Sick Leave Eligibility Sample Clauses

Sick Leave Eligibility. The retired bargaining unit member upon being reemployed has no accumulated sick leave and will be credited with one day of sick leave for each month of employment. Upon termination of employment any unused sick leave accumulated by a retired bargaining unit member has no value. All sections of Section 8.1 on sick leave not inconsistent with Section 19.4 shall apply to retired bargaining unit members except Sections 8.1.3, 8.1.10 and 8.1.11.
Sick Leave Eligibility. Eligibility for sick leave allowance shall begin after the completion of two full pay periods of service.
Sick Leave Eligibility. Sick leave shall apply for any of the following conditions: a. Illness or injury which incapacitates the employee from performing his/her normal duties, b. Disability due to conditions arising from pregnancy, childbirth, and childbirth recovery as certified by an attending physician, and/or c. To care for a child of the employee with a health condition that requires treatment or supervision. To qualify as a “child,” the person in need of care must be under the age of eighteen (18) or incapable of selfcare because of a mental or physical disability. Biological, adopted, xxxxxx, and stepchildren all meet the definition of child. d. To care for a spouse/partner, or a relative for whom the employee is a legal guardian, parent, parent- in-law, or grandparent of the employee who has a serious health condition or an emergency condition. e. To attend appointments with healthcare providers. The Employer may require a written certificate from a physician or other health care professional verifying the illness or injury claimed. In addition, the Employer may require a second opinion to be paid by the Employer. The Employer shall be the sole judge of the necessity of such proof.
Sick Leave Eligibility. To be eligible for compensation while on sick leave, the employee shall notify the on-duty supervisor, at least one (1) hour prior to his/her scheduled starting time, of his/her inability to report for work, and everyday thereafter, unless this requirement is waived by the Chief. If less than one (1) hour notice is given, written medical substantiation may be required by the Chief of Police or designee. An accepted medical certificate signed by a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner (working under the authority of a licensed physician) shall be required from an employee under the following circumstances: • The period of absence consists of more than three (3) consecutive working days; • The request for sick leave is made immediately following or prior to a vacation or holiday; or, • Absence from duty occurs frequently or habitually or under suspicious or questionable circumstances and the employee has been notified or warned that a certificate shall be required. • If sick leave is taken on a day which is proceeded or followed by consecutive regular days off which are attached to a vacation or a holiday. • The Chief [or designee] may issue a notice of excessive use of sick time, based on the previous calendar year and remains in effect for one (1) calendar year.
Sick Leave Eligibility. An hourly Bargaining Unit Member employee who works for the District for thirty 20 (30) or more days within a year from the commencement of employment is, for 21 prescribed purposes, entitled to twenty-four (24) hours of paid sick leave per fiscal year. 22 The District shall use the advancement method of calculating paid sick leave. Sick
Sick Leave Eligibility. Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all employees as set forth in this section. Sick leave is not a right, which an employee may use at his discretion, but rather, shall be used only in case of personal illness, disability or the serious illness or injury of an employee's family member that requires the employee's attention. Family members shall include spouse, domestic partner, children, parents, spouse's parents, brothers, sisters or other individuals whose relationship to the employee is that of a dependent or near dependent, or as determined by law. No sick leave shall be payable for any injury or absence which results or occurs as follows: (A) Participating in any criminal act; (B) Working for an employer other than the City. Neither shall any sick leave be payable; (A) During a vacation except when hospitalized or in equivalent confinement; or (B) During a layoff, leave of absence, or disciplinary layoff. All hours of sick leave accrued and all hours of absence, whether or not paid, shall be recorded. To the extent necessary to implement this section, such records may be inspected by an individual employee and/or authorized Union representative.
Sick Leave Eligibility. To be eligible for sick leave and income protection benefits Employees must provide medical evidence satisfactory to the EMPLOYER or the EMPLOYER’S doctor and make application for benefits as follows: (a) For each absence not exceeding five (5) consecutive shifts, Schedule BSections A Application for Sick Leave must be completed by the Employee and submitted to the Employees non-union supervisor immediately following the Employee’s return to work. (b) For each absence exceeding five (5) consecutive shifts or after three (3) single occurrences the EMPLOYER may request the employee to have his/her physician complete Schedule B – Sections A, B, & and the Employee within five (5) calendar days of exceeding five (5) consecutive shifts or three (3) single occurrences Schedule B is to be submitted to the Employee’s non-union supervisor within ten (10) calendar days from the first day of sick leave, except in special circumstances. In cases of prolonged absence on sick leave, a Schedule B – Sections A, B & C on the progress of the Employee is required to support such absence and continued payment of sick leave and benefits. Where a fee has been incurred for a physician’s statement fifty percent (50%) of the cost will be reimbursed to the Employee upon submission of receipt (proof of payment). Forms requiring clarification will be handled by the EMPLOYER’S medical personnel. (c) For each absence exceeding five (5) consecutive shifts or three (3) single occurrences the EMPLOYER shall have the right to arrange for a medical examination by the CBRM doctor. A certificate of illness from the CBRM doctor must be provided to continue sick leave payments, or for return to work if deemed necessary by the EMPLOYER. An Employee receiving sick leave benefits shall not be entitled to benefits if they decline to permit the EMPLOYER’S physician to make such examination (at the EMPLOYER’S expense) as may be necessary to ascertain the Employee’s condition. (d) Notwithstanding anything above, the EMPLOYER may require Schedule B – Sections A, B, & C for any absence if the EMPLOYER believes that an Employee is abusing the sick leave benefits or not receiving proper medical attention.
Sick Leave Eligibility. Refer to Personnel Rules.
Sick Leave Eligibility. Sick leave with pay shall be granted to all employees as set forth in this section. Sick leave is not a right, which an employee may use at his discretion, but rather, shall be used only in case of personal illness, disability or the serious illness or injury of an employee's family member, which requires the employee's attention. The term family members shall include: spouse, registered domestic partner, children, parents, spouse's parents, brothers, sisters or other individuals whose relationship to the employee is that of a dependent or near dependent.