Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. XxxxxXxxx has developed a broad range of knowledge and skillsets in assisting government agencies with their policy and regulation development efforts. We have specialized expertise with Medicaid and other Health and Human Services policy and regulation assistance, but we have also helped our government clients with policies and regulations in a wide variety of areas including finance and administration, liquor control, motor vehicle licensing, and public safety. Our general approach begins with our initial project plan tasks including an initial planning call, a review of background documentation, a kickoff meeting, and any needed revisions of the work plan and schedule. We often assist clients who need to comply with federal regulations and, as a result, their policies and regulations need to be changed. In other situations, a new program requires new supporting policies and regulations. We use a variety of methods to meet the needs of our clients including: • Research existing federal and state policies, procedures, and regulations • Interview federal and state policy experts for information gathering and validation • Analyze processes and procedures for existing programs to determine compliance with policies and regulations • Identify gaps between federal and state policies and regulations • Prepare supporting documents and federal planning documents • Provide recommendations reports and testimony as needed • Draft policy compliance roadmaps Examples of the assistance we can provide to our clients include: • CMS Advanced Planning Documents • Payment Error Rate Measurement compliance • Medicaid Waiver design, negotiation, and implementation • Federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) evaluation • Data governance policies and standards • IT security policy development • Human resources and staffing policy Process improvement is a core service for BerryDunn. We have developed a methodology that draws upon philosophies and tools from Six Sigma and Lean, such as defining the voice of the customer and identifying waste, but that also leverages elements of other business process improvement methodologies. As advisors to the State, our focus on process improvement will include both ongoing, continual assessment of project processes as well as discrete, focused process improvement activities, including facilitating lessons-learned meetings and process- mapping sessions. Our approach is guided by the philosophy that when things go wrong, more often than not t...
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. Our approach to providing assistance with policy and regulation development is demonstrated by several recent projects in Florida, including experience with organizations such as (1) the Florida College Prepaid Board – ABLE Program, where North Highland helped to define business rules and policy, pricing, and systems capabilities for the new program, (2) the Florida Department of Children and Families’ Procurement Playbook where North Highland developed best policy practices for procurement and contract management, and (3) multiple Medical Marijuana programs (e.g., Ohio, New Jersey, Minnesota and Florida), including supporting the Florida Department of Health with preparing a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs (SERC) Checklist for the Agency’s draft rules related to this initiative. We work with our clients to support the full lifecycle of policy development and implementation, from strategy articulation to outcomes- focused research, impact analysis, cost analysis, and measures development. In delivering policy and regulation development services, we focus on the following techniques: § Strategic Collaboration – We recognize organizations have multiple direct and indirect stakeholders that are impacted as part of policy and regulation. We have experience in bringing these various stakeholders together to facilitate solutions and understand impacts of the decisions and actions which ultimately get implemented.
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. The State of Florida faces significant policy and regulation development challenges, including how to appropriately regulate increased production of hemp, enhance regulations to implement Governor XxXxxxxx’x water quality initiative, and respond to the opioid epidemic and COVID-19—major public health challenges that ICF is helping state and federal clients navigate across the country. We tailor our approach to policy and regulation development to each policy question and agency need, building on common elements such as involvement of SMEs, time- tested procedures and tools, and rigorous and adaptable methodologies that provide critical information to decision makers, recognizing the resource and schedule constraints faced by state agencies. ICF begins each policy and regulatory support engagement with an understanding of the reason for the action and available policy instruments, the baseline (“business-as-usual”) conditions, affected entities, and the projected effects of each policy option. Our multidisciplinary team of policy analysts, economists, and scientists brings the necessary expertise and experience to conduct the range of technical analyses necessary to define and evaluate policy options; model social, economic, and environmental impacts; estimate the costs, benefits, and distributional effects (e.g., small business impacts, afford- ability, environmental justice) of regulations; and quantify uncertainty. We provide support through all steps of the rulemaking process, including analyzing and responding to public comments using ICF’s powerful CommentWorks tool. ICF economists, policy analysts, and scientists also conduct retrospective reviews to evaluate and improve existing rules and to help identify opportunities for streamlining deregula- tory efforts.
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. Fast-moving policy developments in a dynamic business and political environment create potential opportunities and risks. Our government and regulatory affairs experts offer sophisticated knowledge of legislation, the regulatory environment and funding strategies, as well as access to local, state, and national information databases. Our policy specialists have worked in federal, state, and local governments and agencies, trade associations, and other influential organizations and will offer support in public policy and regulatory/legislative affairs, fund management, and planning.
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. Balmoral is a trusted advisor for a number of state government entities in the area of policy and regulation development. Policy change may be driven by external forces, new legislation, or internal analysis. Our work across multiple agencies in Florida has been successful due to our ability to quickly adopt suggestions and incorporate adjustments to accommodate different agency’s needs and requirements. Balmoral has worked successfully across Florida’s public sector in economic development, water resources, transportation, education, agriculture, and housing/land use policy. Service 5 Policymaking, Rulemaking
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. MAXIMUS has national experience developing policy manuals based on best practices or processes in other states that have streamlined or improved production and quality. We must also assure that all applicable laws and regulations are complied with and program guidelines are followed. Our services encompass reviewing, analyzing, and recommending policies, revisions, and solutions to help ensure compliance with federal laws and grant programs for a wide range of programs that span the functional areas listed in the RFP. MAXIMUS has found a common need among our clients — the need for policy analysis and technical support to deal with these constant changes; as well as support in answering the challenging questions that can come up, even in the context of well-established programs. Our overarching goal is to provide our clients with the analysis and recommendations needed to make informed management decisions that support federal compliance. Our approach includes: Reviewing and analyzing the laws and policy Identifying approaches to complying with laws and programs Implementing new and revised policies and processes Aligning policies with client processes and document procedures Responding to challenging questions regarding compliance We have a deep understanding of state and federal policies and processes for revising such policies. For example, our understanding of child welfare policy and programmatic functions, Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), CCWIS regulations, and their implications for system development enables us to assist clients with early planning to align operational processes. Based on best practices in other states, MAXIMUS developed the procedural manual and forms for the new Department of Child Services (DCS) Social Security Unit in Indiana and provided training to all of the unit’s staff. Following our assistance, the DCS Social Security Unit is now providing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Title II eligibility determinations statewide.
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. To accomplish the goals of our state-client initiatives, we carefully assess the relationship between the policy and the program to obtain optimal alignment that guides future changes. Where applicable, we work with the links among multiple programs to xxxxxx an integrated view of Customers’ needs and the state’s capacity to successfully meet those needs. A sample of CSG’s policy and regulation development services include: Facilitation with Federal Agencies: We can establish a communication process to provide timely Federal regulation information to Florida Customers. Timely communication is an essential component of our approach because it triggers the collaboration to assess the impacts and develop a plan of action. We provide guidance, training, and tracking for Customers based on our experience with federal legislation and policies. We also prepare for and participate in communication opportunities with federal government officials. We are an objective, knowledgeable source of information for obtaining maximum benefit from your efforts to comply with federal legislation and prepare for changes. Waiver Assistance: States use Waivers to propose policy changes to federal oversight agencies, such as the 1135 Waiver used for Medicaid agencies to propose adjustments to their program to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. CSG coordinates and prepares Customers for the process of writing, submitting, and executing waivers and grants. We also have experience facilitating relationships with stakeholder groups, developing outreach strategies, and facilitating working meetings with advocate groups. National Policy Insight: By participating in industry committees and conferences focusing on federal requirements for state programs, CSG is on the front lines for understanding the significance of federal legislation and proposed changes to federal policies. Our role in these committees and conferences, combined with our ongoing work with clients affected by federal legislation and changes to policies, supports our capacity to help Florida Customers adapt to the impact of federal legislation and proposed federal policy changes. Our substantial investment in ongoing research on federal legislation and proposed federal policy changes enhances our approach to assisting Florida Customers in this area.
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. Policy and regulation development require an understanding of stakeholder preferences and issues. In our experience, policy development that is transparent and methodical is more likely to be successful in implementation.
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. Titan worked with DTSI to ensure that processes and operations, levels of control, and any statutory or regulatory requirements met objectives and key performance indicators, and that quality aspects were well defined and understood. • Assistance with Process and Productivity Improvement – Staff performance and overall productivity increases with ISO certification. Employees are motivated to implement processes that are put in place to ensure problems are quickly identified and resolved in a timely manner. Description of Knowledge and Skillsets Subject matter experts on ISO Audits and Certification.
Assistance with Policy and Regulation Development. In providing consulting services to not for profit clientele, we assisted in the review and development of policies and procedures. In addition, many of our management team members serve as leaders on various Board organizations throughout the community and are knowledgeable regarding policies and regulation development and continue to assist Boards in this effort. The firm’s assistance with policy development is detailed below: Consultation Type: JESCA Management Study Client: Xxxxx X. Xxxxx Community Association, Inc. Project Description Provide consulting assistance to JESCA in the review of its organization, policies, procedures, and financial records. Role in Project: Prime Contractor Description of Methodologies and Tools Used: Overall review of JESCA operations with comparisons to past achievements, plans and standards, achievements of comparable organizations, and the ideal non-profit organization. Description of the Outcome: Consultant study findings/observations and recommendations, along with JESCA management responses.