NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. 16.01 The Employer and the Union agree that they will not discriminate against any employee, or intimidate, threaten, coerce or restrain any employee because of membership or non-membership, past or present, in the Union.
16.02 The parties are committed to creating and maintaining a working environment that is founded on the fair treatment of all members of the University community. Therefore, the parties do not condone behaviour that is contrary to the Human Rights Code, the University's Harassment and Discrimination Policy, or the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
16.03 Harassment in the workplace is defined as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against another person or persons in the workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. It includes objectionable acts, comments, or displays that demean, belittle, or cause personal humiliation or embarrassment, and any act of intimidation or threat.
16.04 Harassment is not properly discharged managerial responsibilities including performance evaluation, disciplinary action, day-to-day management of the operation, or conduct that does not interfere with a climate of understanding and respect for the dignity and work of Queen's University employees.
16.05 Employees found to have harassed or discriminated against another person(s) could face disciplinary action ranging from verbal warning up to and including termination.
16.06 The Employer agrees that information and training regarding harassment and discrimination is essential and will work with the Union to ensure bargaining unit members are provided with appropriate information and training about the University’s discrimination and harassment policies and programs, which will include information about applicable legislation.
16.07 The parties agree that allegations of discrimination and harassment should be dealt with in a timely manner; therefore, allegations of discrimination and harassment will be investigated on a timely basis and in cases where harassment or discrimination is/are found to have occurred, the situation may be addressed through education or mediation, as may be appropriate to the specific circumstances of a case. Such education or mediation may be part of the informal resolution stage of the grievance procedure if the matter is pursued under that procedure.
16.08 The parties agree that the preferred method of handling complaints is to follow the procedures established by the University’s Human Res...
18:01 Where an Employee has the qualifications contained in the Job Descriptions and/or has proven his/her capability to handle the work, there shall be no discrimination between men and women in the matter of appointments or salaries in such positions.
18:02 There shall be no discrimination practised by either the Employer or the Union against any Employee because of his/her age (as defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code), race, religion, creed, colour, place of origin, sex or marital status, political affiliation, place of residence, participation or non-participation, membership or non-membership in the Union. There will also be no coercion practised by the Employer or the Union.
18:03 No person shall be required as a condition of employment to become or remain a member of the Union or any other organization.
18:04 The Employer and the Union recognize the right of every Employee to work in an environment free from harassment and discrimination on the basis of the prohibited grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code. Further, the Employer is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace: free from actual, attempted or threatened violence or harassment per the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act. Discrimination is unequal treatment based upon any of the Prohibited Grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code R.S.O. 1990 as amended. Harassment is any course of vexatious comment or conduct on any of the Prohibited Grounds that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Workplace Harassment is a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a Worker in the workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Bullying is one form of Workplace Harassment. Any claims of Discrimination or Harassment on any of the Prohibited Grounds may be referred under the Discrimination and Harassment Policy. Any reports of Workplace Violence or Workplace Harassment may be referred under the Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy. It is agreed that the Employer will notify the Union if an Employee is either a complainant or a respondent in a claim or report under this Article prior to commencing an investigation into the claim or report. The Parties are committed to cooperate to organize training events for Employees aimed at educating Employees on the definitions above and the contents of the Harassment and Discrimination Policy and the Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy. It is important that all Em...
NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. The parties agree that a safe workplace, free of violence and harassment, is a fundamental principle of a healthy workplace. Commitment to a healthy workplace requires a high degree of cooperation between Employers, employees, physicians, and the Union. Employees should feel empowered to report incidents of disruptive behaviour, without fear of retaliation. The parties are both committed to a harassment and discrimination free environment and recognize the importance of addressing discrimination and harassment issues in a timely and effective manner as set out below:
3.01 The Employer and the Union agree that there will be no discrimination, interference, intimidation, restriction or coercion exercised or practiced by any of their representatives with respect to any employee because of the employee's membership or non-membership in the Union or activity or lack of activity on behalf of the Union or by reason of exercising their rights under the Collective Agreement.
3.02 The Union agrees there will be no Union activity, solicitation for membership, or collection of Union dues on Employer premises or during working hours except with the written permission of the Employer or as specifically provided for in this Agreement.
NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. 10.1 The Company and the Union are committed to providing a work environment where all employees are treated with respect and dignity. Each individual has the right to an atmosphere which promotes respectful interactions and is free from discrimination and harassment.
10.2 No employee shall be harassed or discriminated against by the Company or the Union on the grounds of membership in the Union or on account of participation in Union activities or on the grounds of discrimination as defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code or because he has exercised any right under this Agreement.
10.3 Any complaint will be referred to the Human Resources Department to be dealt with in accordance with the Workplace Harassment Policy. The employee who alleges discrimination, personal or sexual harassment may contact a Human Resources Department representative who will:
(a) investigate this matter; and
(b) maintain a strict degree of confidentiality with the employee concerned; and
(c) take appropriate action to resolve the problem.
10.4 The Union shall be involved or informed at any stage of this process unless the complainant wishes otherwise.
10.5 The Company and the Union recognize that education and training are fundamental to ensuring a harassment and discrimination free workplace. All employees must attend harassment and discrimination training or seminars required by the Company. The Union will review and have input into such training prior to implementation.
10.6 The company and the Union agree that improving the work environment and employee satisfaction is a mutual responsibility.
NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. (a) The Company and the Union agree there will be no harassment or discrimination against any individual by reason of membership or non- membership in a Union, activity or lack of activity in a Union, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age of that person, or because that person has been convicted of a criminal or summary conviction offence that is unrelated to employment. This paragraph does not apply:
(i) as it relates to age, to a bona fide scheme based on seniority; or
(ii) as it relates to marital status, physical or mental disability, sex or age, to the operation of a bona fide retirement, superannuation or pension plans or to a bona fide group of employee insurance plans; or
(iii) to a refusal, limitation, specification or preference based on a bona fide occupational requirement.
(b) The Company and the Union agree the rights as defined in Article 5.01 shall not include any conduct that undermines the dignity of the individual, and the normal performance of these rights shall not be construed as harassment or discrimination.
NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. LCBO and the Union agree to uphold the Ontario Human Rights Code and will not permit employment practices and procedures in contravention of it. There shall be no discrimination or harassment practiced by reason of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, family status, or disability, as defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code.
NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. The Employer agrees there shall be no discrimination or harassment in the workplace based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, the possibility of pregnancy, or circumstances related to pregnancy), gender determined characteristics, marital status, sexual orientation, political belief, physical or mental disability, family status. The above paragraph does not apply when the discrimination is based on bona fide and reasonable requirements or qualifications. It is understood and agreed that it is a bona fide and reasonable requirement or qualification for this Employer to employ Indigenous females only. The Employer's "No Harassment" policy shall form part of this Agreement and is attached as Appendix "C" of this Agreement. In addition, the "No Harassment" policy will be posted in the workplace, with copies given to all employees.
NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. 3.01 The Employer and the Union agree that there will be no harassment, discrimination, interference, intimidation, restriction or coercion exercised or practiced by any of their representatives with respect to any employee because of the employee's membership or non-membership in the Union or activity or lack of activity on behalf of the Union or by reason of exercising her or his rights under the Collective Agreement.
3.02 The Union agrees there will be no Union activity, solicitation for membership, or collection of Union dues on Employer premises or during working hours except with the written permission of the Employer or as specifically provided for in this Agreement.
3.03 It is agreed that there will be no harassment or discrimination by either party or by any of the employees covered by this Agreement on the basis of race, creed, colour, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, age, disability, religious affiliation or any other factor which is not pertinent to the employment relationship. "Harassment” means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome".
NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. The Employer shall provide, and the Union and employees shall support, a workplace free from harassment and discrimination as set out in the Human Rights Act. The Employer shall maintain a policy on workplace harassment.
NO HARASSMENT OR DISCRIMINATION. The parties agree there shall be no harassment, and/or discrimination on the basis of any prohibited grounds set forth in The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code (subject to Section 48 of the Human Rights Code, and pension and benefits provisions), and The Saskatchewan Employment Act, 2014 (Saskatchewan).
(i) that either: is based on race, creed, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, physical size or weight, age, nationality, ancestry or place of origin; subject to subsections (4) and (5), adversely affects the worker’s psychological or physical well-being and that the person knows or ought reasonably to know would cause a worker to be humiliated or intimidated; and
(ii) that constitutes a threat to the health or safety of the worker. To constitute harassment for the purposes of paragraph (1)(l)(i)(B), either of the following must be established:
(a) repeated conduct, comments, displays, actions or gestures;
(b) a single, serious occurrence of conduct, or a single, serious comment, display, action or gesture that has a lasting, harmful effect on the worker. For the purposes of paragraph (1)(l)(i)(B), harassment does not include any reasonable action that is taken by an employer, or a manager or supervisor employed or engaged by an employer, relating to the management and direction of the employer’s workers or the place of employment. Discrimination is the harmful treatment of an individual or group, based on certain personal characteristics. The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code identifies these characteristics: religion, creed, marital status, family status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, colour, ancestry, nationality, place of origin, race or perceived race, and receipt of public assistance. The parties further agree there shall be no harassment and/or discrimination on the basis of inclusion or activity in the Association or the Bargaining Unit. Academic staff and administrators, all involved in the accommodation process, must undertake their roles efficiently and effectively, ensuring that accommodations requested adhere to the principles of natural justice and do not compromise academic standards. It is recognized that the accommodation process depends upon honesty and fairness. No person shall: intimidate, retaliate against, coerce or impose any penalty, loss or disadvantage upon any person on the grounds that that person has made or may make a good faith complaint, disclosure, te...