Earned Time Off Sample Clauses
Earned Time Off. (a) Earned time off is to be considered as a "straight-time" credit and will be scheduled off by mutual agreement based on operational requirements. Such time off shall be scheduled by October 31 of each year.
(b) If earned time off cannot be scheduled by mutual agreement by October 31 of each year, then the Employer, at his option, may schedule the employee for such time off or provide to the employee a cash payment in lieu of such time off at the double-time rate.
Earned Time Off. Employee will be provided with earned time off and twelve (12) paid holidays each year in accordance with the Company’s policies and practices in effect from time to time. Notwithstanding any contrary policy or practice, however, Employee will be credited with a minimum of twenty-five (25) days of earned time off per year.
Earned Time Off. (a) The annual work schedules may incorporate “seasonal periods”. The seasonal periods shall not exceed a total of 10 months. For the purpose of the Agreement, the terms “seasonal period” shall be considered to be the traditional seasonal period of increased activity for the Employees involved.
(b) Employees in service areas, and/or departments mutually agreed upon by the Parties, may elect seasonal hours of work provided that the number of consecutive days worked does not exceed 14.
(c) Where operational requirements preclude all Employees from making this election, seniority shall be the determining factor.
(d) Where, surplus days are to be scheduled, they shall be scheduled during the non-seasonal part of the annual schedule.
(e) All Employees selecting hours of work pursuant to 13.11 shall schedule their annual vacation entitlement during the non-seasonal period to which their surplus days shall be attached.
(f) Where operational or other requirements preclude either the scheduling of all surplus days or the Employees’ full vacation entitlement during the non- seasonal period, the following shall apply:
(1) the balance of the annual vacation entitlement shall be scheduled in accordance with Clause 17.5 (Vacation Schedules) or carried over pursuant to Clause 17.11 (Vacation Carryover); and/or
(2) the balance of earned surplus days shall be scheduled during the seasonal period subject to operational requirements and to any vacation entitlement arising from preference gained by seniority; and/or
(3) the balance of earned surplus days shall be attached to the following annual vacation leave or paid out at the Employee’s option.
Earned Time Off. 34.01 Full-time Employees (permanent and long-term) are eligible to participate in the Earned Time Off (ETO) schedule. Participation is voluntary and is subject to management approval.
34.02 Full-time Employees who participate in the ETO schedule work seven hours and thirty-five minutes per day to earn one (1) day off per month.
34.03 An ETO day is taken in the 1st full month after it is earned.
34.04 ETO days may not be banked at the Employee’s discretion but may be rescheduled subject to mutual agreement.
34.05 Either party may withdraw from the ETO schedule by providing notice as per Article 21.04.
Earned Time Off.
2 9.1 General Provisions Earned time off (ETO) provides compensated time off 3 for absences at times that the nurse would otherwise work. ETO supersedes and is in 4 lieu of provisions for vacations, holidays, and sick leave, except as specifically referred 5 to below. ETO is paid time off from work to be used for any personal absence the nurse 6 wishes in lieu of sick, vacation and holiday in accordance with this Article.
Earned Time Off. Accrual Rates and Schedule o Earned Time Off accrual rates will be increased by 24 hours annually per tier effective first pay period following execution of this LOA.
Earned Time Off. Section 1. Employees shall accrue earned time off (ETO) according to the following schedule: 0 through 5 .0616 6 through 12 .0808 13 years and over .1001
Section 2. ETO hours begin accruing with the first day of employment but they are not credited and are not available for use until after the completion of the probation period.
Section 3. The maximum accrual of ETO is 420 hours. Once an employee's ETO bank reaches 420 hours the employee will be paid for any ETO earned above that amount. Any hours over 420 must be used or will be lost.
Section 4. ETO may be used for vacations, personal leave or for sickness of the employee or her/his family.
Section 5. Vacation schedules shall be arranged on the basis of seniority and shall be mutually agreed to by the employees and the Employer. Vacation requests will be responded to within seven (7) days following the date of the request. Once approved the vacation date will only be changed by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer.
Section 6. Employees who become entitled to bereavement pay while on ETO will be paid bereavement pay and their accrued ETO adjusted accordingly.
Section 7. If a holiday occurs while a full time employee is on ETO the employee will receive holiday pay and will not have to use her/his ETO.
Section 8. Upon termination of employment, any unused ETO credit shall be paid to the employee at the prevailing rate for his or her classification.
Section 9. In case of an employee's death, payment of accrued ETO pay shall be made to the beneficiary of the employee or his or her estate.
Section 10. Employees will give the Employer seven (7) days advanced notice for vacation time off The employer may waive this notice at its discretion.
Earned Time Off. 6 6.1(a) All earned time off must be approved in advance by one’s supervisor excluding illnesses.
Earned Time Off. Subject to mutual agreement, nothing in this agreement prohibits the implementation of a modified workday or work schedule that would allow employees to work longer hours than the daily hours established in the existing work schedule. The maximum length of any workday under this provision shall be twelve (12) hours and shall not apply on a day of rest. Any hours worked under this provision shall be at straight-time rates and scheduled pursuant to Clause 14.9.
Earned Time Off. ETO time as per Article 14.7. Earned time off shall be scheduled by mutual agreement subject to operational requirements. Where employees are not able to take their earned time off as scheduled due to operational requirements then there shall be a cash adjustment at the end of the averaging periods indicated using time and one-half (1½x) as the premium rate. Where employees choose to carry earned time off forward for addition to vacation period, then the extra time worked in the period is to be considered as a straight-time credit to be carried forward.