COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. The Trustees shall have full authority by majority vote with equal representation on both sides to carry out the declaration of trust provided for each fund noted between the Employers and the Union of New Brunswick Pipe Trades association and to make such rules and regulations as the trustees of the above noted funds deem necessary for the successful operation of same. I Each of the funds referred to in sections and shall be governed by and administered pursuant to separate trust agreements which shall be subject to the approval of the Employer and the Union. Contributions whether by the Employer, or deducted from the employee, for the trust funds are for this specific purpose and will not be appropriated by the Employer to any other purpose. Contributions received after the 15th day of the month in which contributions were to be received will be declared delinquent and an assessment of three percent (3%) on all outstanding monies will be assessed and on the 16th day of every month following, the Employer will be assessed an additional three percent (3%) on all outstanding monies. The Pipe Trades Administration Office shall also notify the Business Manager of the Union in the area where the Employer is engaged in his business who may also take action by removing the Employees from the job site and such action will not be deemed a violation of this Agreement. Any Employer who is delinquent in any trust fund payment will be compelled to make payments on a weekly basis. The parties to this agreement agree that recovery of any default in payment by any Employer bound by this Collective Agreement of Trust Funds, Management Funds, Administration Funds or Union Dues may be pursued in a court of law and not through the grievance and arbitration provision of this Agreement at the option of the Board of Trustees. Such action may be commenced ten 0) days after a default in payment has occurred.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT the Employer and consumed during a short break on the Employer's time. Meals shall be provided as soon as possible after regular hours. If overtime is continued, meals and time off for eating will be allowed every four hours. Both parties agree that all fabrication will be done on the job site or in the Local Shop using members supplied by the Local, The Local Union reserves the right to refuse to handle, erect or install any fabricated material not done in accordance with sentence of this clause except for items which are classed as catalogue items. The and affiliated Local Unions reserve the right to refuse to handle, erect or install fabricated piping sent to the job that has not been fabricated by Building Trades Journeymen and Apprentices employed by an Employer under agreement with the United Association and its affiliated Local Unions except for items which are classed as catalogue items. Pipe hangers and pipe supports which require field dimensions will be done on the job site or in a Local Shop using members supplied by the Local. Pipe hangers and pipe supports and all other materials classed as catalogue items, such as clamps, etc., may be purchased from any source by the Employer. The installation and erection of such items shall be covered by the terms of this Agreement. All hanger rods, supports, etc. which require cutting, welding or threading shall be done on the job by Employees or in the Shop. When piping tool cribs and piping warehouses are established on a job site, a member of the Local Union shall be in charge of the checking of tools, pipe, equipment and materials. The Employer agrees to give every consideration to older or handicapped members to fill positions in tool cribs and warehouses on the job site. All and argon welding as required in connections with alloy piping shall be done by Local Union Members. This is in accordance with the award noted in the green book Joint Board Award Number September Where conditions on a job make it necessary, rain suits and rubber boots will be supplied at no charge to the employee. Such wet weather gear is to be returned to the Employer in good condition on termination of the employee, reasonable wear and tear or accidental damage accepted. On job sites, all loading, unloading, rigging, stocking and placement of piping, valves, pipe fittings, tanks and equipment shall be performed by members of the United Association.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. The Employer and Union agree not to discriminate for reasons of race, creed, colour, religion or place of origin.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. The parties agree that all funds specified above shall remain in full effect after the expiry date of this agreement until a new agreement is reached or until a strike or lockout is declared. A contractor who, not being signatory to this agreement but not working under the terms of this agreement because of being signatory to a national agreement, shall contribute to all of the funds in this section in exactly the same manner as if he were a provincial contractor and signatory to this agreement.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. All machines used for cutting, threading and bending pipe, all power tools, jacks, chain fails, etc. shall be operated by Journeymen or Apprentices, notwithstanding Article of this Agreement. Both parties agree that fabrication is a material and substantial part of this Agreement and that all pipe fabrication shall be fabricated on the job site or shop. Where the word "Shop" is used, it shall be deemed or defined as a pipe fabrication shop under an Agreement with the or Local Union which are part of this Agreement. Pipe hangers and pipe supports which require field dimensions for fabrication will be covered by the terms of this Agreement. When piping tool cribs or piping stock rooms are required on piping projects covered under the terms of this Agreement, the Employer agrees to give every consideration to United Association older or handicapped Employees to fill positions in such piping tool cribs and piping stock rooms. Journeymen, Pipefitters and Welders actually preparing, installing and welding chrome steel pipe requiring a higher degree of skill, shall be paid an additional twenty-five cents above the hourly rate.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. The Employer shall show all necessary vacation and holiday pay calculations and the net amount due on the employee’s weekly pay cheque. Payment of vacation and holiday pay and insurance funds shall be included in the employee’s weekly pay cheque. The following days shall be classed as holidays: New Years’ Day Victoria Day New Brunswick Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Good Friday Canada Day Labour Day Remembrance Day Boxing Day Holidays shall also include such days as may be proclaimed by the federal or provincial authority as a holiday. In the event that any such holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed the holiday.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining unit for all persons employed as Plumbers, Plumber Apprentices, Pipefitter, Pipefitter Apprentices, teamfitter, Steamfitter Apprentices, Welders, employed within the jurisdiction of the Local Unions party to this Agreement save and except those above the rank of Xxxxxxx on salary. While the Agreement continues to operate, no conditions of work separate and apart from the conditions set out in this Agreement shall be sought or condoned by the Local Unions party to this Agreement or by the New Brunswick Pipe Trades Association and no conditions of work separate and apart from the conditions set out in this Agreement will be sought or condoned by any member of the Mechanical Contractors Association of New Brunswick Inc. or Employers signatory to this Agreement. The Union and all its members recognize the Mechanical Contractors Association of New Brunswick Inc. as the sole collective bargaining agent for all member contractors and/or any other national contractor or contractors who require the services of the Union members in the Jurisdictional Area of the Local Unions party to this Agreement.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. The hourly rate of pay for Foremen shall be a minimum of two ($2) dollars above the journeyman hourly rate of pay. The hourly rate of pay for General Xxxxxxx shall be a minimum of three ($3) dollars above the journeyman hourly rate of pay. Any employee working on a swing stage, catwalk, scaffold, ladder or bosun's chair shall be paid fifty cents per hour over the regular rate or over the overtime rate of pay for the first ten (10) feet above fifty (50) feet and ten cents additional for each twenty (20) feet thereafter, or portion thereof. This clause shall only be applied where the man affected is working fifty (50) feet or more above the ground, temporary floor meeting requirements of safety officer of the Department of Advanced Education and Labour, or permanent flooring and shall be computed from whichever is higher. Wages are to be paid weekly by cash or by cheque. All cheques must be negotiable at par at the bank or banks. The Employer shall pay each Employee either in cash or cheque every week during the regular hours of work. All deductions must be clearly shown. If paid by cash, the Employee shall be paid on Friday. If paid by cheque, the Employee shall be paid on Thursday. If a holiday should fall on a Friday, then the Employee shall be paid by cheque on Wednesday or cash on Thursday. If cheques fail to arrive in time, then sufficient time or suitable arrangements must be provided to cash same at no expense to the Employee. Board, travelling time or any expense incurred in travelling shall not be deducted from the hourly rate of pay.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. If a holiday should fall on Friday the employee shall be paid by cheque on Wednesday or in cash by noon on Thursday. The pay period shall correspond to a consistent pay week being Sunday through Saturday, All cheques must be negotiable at par at the bank or banks nearest the job site or place of work. An earnings statement shall accompany each payment of wages giving the name of the Employer, the name of the employee, the date of payment and the work period corresponding to the payment. The statement shall show particulars of the number of hours worked at the regular, overtime, premium and other rates such as room, board and travel allowances, the gross amount of wages, the amount of vacation pay, the amount of the Employer’s and the employee’s share of the Union pension plan and the amount of the Employer’s share of the welfare plan. If payment is made by cheque, the earnings statement may be the cheque stub if the required information is set out on the stub. A monthly record of the accumulated hours to date, the nature of each deduction or check-off to be issued to the employees.
COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT. The Employer will deduct from the Employee's wages the sum of fifty cents ($0.50) for the Pipe Trades Fund and the sum of five cents ($0.05) for the Building Trades Fund for every hour worked by the Employee. U. Payment of wages and remittances of funds shall be in accordance with the Agreement Residential Wage Package for a Journeyman January to December Hourly Wage Vacation Pay Group Insurance Pension Training Fund Industry Fund Fund Pipe Trade Trade TOTAL EMPLOYEE HOURLY RATE TOTAL PAID BY EMPLOYER COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT LOCAL APPENDIX FROM: TO: RE: United Association Local Union Mechanical Contractors Association of Inc. Enabling of Appendix A, Article B During the most recent negotiations for the renewal of the Collective Agreement covering Commercial work in the Local jurisdiction we discussed ways to increase market share in the area of multiple unit residential complexes. With the understanding that Appendix A to the above agreement is in place to cover residential work we, Local do hereby agree to invoke the use of Article of the Collective Agreement, to enable, until further notice, the expansion of the definition of residential construction as found in Article B of the aforementioned Appendix A. The expanded definition would not limit the Appendix to construction of four-unit apartments but would include all apartment buildings provided they are being constructed for private residential purposes. The definition will not be extended to cover institutional dwellings such as nursing homes and senior citizens complexes. Contractors wishing to use this expanded definition when tendering a project are required to notify the Business Manager at least hours in advance of the tender closing. Signed and Dated 28th day of January, Xxxx Business Manager Local COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT LOCAL APPENDIX Signed this day of March in Fredericton, On behalf of Local On behalf of the Mechanical Contractors Association of COMBINED COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT LOCAL APPENDIX