COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. 10.1. The Agreement is executed in English and all communications between you and us will be in English, unless expressly agreed otherwise in this Agreement.
10.2. You and the Cardholder may receive information electronically via the Woli App about the payments made with the Cards.
10.3. We can communicate with you (including to provide any information or notifications in relation to this Agreement) using any of the following methods:
10.3.1. via the App;
10.3.2. by email;
10.3.3. by phone (including by sending you an SMS);
10.3.4. by writing to your home address. We will tell you if any of these communication methods are not available. We will also tell you if you need any technical requirements or software to communicate with us.
10.4. We will use the contact information you have most recently given us to communicate with you. If any of your contact details change, you must inform Paynetics about it as soon as possible by updating your details via the App. All notifications, invitations or other notices sent to your last email address last known to Paynetics will be deemed to have been delivered.
10.5. You can contact Paynetics via our Customer Relations Centre (see contact details at clause 18).
10.6. Paynetics will provide you with information about your Account, Associated Account and Card transactions and fees by means of electronic statements which will be accessible on the Woli App. Paynetics will also notify you at least once per month by SMS or email that your statement is ready. Statements will not be provided on paper. You should carefully review your Account, Associated Account and Card transaction information regularly. Your statements will remain available on the Woli App for you to access for 1 (one) year. You may wish to download or print your statements for your future reference. You may be charged a fee (see Tariff) if you ask us to provide additional information or provide it in a different manner than as described here.
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. Remote/E-learning procedures and expectations will be mailed home and posted on our District website on each school’s page to families as soon as possible. • A variety of communication procedures will be available such as emails, website and phone blasts to ensure our school family is informed. • The Emergency Closing Center will be alerted of any remote/e-learning days. • Students will be provided with activities calibrated to their grade level and/or developmentally age appropriate, grade level activities through both paper- based materials or electronically at • Assignments will address a blend of core academic and related supports based on their needs. • The assignments will be expected to be completed and turned in within 5 school days upon return to a regular school schedule. Students may submit assignments to staff directly through screen shots, phone calls and email throughout the emergency closure to provide feedback and assistance. Upon returning to a regular school schedule, required assignments may be completed at school with any necessary supports if the student was unable to access those supports while at home. Parents are encouraged to keep a file of their child’s work. • Upon returning to school, Special Education related services will resume through their regular service schedule during sessions with therapists. • Teachers and related service providers will be available to respond to organizational and administrative emails/communication between the hours of 8:50 am-3:40 pm for all elementary and the middle schools from 8:10 am-3:00 pm with a break for duty free lunch and planning. • Remote Learning/E-Learning will only be used for snow days when the weather is inclement and students are unable to attend school. • Staff attendance will be based on availability to answer questions, participate in meetings and professional development via phone or electronically, during scheduled staff work hours. If an IEP/Eligibility meeting falls on an emergency day and cannot be rescheduled, these meetings may be scheduled from 9am, throughout the staff hours outlined below, with the last available conference scheduled at 1pm. These meetings will be conducted in a manner that will protect all staff members’ private information at all times. The process for initiating these electronic meetings will be communicated to staff. • Conference calling with teachers and related service providers can be set up with families upon request from 9am to ...
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. 1. The Agreement shall be executed in English and the communication between the parties thereto shall also be carried out in English, unless otherwise provided therein.
2. Representatives of the Customer or persons authorised by them may receive information about the payment transactions made with the Card electronically.
3. If any changes are made to the initial contact details provided by the Customer upon signing the Agreement, the Customer should inform Paynetics about it in writing within 7 days. Otherwise all notifications, invitations or other notices sent to the last Customer’s electronic address known to Paynetics shall be deemed to have been delivered.
4. Paynetics Customer Relations Centre shall be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., EET, from Monday to Friday. The contact details can be found on the Website. The contact details in case of lost or stolen or non-functioning cards shall be available on the Website. For monitoring purposes, we may record any conversation with the Customer Relations Centre.
5. Paynetics shall provide access to the required information about the Card transactions by means of electronic statements about payment transactions and history of transactions on the Website. Statements shall not be provided on paper. Information about the Card shall be updated, if there was any activity with the Card, including information on all collected fees. From the moment of downloading the statement from the Website the Customer shall be considered to be informed about the relevant transaction, whether they have actually downloaded the said statement or not. The Customer shall be charged for obtaining additional information or for obtaining it in a manner different from the manner described herein.
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. 13.1. The Agreement is executed in English and all communications between you and us will be in English, unless expressly agreed otherwise in this Agreement.
13.2. Your representatives, persons authorised by you and the Cardholders may receive information about the payments made with the Card/Account electronically.
13.3. We can communicate with you (including to provide any information or notifications in relation to this Agreement) using any of the following methods:
13.3.1. via the App;
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. Any member or the Secretariat may make a proposal to the Chairperson for a decision by postal procedure. The Secretariat shall communicate the proposal to the members for comments within 60 days of communication; any comments received within these limits shall also be so communicated.
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. 21.1. This Article creates a communication procedure for the purpose of dealing with matters of general concern to employees of the Department as opposed to grievances or other actions. The utilization of this procedure is intended to attempt first to resolve concerns at the lowest or informal process possible. Either the Guild or the Employer may initiate discussion on subjects of a general nature affecting the employees of the Department. The coordinators of the communications procedure will be the President of the Guild and the Chief of Police or their designees. A meeting of representatives of the Employer and Guild may be requested by either of the coordinators and they shall schedule such a meeting at a mutually agreeable time and place. A proposed agenda shall be prepared jointly by the coordinators and distributed prior to each meeting. If mutually agreed, minutes shall be kept of the meetings and a copy submitted to each of the coordinators. Utilization of this procedure shall not waive any contractual or other rights available to either party if needed.
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. 26.1 This article creates a communication procedure for the purpose of mutual planning and initiating discussions regarding matters of general concern to employees of the department as opposed to grievances. It is understood that any matter which has been made the subject of a formal grievance under the terms of the labor agreement shall be excluded from consideration by the labor-management committee under this procedure. It is further understood that the work of the parties under the communication procedure shall in no way add to, subtract from, alter or amend the labor agreement.
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. This article creates a communication procedure for the purpose of dealing with operational issues and matters of general concern between the parties. Either the Union or the Employer may initiate discussion. The coordinators of the communications procedure will be the Business Representative and the Chief of Police, or their official designee(s). A meeting of representatives of the Employer and the Union may be requested by either of the coordinators and they shall schedule a meeting at a mutually favorable time and place. This communication procedure and the discussions between the parties shall not amend or change the terms of this Agreement unless mutually agreed by the Union and the Employer in writing, after proper ratification by the membership.
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. 13.1. The Agreement is executed in English and all communications between you and us will be in English, unless expressly agreed otherwise in this Agreement.
13.2. Your representatives, persons authorised by you and the Cardholders may receive information about the payments made with the Card/Account electronically.
13.3. We can communicate with you (including to provide any information or notifications in relation to this Agreement) using any of the following methods:
13.3.1. via the App;
13.3.2. by email;
13.3.3. by phone (including by sending you an SMS);
13.3.4. by writing to your address. We will tell you if any of these communication methods are not available. We will also tell you if you need any technical requirements or software to communicate with us.
13.4. We will use the contact information you have most recently given us to communicate with you. If any of your contact details change, you must inform Paynetics about it as soon as possible by updating your details via the App. All notifications, invitations or other notices sent to your last email address last known to Paynetics will be deemed to have been delivered.
13.5. You can contact Paynetics via Customer Relations Centre (see contact details at clause 21).
13.6. Paynetics will provide information about your Account and Card transactions and fees by means of electronic statements which will be accessible on the App. Statements shall not be provided on paper. Information about your Account and Card shall be updated, if there was any activity with the Account and/or the Card, including information on all collected fees. From the moment of accessing the statement on the App you will be considered to be informed about the relevant transaction. You will be charged for obtaining additional information or for obtaining it in a manner different from the one described herein. Up2 Money, UAB a company incorporated and registered in the Republic of Lithuania (registration number: 306265453 | registered address: Xxxxxxx xx. 00, XX-00000, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx). xxxxx@xx0.xxxxx UP2 Money and xx0.xxxxx are trading names of Up2 Money, UAB. xxx.xx0.xxxxx EEA / BUSINESS DEBIT CARD AGREEMENT – CORPORATE CLIENTS
COMMUNICATION PROCEDURE. This article creates a communication procedure for the purpose of mutual planning and initiating discussions regarding matters of general concern to employees of the department as opposed to grievances. It is understood that any matter which has been made the subject of a formal grievance under the terms of the labor agreement shall be excluded from consideration by the labor-management committee under this procedure. It is further understood that the work of the parties under the communication procedure shall in no way add to, subtract from, alter or amend the labor agreement. Either the Union or the City may initiate discussion on subjects of a general nature affecting the employees of the Fire Department. The coordinators of the communication procedure will be the President of the Union and the Fire Chief, or their designees. A meeting of representatives of the City and Union may be requested by either of the coordinators and they shall schedule such a meeting at a mutually agreeable time and place; provided that, during the term of this agreement, meetings shall normally be scheduled on a quarterly basis. A proposed agenda shall be prepared jointly by the coordinators and distributed prior to each meeting. If mutually agreed, minutes shall be kept of the meetings and a copy submitted to each of the coordinators. Significant changes in the rights, privileges and working conditions of employees which have a direct effect upon public interest and personnel safety of departmental employees, but which are not included in this agreement, shall be appropriate items for discussion, consultation and bargaining (when required by RCW 41.56) prior to the implementation of such change. When there is a desire from the City of Bellevue to change or modify policies that effect wages, hours or working conditions, the City shall submit the changes in writing to the Union thirty (30) days in advance. The Union may request bargaining within that thirty (30) day period and the City shall then bargain such matters prior to implementation as required by RCW 41.56. If written notice is given, the Union’s failure to request bargaining during that thirty (30) day period shall constitute a waiver of the right to bargain the proposed change. Such written notice shall be sent to the Union via e-mail to an official e-mail address designated by the Union ( Notification outside of the designated e-mail address shall not be considered adequate notice for purposes o...