SICK LEAVE RESTRICTIONS. When an employee is scheduled to work on a recognized holiday in Section 9.1 (Holidays) and calls in ill the day before, the day of, or the day following the holiday, then the employee shall not be able to utilize his/her sick leave, unless the employee can furnish for the Employer a doctor’s note verifying the illness.
SICK LEAVE RESTRICTIONS. An employee on sick or injury leave shall remain at his residence, except that the employee may depart his residence to receive medical treatment, to secure drugs from a pharmacy or for other reasons deemed appropriate by the Department so long as the employee advises the on-duty Shift Commander of his planned departure; provided, however, nothing herein contained shall be interpreted to prevent an employee from departing his residence as part of his therapy or convalescence as prescribed by his physician (subject to review by Town appointed physician at Town's expense). If an absence is for other than treatment, therapy, or to secure prescribed drugs, approval of the on-duty Shift Commander in advance must be obtained. Should the employee leave his residence without providing advance notice of such departure, and securing the on-duty Shift Commander’s approval, where necessary, he shall be denied sick or injury leave.
SICK LEAVE RESTRICTIONS. Except upon the Superintendent's approval, sick leave shall not be available on a teacher's first or last scheduled day on duty of the work year.
SICK LEAVE RESTRICTIONS. Sick leave may be granted for any of the reasons listed below: (A) Incapacitation due to illness, injury or disability. (B) Personal medical, vision or dental appointments. (C) Family illness which requires the employee’s presence. Family shall be defined as in Section 12.3. In cases where an employee cannot report to duty because of an illness or injury the employee must notify his or her supervisor or division head thirty (30) minutes before the employee’s scheduled start time. Failure to do so may render the employee ineligible for sick leave. Employees that are absent three (3) consecutive days due to a personal injury or illness or are exposed to a contagious disease are required to produce a physician’s medical certificate releasing the employee for work prior to return to work. Employees terminating employment with the Village shall be compensated for unused earned and accrued sick leave as follows: a. By Dismissal: No Compensation b. Resignation before 20 years service: No Compensation c. Retirement after 20 years service: 50% of Accrued Sick Time d. Layoff/Reduction in Force Same as Retirement e. Disability Same as Retirement f. Death of Employee Same as Retirement Earned and accrued sick leave will be charged against an employee injured on-the-job and accepted into workers compensation coverage, or an employee injured off-the-job or sick, and eligible for disability insurance payments. In these situations, sick leave pay will be applied to make up the difference between worker’s compensation and/or disability and the employee’s normal wages
SICK LEAVE RESTRICTIONS. An employee may be placed on sick leave restriction where use of sick leave is for an extended period of time or appears to be abused by either, (A) an employee being absent due to illness of four or more consecutive days, (B) the taking of sick leave as soon as it is earned, (C) by repeated absences the day before or the day after a holiday or the employee's scheduled day off, (D) when an employee who has had at least six periods of leave usage in the preceding twelve months is absent for one or more days, (E) where an employee requested and was denied annual leave and thereafter takes sick leave on the day, or days in question. Sick leave usage for which competent proof of necessity is provided or where the Supervisor has actual knowledge that the employee was injured or sick will not be considered in the accumulation of six periods. A period of sick leave usage shall be defined as any continuous period in which an employee is in either paid sick leave status or leave without pay status. Prior to placing an employee on sick leave restriction, the supervisor will advise the employee in writing that he/she will be placed on restriction, stating the reason(s) for the restriction and providing a history of the employee's sick leave utilization. An employee may be required to furnish competent proof of the necessity of such absence and/or may, at the County's expense, be required to be examined by a County designated physician or nurse practitioner. If an employee fails to provide competent proof when requested, or fails to submit to an examination when requested, the employee may be charged leave without pay and may be disciplined. Sick leave restriction will be no more than one hundred and eighty (180) days and that the restriction will end at that time, if there were no unexcused absences during that time.
SICK LEAVE RESTRICTIONS a. Employees suspected of abusing sick leave privileges may be required to submit a medical certificate to substantiate each absence due to claimed illness, regardless of duration. For example, a pattern of sick leave usage not verified by acceptable medical certificates or excessive sick leave usage may result in an employee being placed under leave restrictions, via a Letter of Requirement. b. A Letter of Requirement will specifically advise the employee of the reason for placing the employee under leave restrictions and of the requirement to provide a medical certificate for the useof sick leave. The management official will review employee's use of sick leave no less than once each ninety (90) days thereafter and will withdraw the requirement in writing if acceptable improvement is noted. c. Chronic Conditions. Managers should use discretion before imposing leave restrictions on an Employee who suffers from a medical condition documented in a medical certificate or physician’s diagnosis as a chronic or long-term condition during the duration of that condition or when the duration of the condition is uncertain.
SICK LEAVE RESTRICTIONS. Individual cases if there is evidence that an employee’s leave pattern gives sufficient reason that an abuse of sick leave exists, the employee shall be counseled that he or she may be placed on restricted sick leave. If the employee’s sick leave pattern continues, the employee will be placed on a sick leave restriction and advised in writing that a medical certificate must support all future requests for sick leave. A medical certificate or completed OPM-71 for employees on a sick leave restriction must include a written statement (on physician’s or practitioner’s letterhead) signed by a registered practicing physician or other practitioner certifying to the incapacitation, examination, or treatment, and the period of disability or incapacitation. The sick leave record of all employees under a sick leave restriction will be reviewed at least every six (6) months and a written justification as to why the restrictions should continue or lift the restriction will be made and a copy provided to the employee.


  • Sick Leave Provisions (A) Sick Leave Defined Sick leave means the period of time an employee is permitted to be absent from work with full pay by virtue of being sick, disabled, exposed to contagious disease, or under examination or treatment of a physician, chiropractor, or dentist, or because of an accident for which compensation is not payable under the Worker's Compensation Act. (B) Amount of Sick Leave Sick leave shall be granted to employees on the basis of one and two-third (1 2/3) days for every month of service. In any one calendar year when an employee has not had sick leave, or only a portion thereof, the employee shall be entitled to an accrual of all the unused portion of sick leave up to a maximum of 160 working days for their future benefits. Employees at maximum accumulation of 160 or more sick days shall accumulate at one half day per month effective January 1, 1993. Employees who have accumulated 160 days or more and who become ill in the year preceding retirement will be allotted a maximum of twenty (20) days to maintain their entitlement. A deduction shall be made from accumulated sick leave of all normal working days (exclusive of Statutory Holiday) absent for sick leave as defined in (A) and Article 25 (Supplementation of Compensation). The PEBT LTD Plan shall be fully integrated with the sick leave plan so that an employee will be entitled to use sick leave up to the date the employee is eligible to collect LTD (80 work days) at which time sick leave usage shall cease. (C) Illness in the Family In the case of illness at the employee's residence and/or a medical emergency/procedure at a hospital of a family member where no one other than the employee can provide for the needs of the ill person, the employee, after notifying their supervisor, shall be entitled to a maximum of eight (8) days per calendar year when supported by a medical certificate. In the event that a non-resident parent requires support due to a serious medical condition as confirmed by a medical practitioner, such time will be provided under the Family Illness provisions of this Article.

  • Sick Leave Abuse ‌ When the Employer suspects sick leave abuse, the employee will be provided the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding their sick leave use prior to disciplining the employee, or making reference to sick leave use in the employee’s performance evaluation. The Employer may not adopt or enforce any policy that counts the use of paid sick leave time as an absence that may lead to or result in disciplinary action for an authorized purpose. The Employer may not discriminate or retaliate against an employee for the use of paid sick leave for an authorized purpose.

  • Sick Leave Policy It is the policy of the State of Ohio to not unreasonably deny sick leave to employees when requested. It is also the policy of the State to take corrective action for unauthorized use of sick leave and/or abuse of sick leave. It is further the policy of the State that when corrective and/or disciplinary action is taken, it will be applied progressively and consistently. It is the desire of the State of Ohio that when discipline is applied it will serve the purpose of correcting the performance of the employee.

  • Sick Leave Plan The benefits of the Company’s Sick Leave Plan shall be considered as part of this Agreement. However, it is recognized that its provisions are not an automatic right of an employee and the administration of this plan and all decisions regarding the appropriateness or degree of its application shall be vested solely in the Company. The Company’s Sick Leave Plan will provide that probationary and regular employees will commence with a credit of eight days at 100 percent (100%) and 15 days at 75 percent (75%) pay, payable from the first day of sickness. This credit will continue to be available until the employee attains his/her first annual accumulation date as a regular employee. At the time of this accumulation date and each subsequent accumulation date he/she will acquire additional credits of eight days at 100 percent (100%) pay and 15 days at 75 percent (75%) pay. The accumulation of credits will be subject to the provisions of the Company’s Sick Leave Plan. Regular part-time employees shall receive a pro-rated number of sick days. When a regular part-time employee is absent due to illness on a scheduled day of work, they shall be paid for the hours of work scheduled for that day provided sick leave credits are available. Normally employees will be expected to arrange routine medical or dental appointments during non-working hours. Where such appointments cannot be arranged during non-working hours and the employee can be released from his/her duties, then the time shall be charged against an employee's sick leave time except in the case of medical appointments of less than half a day where normal earnings will be maintained. Employees who are on sick leave for 30 days or more may be eligible to participate in a vocational rehabilitation program in accordance with the Company’s policy. All major medical absence forms will be completed for any absence of four (4) continuous days/shifts or more or when requested by management. The Company will compensate the employee for the cost associated with completing these forms up to a maximum of $30.00. Additionally, the company will compensate the employee for the full cost of all medical notes, medical forms or medical information required to support LTD or other Wellness programs. This provision applies to Doctor’s notes requested by Line Management as part of the administration of the sick leave plan. Employees will be required to submit all forms required by management through their personal physician. Sick Leave benefits are conditional upon receipt of these forms and it is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that the employer receives these forms within a reasonable period of time. Any discipline related to sick leave that is imposed and grieved by the union will be referred directly to Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx for resolution.

  • Sick Leave During Leave of Absence (F/T) When an Employee is given leave of absence without pay for any reason, or is laid off on account of lack of work, he/she shall not continue to accumulate sick leave and shall not be entitled to receive pay for sickness for the period of such absence, but shall retain his/her cumulative credit, if any, existing at the time of such leave or lay-off.

  • Sick Leave Accrual All eligible employees shall accrue sick leave at the rate of four (4) hours per pay period of continuous employment beginning with their date of eligibility. Eligible employees being paid for less than a full eighty (80) hour pay period shall have sick leave accruals pro-rated in accord with the schedule set forth in Appendix D.

  • Sick Leave Use An employee shall be granted sick leave with pay to the extent of the employee's accumulation for absences necessitated by the following conditions:

  • Sick Leave Usage 1. Sick leave may be used by an employee when sick, injured, or quarantined. Also sick leave may be used on the occasion of an illness in the employee's family, where a need can be shown. 2. In computing compensation payable for sick leave, the compensation paid shall be the amount the employee would earn during the sick leave period if working at their current rate of pay and work schedule without the inclusion of overtime earnings.

  • Sick Leave Entitlement A permanent full-time employee shall earn paid sick leave at the rate of one and one-half (1½) days per month. Sick leave shall accumulate to a total of eighty-five (85) working days. Permanent part-time employees shall be entitled to sick leave on a pro-rata basis.

  • Sick Leave Payout No cash payment for unused sick leave will be paid to any employee leaving the service of the Employer.