Core Service. This service is likely to be appropriate for clients who require or whose circumstances warrant an ongoing service. Examples of suitable clients for this service include: -
Core Service. Ongoing advice and support to any school or academy during periods of challenge, e.g. adverse weather, denial of access, loss of staff, utility failure, supply chain or other enforced closure or major incident. This would not be dependent or conditional upon, any level of additional support purchased through this Service Level Agreement. Service Element Element detail Access to Corporate EP documentation Access to EP documentation via email Access to EP helpdesk Via email or via telephone Access to support with enforcing authorities Provide advice and guidance in relation to contact with or from enforcing authorities, such as HSE Access to support with Community Resilience Offers guidance and support in utilising, locally available resources to support school’s response to, and recovery from, an incident.
Core Service. 1.1 Pay employees on their contractual monthly pay day (monthly payroll deadlines apply and schools are required to meet these).
1.2 Make BACS payments directly into employee’s bank account (employee responsibility to provide or update these details by the appropriate monthly deadline).
1.3 Issue fully itemised and confidential electronic payslips and P60’s.
1.4 Assess and pay statutory and occupational sick, maternity, paternity and adoption pay with statutory record keeping and issue forms in relation to statutory payments as prescribed by legislation (e.g. SSP1L).
1.5 Deduct pension scheme contributions including added years, additional voluntary contributions and pay to the respective bodies within set deadlines (See Appendices A and B for detailed tasks in relation to pension schemes).
1.6 Create additional pension schemes third party payees as required by the customer.
1.7 Deduct Income Tax, National Insurance Contributions and Attachment of Earnings Orders made by various statutory bodies in accordance with legislation and regulations made under such statutes.
1.8 Submit HMRC Real Time Information in a timely manner on a monthly basis and year- end documentation. In addition, P11D’s and produce P45’s for employee’s who leave employment.
1.9 Apply nationally agreed pay awards and any associated arrears including ensuring that minimum wage and apprentice hourly rates (where selected) are increased in line with annual and age-related increases.
1.10 Apply locally agreed pay awards allowing one pay increase per year.
1.11 Manage electronic year end filing and reconcile year-end tax returns.
1.12 Provide information, on request to various government agencies, including HMRC.
1.13 Maintain audit trails for inspection by internal, external and HMRC auditors.
Core Service. The service will both manage the application process for Disabled Facility Grants (DFGs) and discretionary grants, assessment of applications and applicants (including Occupational Therapist (OT) assessments) plus the delivery, including supporting people through the repairs and adaptation to their home. The key objective will be to provide an advice service which ensures people have information about their housing options and where the choice is made to enable older people, people with disabilities (including children) and those on low incomes to remain living in their homes safely, securely and independently. Support provided will be delivered to people in their own home. The services to be provided will include: Information, advice and guidance, including administration of grant applications, test of resources and income management advice/benefit checks Advice about housing options and other support/housing schemes plus sign posting as appropriate to schemes such as equity release OT assessments Scheme design and project management including letting the works contract. By integrating the OT assessment and adaptation delivery elements of the process into a single service, it is envisaged that the timescales for delivery of adaptations can be significantly reduced from many months to weeks for straight forward adaptations.
Core Service. 3.1.1. The core DFG service consist of: first contact / referral; triage; assessment of environmental barriers for daily living; technical home assessment; approval of works required; calculation of client contribution and eligibility for grant funding; contracting and completion of works; customer feedback Process Responsibility of Description First contact Hertfordshire County Council, contact team Advice and information gathering from customer or their representative about what may be required, and what the key issues for them are. Initial screening process for needs, and investigation into what service would be most appropriate. Professional referral HHIA Caseworker / Trusted Assessor Customers are referred from other services directly into the HHIA This may include a full or partial assessment of need, and information on the applicant which will inform the next stage of the process. Triage HHIA Caseworker / Trusted Assessor Deeper level information gathering about the customer, what their health needs are, financial circumstances, housing tenure and condition, other people in the household, and other information relevant to the application and needs assessment. Decision about course of action to take. Allocation to Caseworker / Trusted Assessor and identification of Occupational Therapist / Technical Officer / Trusted Assessor as appropriate. Arrangements for first visit if appropriate. Visit Caseworker / Trusted Assessor First visit to the customer to assess needs and eligibility, and start paperwork process / preliminary test of resources. Discussion with customer on what will happen next and options Trusted Assessor assessment if appropriate OT visit (if appropriate) Occupational Therapist Assessment of an individual’s needs that could be met or reduced through an adaptation. This may also include an assessment of other needs and referral for other council and professional services. Technical officer visit (if appropriate) Technical Officer Assessment of the home for suitability for adaptation. Identification of other hazards in the home, for example through the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) Drawing of plans and writing schedule of works Assessing whether external expertise (such as architects or surveyors) is required Test of Resources Caseworker Assessment of financial contribution by client. Sourcing of additional funding if required. If no grant is payable...
Core Service. Our Core Service provides our customers with access to a high quality and comprehensive Occupational Health service. We can help address the impact of health related matters at work, and can advise managers to ensure they are compliant with all legislation. - Available to answer enquiries between 9.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday. - Medical clearance of new job offers prior to commencement of employment on request, medical questionnaire or medical interview if necessary. Medical clearance will not be undertaken on posts already commenced. - Management medical referrals undertaken in line with your Sickness Absence Policy. - Provision of advice on any rehabilitation measures in return to work cases and redeployment issues. - Occupational Health Advice at case conferences on request. - Gather and prepare medical information for retirement on the grounds of permanent incapacity in accordance with Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations and Teacher’s Pension Scheme. - Confidential and secure storage of medical records. - Provide early intervention and support to managers and employees facing problems or crisis, which could affect their work. - Liaising with other health professionals, i.e. GP or Consultant to support the employer in the referral. - Access to confidential Counselling Services. The sessions are chargeable and the cost of each session is to be met by the School. For costs, see A3 and A4 on the following pages. Additional services will be billed at point of delivery. The following services will be available on request: Ref. Service Cost per hour (unless otherwise stated) A1 Writing to the GP or Specialist for medical reports is only required in some circumstances, e.g. for ill health retirements or the management of difficult cases. The cost will be invoiced directly to the School. Cost to be provided on request. This can range from £40-£400 depending on GP practise and level of specialist. A2 Ill Health retirement referral undertaken by the Council’s Occupational Health Physician including deferred benefits request. *If the OHP is deemed not to be independent to the case an alternative OHP will be appointed from the OHP Council’s Registered OHP List. There may be additional costs in these circumstances. This will be agreed between the School and OH before the referral is progressed. POA per employee if our own OHP Price on application if external OHP required as OHP vary in price due case complexity A3 Provision of Counselling Sessions ia XXXX ...
Core Service. Our Core Service provides our customers with access to a high quality and comprehensive Occupational Health service. We can help address the impact of health-related matters at work and can advise managers to ensure they are compliant with all legislation. - Available to answer enquiries between 9.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday. - Medical clearance of new job offers prior to commencement of employment on request, medical questionnaire or medical interview if necessary. Medical clearance will not be undertaken on posts already commenced. - Management medical referrals undertaken in line with your Sickness Absence Policy. - Provision of advice on any rehabilitation measures in return to work cases and redeployment issues. - Occupational Health Advice at case conferences on request. - Gather and prepare medical information for retirement on the grounds of permanent incapacity in accordance with Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations and Teacher’s Pension Scheme. - Confidential and secure storage of medical records. - Provide early intervention and support to managers and employees facing problems or crisis, which could affect their work. - Liaising with other health professionals, i.e. GP or Consultant to support the employer in the referral. - Access to confidential Counselling Services. The sessions are chargeable and the cost of each session is to be met by the School. For costs, see A3 and A4 on the following pages. Additional services will be billed at point of delivery. The following services will be available on request: Ref. Service Cost per hour (unless otherwise stated) A1 Writing to the GP or Specialist for medical reports is only required in some circumstances, e.g. for ill health retirements or the management of difficult cases. The cost will be invoiced directly to the School. Cost to be provided on request. This can range from £40-£400 depending on what is charged by the GP practice or Specialist. A2 Ill Health retirement referral undertaken by the Council’s Occupational Health Physician including deferred benefits request. *If the OHP is deemed not to be independent to the case an alternative OHP will be appointed from the Council’s Registered OHP List. There may be additional costs in these circumstances. This will be agreed between the School and OH before the referral is progressed. £250.00 per employee if our own OHP Price on application if external OHP required as OHP vary in price due case complexity.
Core Service. 1.1 ECC is able to offer a comprehensive procurement service with capability across Category Management, Market Shaping, Sourcing and Contract Management. The initial focus will be to deliver sourcing for TDC. Sourcing is defined as the process of vetting and selecting suppliers who best meet the organisations needs
Core Service. Cooperation Bring stakeholders Suppliers of transport services Customers, potential users 9 Smart P. A, Xxxxxxx, H.&Maull, R.S. (2008) Understanding Business Process Management: implications for theory and practice, British Journal of Management, 2008
Core Service. Data File Provision