of this Agreement shall be from May to April and it shall continue in effect thereafter unless either party shall furnish the other with a notice of termination or proposed revision of this Agreement within one hundred and twenty (120) days of April or in any like period in any third year after. The Parties agree that if this Collective Agreement continues in force after April in accordance with the terms of this Article and/or in accordance with statute, then the terms and conditions of this Collective Agreement shall automatically be deemed to be the terms and conditions of the Council's then current standard Sewer and Watermain Collective Agreement.
ARTICLE DURATION. This Agreement shall continue in effect until March and shall remain in effect from year to year thereafter unless either party gives the other party written notice of termination or desire to amend the Agreement. Notice that amendments are required or that either party desires to terminate this Agreement may only be given within a period of ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement or to any anniversary of such expiration date. If notice of amendment or termination is given by either party, the other party agrees to meet for the purpose of negotiation within thirty (30) days after the giving of notice, if requested to do so. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, in the event the parties to this Agreement agree to negotiate for its renewal through the process of central bargaining, the Participating Hospitals and the Ontario Nurses' Association will meet to determine the procedures to be followed.
ARTICLE DURATION. This agreement shall become effective on ratification and shall remain in full force and effect until March Either party may give notice in writing to the other party within a period which shall not be more than ninety (90) days, nor less than thirty (30) days, prior to the date of expiry, of its intention to terminate the agreement or seek amendments thereto. In the latter case, the present agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the next agreement is signed. Negotiations shall commence within fifteen (15) days of the giving of notice by either party. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors, administrators, executors and assigns. Dated at this day of For the Company For the Union Xxx Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxx Van Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxx COMPANY RATES OF PAY HOURLY RATES OF PAY Lead Hand Toronto Montreal Highway Hourly Toronto Montreal Based Highway Mileage Local Tractor April March Toronto Montreal Local Tractor Dock Toronto Montreal Dock Dock (If qualified and bid to shunt and deliver locally) Toronto Montreal Qualified Dock Dock Helper Gatekeeper General Helper Mechanic “ A Mechanic Lead Hand Mechanic Semi Skilled Drivers on the bid. Drivers on Long commercial vehicles will be paid at an hourly rate and a mileage rate which is higher than the Highway hourly and mileage rates while performing work. The hourly rate shall be paid for all non running time spent on such work and will be calculated using the Highway hourly rate at the driver’s home terminal. Drivers on will be considered Highway Drivers and switches at Quaker Oats Peterboroughand Quaker Oats Trenton will be paid at per switch. The Company may introduce incentive plans to some or all of the employees providing payments related to work performance. However, notwithstandingthe introduction of such plans, it is agreed that no employee working under an incentive plan will receive less gross pay, as calculated over a pay period, than would have been payable under the mileage and hourly rates in this agreement. The Company may, from time to time, post specific new or additional jobs or runs to be paid on a flat rate basis. No incumbent Employee or Broker will be required to take such job. Incumbent Employees or Brokers bidding such job will have working days to evaluate the work and, if they choose to do so, to return to the position they occupied prior to bidding the flat rate job. performing any flat rated job bid the Broker shall also receive the appr...
ARTICLE DURATION. This Agreement shall remain in effect from January until December and shall continue from year to year upon the expiration of that term unless either party gives to the other party notice in writing at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date in each year that it desires its amendment.
ARTICLE DURATION. This Agreement shall continue in effect until March and thereafter from year to year unless either party gives the other party written notice of their desire to amend the agreement. Notice of intent to amend this Agreement shall be given by either party to the other in writing within a period of ninety (90) days prior to the expiry date and negotiations with respect thereto shall normally begin within sixty (60) days after filing notice to bargain for a new amended Collective Agreement. DATED AT Kitchener, Ontario this day of FOR THE HOSPITAL FOR THE UNION The parties hereby recognize and share the concern that employees may face situations of violence or abuse in their personal lives that may affect their attendance or performance at work. The parties agree that when there is adequate verification from a recognized professional (i.e. doctor, lawyer, professional counselor), an employee who is in an abusive or violent personal or domestic situation will not be subjected to discipline without giving full consideration to the facts in the case of each individual and the circumstances surrounding the incident otherwise supportive of discipline. This statement of intent is subject to a standard of good faith on the part of the Employer, the Union and the affected employees and will not be utilized by the Union or the employees to subvert the application of otherwise appropriate disciplinary measures. Such information will be treated in a confidential manner by the Employer and the Union unless required by law to report. DATED this day of FOR THE HOSPITAL FOR THE UNION
ARTICLE DURATION. This Agreement shall remain in effect until and including March and shall be automatically renewed from year to year thereafter, unless either party notifies the other party in writing of its desire to amend or terminate this Collective Agreement. Notice of intent to amend this Agreement shall be given by either party to the other in writing within a period of ninety (90) days prior to the expiry of the Agreement and negotiations with respect thereto shall begin within fifteen (15) days after filing notice to bargain for a new Collective Agreement.