Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Annex III of this Compact generally describes the plan to measure and evaluate progress toward achievement of the Compact Goal and Objectives of this Compact (the “M&E Plan”). As outlined in the Disbursement Agreement and other Supplemental Agreements, continued disbursement of MCC Funding under this Compact (whether as MCC Disbursements and Re-Disbursements) shall be contingent, among other things, on successful achievement of targets set forth in the M&E Plan.
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The project will be monitored quarterly, bi-annually and annually. UNDP will submit bi-annual and annual project reports to the EIF Executive Secretariat and Trust Fund Manager as agreed in the UNDP- EIF corporate agreement. The NIU however, reports to the UNDP on quarterly basis through the FACE form and other appropriate NIM project requirements. The M&E of the project will be as follows: Quarterly monitoring will be done through Quarterly Progress and Financial Reports submitted by the EIF NIU Coordinator to UNDP and NSC for approval. The project will be monitored based on UNDP Programme and Operational Procedures as follows: On a quarterly basis, a Quarterly Progress Report will be produced to track the progress in achieving the stated results based on the quality criteria specified in the logical framework; An Issue Log will be activated and updated to facilitate tracking and solving of potential problems or change requests; A Risk Log based on the initial project risk assessment will be activated and regularly updated through the review of the environment that may impact the project; From the above information, a Quarterly Progress Report (QRP) will be submitted to the NSC by the Project manager to the Project Board using standard format provided by UNDP; A Project Lesson Learned Log will be activated and regularly updated to record lessons for adaptation and to contribute to the end of project Lessons-Learned Report; A Monitoring Schedule Plan shall be developed and updated to track management actions/events. The Annual Review Report will be approved by the NSC. The Annual Report will consist of the Annual Monitoring Report Format and Financial Report which is based on the expenditure; The Annual Monitoring Report Format will have the following sections;
i. Summary
ii. Proposals for changes in the project (if any) and justification
iii. Assessment of interventions against the logic framework iv. Risk Log and Issue Log updates
v. Capacity Development
vi. Compatibility and Sustainability factors
vii. Implementation modalities and lessons learnt Using information from the above report, an Annual Project Review will be carried out during the fourth quarter of the year to assess the performance of the project and appraise the annual work plan for the following year. The last year of project implementation, this review will be a final assessment. It should focus on the extent to which progress is being made towards outputs, and that thes...
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The results-based approach will be adopted through the M&E system. This will be through: (i) accounting for progress against AWPB targets; and (ii) periodic assessments of movement towards achievement of beneficiary impact. Key M&E activities will comprise the Programme implementation manual and the baseline survey at design stage, the AWPB, quarterly progress reporting of activity and output targets and achievements, mid-term review, and the completion report along with the Programme completion survey.
14.1 No later than 90 days after the date of entry into force of this Agreement the CPMU shall undertake a comprehensive baseline survey in line with the Programme logframe indicators. The progress on those indicators will be then monitored by the RPMU on an annual basis, including for the Mid-Term Review. During the Programme’s final year, an impact survey will be conducted and results will be compared against the baseline results to assess Programme impact.
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The M&E system will build on the experience of completed and existing projects and as well as provide information that informs management decision-making and reporting consistent with the stipulations of the Guidelines for Disaster Early Recovery. Monitoring will focus on the activities defined on creating a cumulative overview of results/outputs. The M&E system will be decentralized under the oversight of a planning/M&E assistant to provide guidance, develop tools and follow-up; considering that ARP will be building on emergency programmes, it will consider strengthening any existent and relevant tools, as opposed to starting afresh. Knowledge management will ensure a continuous learning process in which data are compiled, analysed and disseminated as lessons learned, along with thematic studies and stories from the field. Information-sharing within the aligned portfolio will receive particular attention.
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The Project will set up a participatory learning system integrating planning, monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management. The LPA will establish an M&E system by no later than the end of the first year of the Project. The M&E system shall be based on a baseline study that shall be undertaken by the LPA within the first six months of Project implementation. The M&E system of the Project shall be participatory and shall be used as a management tool. Interim monitoring reports shall be sent to the Fund. These reports shall contribute to the certification of the work completed by implementation partners, service providers and SPIU Project staff in order to assess their performance and decide whether or not to renew their contracts. The M&E system shall collect and analyze the necessary information concerning the:
(a) quantitative and qualitative performance of Project activities,
(b) technical and financial implementation of Project activities,
(c) financial appraisal of investment costs,
(d) participation of beneficiaries, and
(e) data management and update.
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The M&E will provide timely information on progress of implementation to determine deviations to be addressed and ensure consistent performance. Data will be disaggregated to reflect gender, age and locality. Key indicators will take into account IFAD’s Operations Result Management System (ORMS).
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The Project will set up a participatory learning system integrating planning, monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management. The Lead Project Agency will establish an M&E system by the end of the first year of the Project, in accordance with the RIMS. The M&E system shall be based on a baseline study that shall be undertaken by the Lead Project Agency within the first six months of the Project. The M&E system of the Project shall be participatory and shall be used as a management tool. Interim monitoring reports shall be sent to the Fund. These reports shall contribute to the certification of the work completed by service providers and Project staff in order to assess their performance and decide whether or not to renew their contracts. The M&E system shall collect and analyze the necessary information concerning the:
(a) quantitative and qualitative performance of Project activities,
(b) technical and financial implementation of Project activities,
(c) financial appraisal of investment costs,
(d) participation of beneficiaries, and
(e) data management and update.
1. Allocation of IFAD loan, IFAD Grant and ASAP Trust Grant Proceeds.
(a) The Table below sets forth the Categories of Eligible Expenditures to be financed by the IFAD Loan, the IFAD Grant and the ASAP Trust Grant and the allocation of the amounts of the IFAD Loan, the IFAD Grant and the ASAP Trust Grant to each Category and the percentages of expenditures for items to be financed in each Category: Category IFAD Loan Amount Allocated (expressed in SDR) ASAP Trust Grant Amount Allocated (expressed in SDR) I. Grants and Subsidies 4 870 000 4 870 000 2 450 000 II. Goods, Services and Inputs 2 060 000 2 060 000 1 490 000 III. Salaries and Allowances 500 000 500 000 120 000 IV. Operating Costs 460 000 460 000 0 Unallocated Costs 880 000 880 000 450 000
(a) In all cases the percentage of expenditures to be financed will be 100% net of taxes and beneficiary, national financial institutions and private sector, and government contributions.
(b) The PIM shall detail guidelines for allocating ASAP grant proceeds to eligible business plans.
(c) The terms used in the Table above are defined as follows: “Grants and Subsidies” comprises financial incentives and transfers; and "Goods, Services and Inputs" comprises vehicles, equipment, materials, contracts for service provision, technical assistance, studies, training and workshops.
(d) Eligible expenditures will be allocated to the IFAD Loan and Xxxxx in e...
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). A Programme M&E framework will provide information on implementation progress and constant feedback into the MIS for decision- making, identifying any problem areas, evaluate the performance of implementing agencies and assess achievements at the levels of outcomes and impact. All M&E data will be disaggregated by gender, age and Locality. A thorough Baseline Survey shall be conducted by a qualified service provider in a representative sample of communities within the targeted Localities. The research will concentrate on benchmarking those aspects in which LMRP is intended to make a difference. Interim Post-Implementation Evaluation studies will be carried out by a contracted independent body under the overall responsibility of the State cadres on the completion of selected clusters of group and community interventions, concentrated on the satisfaction of beneficiaries and the number of women and youth with increased access to assets, incomes or services resulting from enterprise developments. A substantial Final Impact Evaluation will be commissioned from an independent service provider at the end of implementation, mirroring the scope and methodology of the Baseline Study to the extent possible, to detect changes in selected indicators and to attempt to attribute observed changes to Programme interventions and/or to other factors.
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The NPMU will be responsible for the overall Programme monitoring and evaluation. M&E will be undertaken at different levels to support effective implementation, maintain the Programme’s focus and direction, provide information for addressing constraints as well as ensure delivery of outputs and outcomes. IFAD will undertake periodic monitoring, evaluation and supervision Missions to assess the status of Programme implementation and evaluate the Programme’s direction with respect to its objectives, outputs and Outcomes. A baseline study will be undertaken during the first year of Programme implementation to provide a benchmark for assessment of future outcomes and impact of the Programme. The PROCAVA M&E strategy will be to establish an iterative process for identifying issues and problems to ensure that the Programme focus is maintained and expected outcomes are achieved.
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The Project shall establish an M&E system, which will integrate Results and Impact Management System (RIMS) indicators, from provincial to village level. The M&E system of the Project shall: (i) underpin the knowledge management functions of the Project; (ii) give emphasis to assessing the impact on poverty alleviation of the Project, relying on the national poor registration system, and the performance of supported cooperatives, through annual cooperative performance assessments; and (iii) make M&E data accessible and available, through a user-friendly management information system (MIS) that integrates information and allow real-time reporting. Progress against the achievement of results will be measured through comprehensive baseline, mid-term and end-line surveys, and through annual outcome surveys in intervening years.