Accumulated Time Off. The following provisions shall apply to all employees working a five (5) day week:
1. Each employee shall work an extra one-half (½) hour at straight-time rates each day to be accumulated as paid time off. Employees shall work the extra one-half (½) hour by reducing their current unpaid one (1) hour lunch break to one-half (½) hour.
2. The extra one-half (½) hour worked each day shall not trigger overtime, shift premium, or any other premium payment.
3. Accumulated Time Off (ATO) shall only be earned when an employee is actually at work and works the extra one-half (½) hour, e.g., it shall not be earned while on vacation, sick leave, public holidays, paid or unpaid leave of absence, or while absent on ATO.
4. ATO shall be taken off in the year it is earned unless mutually agreed otherwise by the employee and the Supervisor, but in no event shall it be taken later than March 15 of the following year. All ATO absences must be approved by the employee's Supervisor.
5. It is understood that as far as possible employees shall use ATO for doctor and dental appointments.
6. Acting Pay shall not be paid to employees performing higher level duties as a result of other employees being absent on ATO for periods of one (1) full day or less. Where an employee acts in a senior position for more than one (1) full day, the employee shall be paid for the first day. This Letter of Understanding shall continue in force until 1993 December 31 and shall remain in force thereafter until either party serves written notice to cancel it during a period of bargaining. Such cancellation shall only be effective at the conclusion of such bargaining if no other arrangements are mutually agreed. SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE EMPLOYER: SIGNED ON BEHALF OF THE UNION: "Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx" "X. Xxxxxx" "Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxx" "Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxx" DATED: 1992 March 11 This Letter of Understanding was amended by the 1997-1999 Memorandum of Agreement dated 1999 January 26 and by the 2003-2006 Memorandum of Agreement dated 2003 March 28. This is the Letter of Understanding referred to in Article 20 of this Agreement.
Accumulated Time Off. At the expiration of accumulated time off, an Officer shall continue to receive his/her rate of pay until such time as he/she resumes his/her duties. Exceptions to this Clause include:
a) Officers who have been laid-off or have elected layoff.
b) Officers away on leave under Clause 11.3 (b) (ii) or away on unpaid leave of absence.
c) Officers on annual vacations who have already collected their vacation pay.
d) Officers who are on sick leave.
Accumulated Time Off a) All employees in all departments at the Prince George Plant that work a full scheduled eight (8) hour day (or a full scheduled ten (10) hour day) that includes a one half (0.5) hour paid lunch period, will be paid for seven and one half (7.5) hours (or nine and one half (9.5) hours respectively) and accumulate one half (0.5) hour paid time off. The intent of this time off is to stabilize employment during slack periods.
b) All accumulated time off must be taken as time off during the slack period of the year unless otherwise mutually agreed.
c) An employee may accrue accumulated time off up to a maximum limit of twelve (12) weeks at their current rate of pay.
d) Accumulated time off records will be the responsibility of the employee and his immediate supervisor and records shall be kept by the payroll department.
e) Accumulated time off shall be scheduled by mutual agreement between the employee and his supervisor. The Employee shall, whenever possible, give one (1) weeks notice of their intent to use accumulated time off.
f) So as not to interfere with the efficient operation of the Company, the parties agree to cooperate in regards to scheduling time off at slack periods of the year so as to stabilize employment of the workforce. In addition, employees shall have the option of cashing out all or part of their accumulated time off at anytime of the year.
g) ATO will be tracked in dollars.
Accumulated Time Off. (a) Effective May 1, 1991, all employees shall accumulate paid time off on the basis of two (2) hours for each week for which full compensation was received. Such time off is to be scheduled with non-prime time vacations. It is understood that A.T.O. will only be accumulated for 39 hours of straight time actual work per week. A.T.O. will not be accumulated on vacation time, W.C.B., weekly indemnity or leave of absence.
Accumulated Time Off. Any time off hours accumulated by the Member as per the provisions of Section 07.3(b) of this agreement, as of the last pay period in December of any year in excess of forty (40) time off hours shall be paid to the Member at the rate of straight time, and the resulting balance may be carried forward to the next ensuing calendar year and must be taken as time off as per the provisions of Section 07.3(b) of this agreement.
Accumulated Time Off. (a) Accumulated time off shall accumulate at the rate of four (4) hours for each completed week for all full time and part time employees who have completed their probationary period.
(b) New Employees Hired After March 2, 1997
(c) New Employees Hired After March 10, 2000
26.02 The maximum accumulation shall be ten (10) days in each six (6) month period.
26.03 At the end of each six (6) month period full time employees shall become eligible to take the time off (in one period) at a mutually agreeable time, or at the employee's option receive the equivalent in pay. (The employee must designate at the beginning of each period whether he/she intends to take the time off or the pay.) Employees who designate to take their A.T.O. in time off at the beginning of each six (6) month period must schedule said time off within thirty (30) calendar days. If an employee does not schedule time off within the thirty (30) calendar days, said employee will take any mutually agreeable time available. If no time is available, the employee will carry the time over into the next six (6) month period. If unable to schedule or take the time off during this next period, the employee will be paid out any A.T.O. amount exceeding ten (10) days. The above A.T.O. scheduling protocol may be varied in its application within each Cash & Carry, the Office or the Warehouse. This variance is recognized as applying to all employees within the above locations. The variance will be a recognized practice and mutually agreed to by the Shop Xxxxxxx(s) for that work area and the Employer. ATO taken to top up regular hours shall not be considered as hours worked for any purposes within the Collective Agreement.
26.04 A "completed week" means any combination of actual regular hours worked, paid election time off, paid sick leave, A.T.O., WCB absences, paid vacations, jury duty, paid compassionate leave, paid witness leave, and paid General Holidays including the Floating Holiday, provided the total hours equal the basic 40 hour or 37 1/2 hour work week for the employee. The employee shall not accrue A.T.O. for any periods of time after the first 13 weeks of Weekly Indemnity.
Accumulated Time Off. (a) All full time employees whose names appear on the seniority list at date of ratification shall accumulate paid time off on the following basis: - Effective date of ratification, three (3) hours for thirty- nine (39) hours of straight time actual work per week up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours per year* - Effective April 4, 2004, two (2) hours for thirty -nine
Accumulated Time Off. A new system of compensation for recognizing the time of confinement to the vessel.
Accumulated Time Off. All regular, full-time non-supervisory Food Store Clerk Grid “A” employees shall accumulate paid time off at the rate of four (4) hours for each basic workweek completed. Basic workweeks shall be those described in Section 5.02 and shall include time off due to Jury Duty (see: Section 8.02) and Funeral Leave (see: Section 11.08) provided the employee has actual hours worked in the week. Full-time status, for seniority purposes (see: Section 12.02) shall mean an employee who has worked thirty-six (36) hours per week during a thirteen
Accumulated Time Off. At the expi rati on of accu mulated time off, an Offi cer shall xxxxx nue to receive his/ her rate of pay until such time as h e/she resumes his/her duties. Excepti ons to th is Clause include :
a) Officers who have been laid-off or have elected layoff.
b) Officers away on leave under Cla use 11.3 (b) (ii) or away on unpaid leave of absence.
c) Officers on annual vacati ons who have al ready collected their vacation pay.
d) Officers who are on sick leave.