PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. Where the Board recognizes a need for increased skills in an employee's current job category, full-time non-certificated employees shall be eligible to receive reimbursement for tuition costs and fees for courses taken on a voluntary basis pursuant to the following:
a. Courses to be taken and institutions to be attended must be approved by the Superintendent or his/her designee in advance of the start of the proposed course.
b. Each employee, upon submission of an invoice copy, a xxxx (or copy), and evidence of satisfactory completion of the course will be reimbursed subject to Article XXI.D.2.a. above to a maximum of $1,000 in the current contract.
c. Payments will be made until December 31 following each contract year.
d. Non-certificated employees who participate in approved in-service training programs shall be eligible to receive an in-service stipend pursuant to the following provisions:
(1) Participation must be approved in advance by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
(2) In-service programs must be related to the occupation of the non-certificated employee.
(3) In-service programs may be in-district or out-of-district workshops, seminars, and courses.
(4) Only in-service programs taken on employees’ time are eligible. Those programs may be paid for by the Board.
e. One (1) credit shall be awarded for the completion of fifteen (15) hours of Board approved in-service training.
f. Non-certificated employees shall receive an annual stipend, up to a maximum of forty- five (45) credits, pursuant to the pattern set forth in the continuing education credits salary guide.
g. The in-service stipend of each non-certificated employee shall become effective on September 1 or February 1 of each school year. The training must be completed prior to September 1 for the salary change to take effect September 1 and prior to February 1 for the change to take effect February 1. Requests for salary changes must be supported by documentation filed in the Superintendent’s office.
h. Non-certificated employees who have completed job-related training programs subsequent to July 1, 1997, shall be eligible for in-service stipend credits for the programs with the approval of the Superintendent.
i. The Board shall reimburse non-certificated employees for all the costs including fees for licenses used in their employment.
j. Where the Board requires employee(s) to utilize new technology, the Board shall provide training in that technology to the employee(s) on work time an...
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 3 A. The Board and the Association support the principles of continuing training of teachers and 4 the improvement of instruction. The Board agrees to implement the following:
5 1. Graduate level courses may be taken at an accredited institution of higher learning 6 and must have prior approval from the Superintendent once having deemed the 7 course work to be relevant to the teacher’s current assignment.
8 2. Tuition shall be reimbursed at the current Rutgers rate.
9 3. Reimbursement shall be contingent upon receipt of a grade of B or better in a 10 graduate level course.
11 4. The maximum number of credits eligible for reimbursement is twelve (12) credits 12 per year for a tenured teacher. For non-tenured teachers, the maximum number of 13 credits eligible for reimbursement shall be six (6) credits per year. No more than 14 six (6) credits during the Readington Township academic school year may be 15 scheduled. All non-tenured teachers agree to work in the Readington Township 16 School district for two (2) additional years upon receipt of tuition reimbursement.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. The Board and the Association recognize that an ongoing commitment to a relevant and comprehensive program of continuing education is vital to maintaining and improving the high quality of education that students require in order to attain their personal and professional goals. Rapidly changing technologies and teaching methods must be learned, evaluated for appropriateness, and applied to the classroom situation to achieve maximum learning of relevant skills. The Board recognizes that it shares with its professional staff, responsibility for the continued education of the teaching staff.
B. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of tuition, fees, mileage expenses, calculated at the prevailing rate established according to state regulations, incurred in connection with any workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which a teacher is required and/or requested by the administration to take outside the district, subject to the initial approval of the Superintendent.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. Teachers will be encouraged to enroll in courses at accredited colleges, universities, professional schools, or attend in-service programs/activities. Teacher must have submitted the proposed course content prior to registration or enrollment for approval by the Superintendent-Director to be eligible for any reimbursement for tuition, required fee(s), registration or any other allowable and/or pre-approved expenses. Professional development may also include supplementary certifications or licenses that are not required for professional teacher licensure but would increase the knowledge/skills of the teacher in the area in which he/she teaches.
B. Upon receipt of a certified transcript or grade report indicating successful completion of credit course(s) from an accredited college or university, the School Committee will reimburse actual cost of the tuition and required fee(s) paid by the teacher for such approved or required course(s). Reimbursement will not include textbooks, supplies, travel, meals, etc., or any other costs not required to take a course.
C. Teachers who attend workshops, seminars, conferences, or other professional improvement sessions which have prior approval of the Superintendent-Director will be reimbursed by the School Committee for any reasonable expense, based on the General Services Administration per diem rates, as determined at the time of approval. All applicable meals will be reimbursed at one hundred percent. Expenses may include registration fees, transportation, lodging and meals.
D. Regulations for professional development for vocationally approved personnel will not exceed those regulations governing vocational education under Chapter 74 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth. All other professional certified personnel covered by this contract shall be required to comply with the professional development and recertification regulations set forth by the Educational Reform Act of 1993.
E. Additional reimbursement up to and not exceeding $500.00 may be authorized by the Superintendent-Director for any professional development and/or educational improvement activities per teacher each year. Proposals for this additional reimbursement must be submitted to and approved by the Superintendent-Director prior to enrollment or registration and must provide rationale on how participation of the teacher would benefit and enhance the educational program of the school and/or knowledge and skills of the teacher.
F. All requests for r...
A. Subject to the approval of the Superintendent/designee, the District will pay the full cost of the registration fee and mileage and per diem as provided in the Mileage and Per Diem Act and state regulations incurred in connection with workshops, seminars, conferences, and/or in-service training sessions which an employee is required to take by the District. Said employees will be compensated at the employees’ daily rate for time spent in actual attendance at said sessions.
B. Each worksite will provide a designated area for postings of professional development opportunities by anyone who wishes to post such information.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. The Board and the Association recognize that an ongoing commitment to a relevant and comprehensive program of continuing education is vital to maintaining and improving the high quality of education that students require in order to attain their personal and professional goals. Rapidly changing technologies and teaching methods must be learned, evaluated for appropriateness, and applied to the classroom situation to achieve maximum learning of relevant skills. The Board recognizes that it shares with its professional staff, responsibility for the continued education of the teaching staff.
B. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of tuition, fees, mileage expenses at the current rate per mile approved by the IRS for deduction of business travel expenses, and lodging on work incurred in connection with any workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which a teacher is required and/or requested by the administration to take outside the district, subject to the initial approval of the Superintendent.
1. Teachers will continue to improve their proficiency and keep abreast of changing technology and trends in education. The district will comply with the state mandated one hundred (100) hours of professional development and will follow the recommended state guidelines accordingly. The district will provide workshops during the in-school year toward meeting the one hundred (100) hour requirement. Required in-serve programs shall be conducted during the in-school teacher work day and work year.
2. Courses outside the teacher's field may be taken with approval of the superintendent for the purpose of earning new certification. Non traditional programs may be submitted to a committee for evaluation and approval. Teachers currently enrolled in the Xxxx Xxxxx program will be grandfathered.
3. The teacher shall receive tuition reimbursement funds upon the submission of an official transcript certifying completion and receipt of credit for the approved course and proof of payment. A grade of B or better must be earned except for courses such as dissertation which may only be taken as pass/fail, when a grade of pass must be obtained.
4. No tuition reimbursement will be made to a teacher who has resigned, is planning to retire within the following year, or who will be on leave of absence for any reason.
5. Courses which may be required by the State Department of Education for recertification will not be eligible for reimbursement.
6. The maximum total expenditure for graduate study will be 2006-2007- $80,000 per year; 2007-2008 - $85,000 per year; 2008-2009- $90,000 per year for the duration of this contract. At the end of each year, unexpended funds can be offered to first year teachers, upon renewal of their contract, on a first-come first-served basis, for any approved courses taken during the first year of their employment.
7. Payment will be made on a first-come-first-served basis in accordance with procedures established by the superintendent.
8. The balance of funds remaining at the end of one fiscal year shall be utilized for Educational Improvement Training.
9. At mid-year, after all requests for spring semester courses have been submitted and approved, the Board may utilize the remaining money allotted for in-service training.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. The Board and the Association recognize that an ongoing commitment to a relevant and comprehensive program of continuing education is vital to maintaining and improving the high quality of education that students require in order to attain their personal and professional goals. Rapidly changing technologies and teaching methods must be learned, evaluated for appropriateness, and applied to the classroom situation to achieve maximum learning of relevant skills. The Board recognizes that it shares with its professional staff, responsibility for the continued education of the teaching staff. The Board, the Administration and the Association support these principles of continuing training of teachers and improvement of instruction. The Professional Development Institute was developed and implemented in the 1995-1996 school year.
B. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of tuition, fees, mileage expenses at the current rate per mile approved by the IRS for deduction of business travel expenses, and lodging on work incurred in connection with any workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which a teacher is required and/or requested by the administration to take outside the district, subject to the initial approval of the Superintendent.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT. A. The Board agrees to pay tuition at the State college rate per graduate credit, and up to $6.72/$7.03/$7.35 per graduate credit for fees, for all teachers, not to exceed twelve (12) credits per employee per school year on the teacher's subject matter for full-time employees. Payment will be made as follows:
1. Tenured teachers will be paid upon receipt of a "B" grade or better.
2. Non-tenured teachers will be paid upon execution of their contract for the following school year and upon receipt of a "B" grade or better.
B. Teachers on unpaid extended leaves of absence shall not be entitled to this benefit.
C. Support staff shall be granted reimbursement for the costs of any course, seminar or workshop that they shall take which related to their job assignment in the District with the prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
D. Based on N.J.A.C. 6:11-13 the Board, on an existing in-service or professional day, will provide an in-service course, thereby making a reasonable attempt to satisfy the proposed eligibility requirements for at least five (5) hours of Continuing Education Credits.
E. A cap of $30,328 will be imposed on tuition reimbursement for graduate credits. This cap shall be increased to $31,754 for 2007-2008; and to $33,246 for 2008- 2009 school year. This cap will “sunset” on June 30, 2009.