OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. (1) Payment of overtime worked shall be made at the rate of one and a half times the hourly wage for each hour or part of an hour so worked from Monday to Saturday.
(2) An employer shall pay an, employee who works on. a Sunday double the employee's rate of pay for the number of hours worked.
(3) No employer shall require or permit an employee to work overtime for more than 12'/2 hours per week.
(4) No employee shall be required to work overtime without his consent.
(5) No employee shall be dismissed from or prejudiced in his employment by reason of his refusal to work overtime.
(6) Every employee who is required to work overtime of one and a half hours or more shall be paid an allowance of R5,00 to enable the employee to obtain a meal before the overtime is due to commence, unless the employer has notified the employee thereof not less than 24 hours before the overtime commences.
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. (1) Overtime, that is, time worked in excess of the hours specified in clause 9 (1) of this part of the Agreement, may not be worked without the written permission of the Council.
(2) Payment for overtime shall be made at the rate of one-and-a-half times the hourly wage for each hour or part of an hour so worked from Monday to Saturday.
(3) An employer shall pay an employee who works on a Sunday-
(a) for less than four hours, an ordinary days' wage;
(b) for more than four hours, the greater of-
(i) double the employee's rate of pay for the number of hours worked; or double an ordinary day's wage; or
(ii) pay the employee remuneration at a rate of not less than one-and-a-half times his ordinary rate of remuneration in respect of the total period worked on such Sunday and grant him within seven days of such Sunday one day's holiday and pay him in respect thereof remuneration at a rate of not less than his ordinary rate of remuneration as if he had on such holiday worked his average ordinary working hours for that day of the week.
(4) No employee shall be required to work overtime without his consent.
(5) No employee shall be dismissed or prejudiced in his employment by reason of his refusal to work overtime.
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. (1) Overtime, that is time worked in excess of the hours prescribed in clauses 9 (1) (a) and (d), and 4 (a) and (b), may not be worked in excess of the limitations laid down in subclause (2) without the prior written consent of the Council.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 9 (1), an employer may, subject to the provisions of this clause, permit an employee to work overtime: Provided that no employer shall permit any employee to work overtime-
(a) for more than two hours on any working day;
(b) on more than three consecutive days;
(c) for more than 10 hours in any calendar week;
(d) on more than 60 days in any year;
(e) after completion of his ordinary working hours, for more than one hour on any day, unless he has-
(i) given notice thereof to such employee before midday; or
(ii) provided such employee with an adequate meal before he has to commence overtime; or
(iii) paid such employee an allowance of R5,00 in sufficient time to enable the employee to obtain a meal before the overtime is due to commence.
(3) Payment for overtime worked shall be made at the rate of one-and-a-half times the hourly wage for each hour or part of an hour so worked from Monday to Saturday.
(4) An employer shall pay an employee who works on a Sunday, double the employee's rate of pay for the number of hours worked.
(5) No employee shall be required to work overtime without his consent.
(6) No employee shall be dismissed or prejudiced in his employment by reason of his refusal to work overtime.
(7) No employee shall be required or permitted to work overtime between the hours of 18:00 and 06:00.
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. 19.1 It is recognized that due to the nature of our business and the necessity of providing continuous service, employees may be called upon from time to time to work overtime hours. Overtime shall not be worked unless it is first authorized by management.
19.2 The overtime rate of time and one-half the basic hourly rate shall be paid for all time worked in excess of eight (8) hours in one day and for time worked in excess of forty (40) hours in one week. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, paid holidays, vacation, sick leave and PTO shall count as hours worked for computing overtime under this Section. There will be no pyramiding of overtime or premium rates.
19.3 The overtime rate of double time the basic hourly rate shall be paid for all hours worked in excess of fifty-six (56) hours in one week.
19.4 All scheduled time worked on Sunday shall be compensated at a premium rate of time and one-half the basic hourly rate of pay.
19.5 When regular full time employees are recalled to work outside of their regular scheduled work hours or on a non-scheduled day, they shall receive regular overtime pay of time and one-half the basic hourly wage rate. Paid time starts when the employee reports for work and ends when the work has been completed; provided, however, that when the call out work extends to the starting time of the employee's next regular scheduled shift, overtime pay shall then terminate and straight time pay shall apply during such regular assignment. Employees called out shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours of pay at the overtime rate, except when such work extends into their regular assignment. No additional pay shall apply if subsequently recalled within the same two-hour call-out period. If a technician called out to work can clear trouble without leaving home, the technician shall be paid two (2) hours straight time.
19.6 As far as practicable, all overtime shall be equally and impartially offered to the employees who generally work in the class of work being performed in their respective localities.
19.7 Premiums and differentials are not paid on a time and one-half basis.
19.8 When it is necessary to assign out-of-schedule hours on the weekly work schedule, the out-of-schedule hours will not be paid at one and one-half times the basic hourly wage rate unless the entire weekly work scheduled hours have been worked.
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. OUTWORK ..........................................................................................................................
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. 46.01 Employees working standard eight (8) hour schedules will be paid at
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. (i) All time worked outside or in excess of the hours prescribed by Clause 3 Hours of Work of this Agreement shall be deemed overtime and shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half for the first three hours on any one day and thereafter at the rate of double time. Provided that all overtime worked between midnight and the ordinary starting time shall be paid for at the rate of double time. This provision shall not apply where overtime commences within one and a half hours of the ordinary starting time.
(ii) For existing employees engaged prior to 15 October 2004, all overtime worked on Sunday or in excess of three hours on Saturdays shall be paid for at the rate of double time. For employees engaged after 15 October 2004, ordinary rates shall apply for rostered hours worked on Saturdays
(iii) Employees called upon to perform overtime on Saturdays/Sundays shall be paid the prescribed overtime rates with a minimum of two hours for each time they are so called in to work.
(iv) Where an employee is called upon to work overtime for more than one hour after the ordinary ceasing time, he shall be paid $9.89 meal money in addition to overtime payment for the time worked. The allowance will increase to $10.19 effective 1 November 2008.
(v) Except where mutually agreed otherwise, when overtime is worked for more than one hour after the usual ceasing time, not less than 30 minutes shall be allowed for a meal and this shall be the first half hour after the usual ceasing time.
(vi) When an employee is required to work overtime exceeding one hour after the usual ceasing time and works through the meal break he/she shall be paid double the appropriate rate for such meal break and such rate shall continue until such meal break is allowed.
(vii) An employee who works so much overtime between the termination of his /her ordinary work on one day and the commencement of his/her ordinary work on the next day that he/she has not had at least ten consecutive hours off duty between those times shall, subject to this sub-clause, be released after completion of such overtime until he/she has had ten consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence. If, on the instruction of the Company, such an employee resumes or continues work without having had such ten consecutive hours off duty, he shall be paid double rates until he is released from duty for such period and he/she shall then be entitled to be absent until he/she has ...
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. Daily overtime and Sunday work
1. Any work exceeding the regular daily working hours as defined above in sec- tion 7(2) shall be considered overtime. Compensation for overtime shall be the hourly rate plus 50% for the first two (2) hours and the hourly rate plus 100% for each hour thereafter.
2. Work done on Sundays, religious holidays, Independence Day and May Day shall be compensated by payment of the hourly rate for each hour, in addition to the monthly salary. If such work is considered overtime, a further overtime compensation as per subsection 1 above shall be paid.
3. Compensation for work carried out on Sundays may be provided in the form of time off from regular working hours by agreeing with the Dancers’ shop xxxxxxx on such compensation and applicable dates and times. If the work performed on a Sunday lasts less than 7 hours, this is compensated by one day off. Compensation for Sunday work as time off is acceptable for a maxi- mum of three (3) Sundays during one performance year.
4. For the purpose of calculating overtime and Sunday work compensation, the regular hourly rate is obtained by dividing the monthly salary by 130. Overtime per performance year
5. For working days in excess of 224 days, the daily rate plus 50% shall be paid.
6. The regular hourly rate is obtained by dividing the monthly salary by 134, and the daily rate shall be equal to this hourly rate multiplied by 7.
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. 46.01 Employees working standard eight (8) hour schedules will be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½) for the first four (4) hours of overtime after a regular shift and double (2X) time after the four (4) hours up to the commencement of the next regular shift, and time and one-half (1½) for all hours worked on the sixth day of their regular work week, and double (2X) time for all hours worked on the seventh day of their regular work week. Unscheduled overtime for absence replacement may be for peak periods only.
46.02 In the event of a call out for an emergency after regular working hours, an employee will be paid four (4) hours at regular rates of pay or at his applicable overtime rate, whichever is the greater.
OVERTIME AND SUNDAY WORK. Employees working standard eight (8) hour schedules will be paid at the rate of time and one-half for the first four (4) hours of overtime a regular shift and double time after the four (4) hours up to the commencement of the next regular shift, and time and one-half (1%) for all