REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. The Allottee for himself/themselves with intention to bring all persons into whosoever hands the Said Apartment may come, hereby covenants, represents with the Promoter as follows :-
i. on or before delivery of possession of the Said Apartment pay to the Promoter, the Balance Sale Consideration, proportionate share of taxes, any other charges as decided by the Promoter, the amount towards advance maintenance, share money, legal charges, society admission fee, as fixed by the Promoter and such amounts agreed upon in clause no. 1.2
ii. pay the applicable stamp duty, registration charges, Cess, Legal/Advocate charges and other incidental expenses payable, at the time of registration of this Agreement and the Sale Deed whenever the same is executed;
iii. The Allottee shall use the Said Apartment or any part thereof or permit the same to be used only for purpose of residence and shall not use any other purposes(s) whatsoever. The Allottee shall use the allotted parking space only for purpose of keeping or parking his/ her/ their/ its vehicle;
iv. the Allottee shall not protest, object to or obstruct the execution of the construction work nor the Allottee shall be entitled to claim any compensation and/or damages and/or to complain for any inconvenience, hardship, disturbance or nuisance which may be caused to him/her/it/them or any other person/s, for any inconvenience, hardship, disturbance or nuisance caused to the Allottee during the construction of the Project by the Promoter;
v. not to interfere with the rights of the Promoter to construct at such locations, as it may from time to time decide, any additional buildings/structures, sub-stations for electricity or office for management of the new building/s and build underground and overhead tanks structures for watchman cabin toilet units for domestic servants/watchmen, septic tank, soak pits and other structures the locations of which are not particularly marked or shown in the building plans or Layout plans and laying through or under or over the ground or any part thereof, pipelines, underground electric and telephone cables, water lines, gas pipe lines, drainage lines, sewerage lines, water harvesting arrangement, tube well and other devices etc. belonging to or meant for any of the Buildings and other structures which are to be developed and constructed by the Promoter, and raise any dispute in the Court by way of injunctions or prohibitory orders from any tribunal, body or authority or under any provis...
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. 33.3.1 The Allottee hereby represents and warrants to the Promoter as follows:
(a) the Allottee meets the eligibility criteria provided for in the Operational Guidelines and other Applicable Laws;
(b) the current annual family income of the Allottee does not exceed Rs. 3,00,000 (Rupees three lakhs) and that the Allottee and his/her family does not own a pucca house in any part of India either in his/her name or any of his/her family member’s name;
(c) the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of his/her obligations hereunder, shall not (i) conflict with or result in a breach of the terms of any other contract or commitment to which he/she is a party or by which he/she is bound, (ii) conflict with or require any consent or approval under any judgment, order, writ, decree, permit or license to which he/she is a party or by which he is bound, or (iii) require the consent or approval of any other party to any contract, instrument or commitment to which he/she is a party or by which he/she is bound;
(d) there are no actions, suits or proceedings existing, pending or, to his/her knowledge, threatened against or affecting him/her before any court, arbitrator or governmental authority or administrative body or agency that affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement or that would affect his/her ability to perform his/her obligations hereunder;
(e) the obligations under this Agreement are legal and valid obligations binding on him/her and enforceable against him/her in accordance with the terms hereof;
(f) his/her entry into this Agreement, and the exercise of his rights and performance of and compliance with his obligations under or in connection with this Agreement or any other document entered into under or in connection with this Agreement, will constitute, private and commercial acts done and performed for private and commercial purposes;
(g) the Allottee has the financial and other resources, to meet and comply with all his obligations under this Agreement, punctually and in a timely manner and that the Allottee, has not used and shall not use ‘proceeds of crime’, as defined under the Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002, for making any payments hereunder;
(h) the Allottee shall observe, perform and fulfil the covenants, stipulations, restrictions and obligations required to be performed by the Allottee hereunder;
(i) the Allottee is acquainted with, fully aware of and is thoroughly satisfied with (i) the floor plan, area...
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. The Allottee for himself/themselves with intention to bring all persons into whosoever hands the Said Apartment may come, hereby covenants, represents with the Promoter as follows :-
1. on or before delivery of possession of the Said Apartment pay to the Promoter, the Balance Sale Consideration, proportionate share of taxes, any other charges as decided by the Promoter, the amount towards advance maintenance, share money, legal charges, society admission fee, as fixed by the Promoter and such amounts agreed upon in clause no.
2. pay the applicable stamp duty, registration charges, Cess, Legal/Advocate charges and other incidental expenses payable, at the time of registration of this Agreement and the Sale Deed whenever the same is executed;
3. The Allottee shall use the Said Apartment or any part thereof or permit the same to be used only for purpose of residence and shall not use any other purposes(s) whatsoever. The Allottee shall use the allotted parking space only for purpose of keeping or parking his/ her/ their/ its vehicle;
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. The Allottee hereby representa and warrants to the Promoter and the Owner as follows:
(i) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of his/her /its obligations hereunder shall not (i) conflict with or result in a breach of the terms of any other contract or commitment to which he/she/it is a party or by which he/she/it is bound;(ii) violate its memorandum of Association , articles of Association or bye laws or any other equivalent organizational document (if applicable) (iii) conflict with or require any consent or approval under any judgment , order, writ, decree, permit or license to which he/she/it is bound or
(iv) require the consent or approval of any other party to any contract ,instrument or commitment to which he/she/it is a party or by which he/she/it is bound.
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. The Allottee hereby represents and warrants to the Promoter/Owner as follows:-
1. THAT the Allottee shall have no right, title or interest of any nature whatsoever on the land and on the construction by virtue of this agreement, such right will accrue only upon payment of total consideration including other charges and after registration of the said flat and car park space.
2. THAT the Allottee shall have no right to claim any partition and or separation of the land where on the building is erected as well as the building containing the flat and car park agreed to be purchased by this agreement and the interest in the land shall always remain undivided, indivisible and proportionate in terms of this agreement.
3. THAT the Third Party has hereby irrevocably agrees specific condition that he/she shall not any time claim any right of preemption in respect of sale of any other flats or any garage or any car-parking spaces and/or sale of any undivided proportionate impartiable variable share in the land directly underneath the flats against any other purchase/purchases in the same building or other part of the land.
4. THAT the Allottee and other owners/occupiers of the said building shall from a society, association or company for maintaining the said building and the common areas of the said building and to be a member of Apartment owners’ Association, society or company and shall abide by all laws, rules and regulations of such society or association and pay proportionately the necessary taxes revenue and maintenance charges of the said building and common parts thereof and shall observe and perform all rules and buy-laws of such association or society.
5. THAT the Developer M/S Paradise Land & Housing Co. shall, by itself or through its nominated agency, maintain the common areas and facilities of the complex for a period of one year from the date of first notice of handover possession, after obtaining completion plan and certificate. After completion of one year maintenance of the common areas the onus/responsibility of maintenance shall be handed over by the Developer to the Apartment Owners Association formed by the flat owners of the complex which shall thereafter be responsible for maintenance of the common areas and facilities of the complex. In the event of such body as aforesaid, not having been constituted by then, the responsibility of common area maintenance shall be handed over by the Developer to an interim body to be formed from amongst the re...
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. The Allottee for himself/themselves with intention to bring all persons into whosoever hands the Said Villa may come, hereby covenants, represents with the Promoter as follows :-
1. on or before delivery of possession of the Said Villa pay to the Promoter, the Balance Sale Consideration, proportionate share of taxes, any other charges as decided by the Promoter, the amount towards advance maintenance, share money, legal charges, society admission fee, as fixed by the Promoter and such amounts agreed upon in clause no.
2. pay the applicable stamp duty, registration charges, Cess, Legal/Advocate charges and other incidental expenses payable, at the time of registration of this Agreement and the Sale Deed whenever the same is executed;
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. The Said Allottee hereby represents and warrants to the Said Promoter as follows :-
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. The Allottee hereby representa and warrants to the Promoter and the Owner as follows:
(i) The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of his/her /its obligations hereunder shall not (i) conflict with or result in a breach of the terms of any other contract or commitment to which he/she/it is a party or by which he/she/it is bound;(ii) violate its memorandum of Association , articles of Association or bye laws or any other equivalent organizational document (if applicable) (iii) conflict with or require any consent or approval under any judgment , order, writ, decree, permit or license to which he/she/it is bound or
(i) To maintain the Unit at the Allottee's own cost in good and tenantable repair and condition from the date of offer of possession of the Unit and shall not do or suffer to be done anything in or to the building in which the Unit is situated which may be against the rules, regulations or bye-laws or change/alter or make addition in or to the building in which the Unit is situated and the Unit itself or any part thereof without the consent of the local authorities, if required.
(ii) Not to store in the Unit any goods which are of hazardous, combustible or dangerous in nature or are so heavy as to damage the construction or structure of the building in which the Unit is situated or storing of which goods is objected to by the concerned local or other authority and shall take care while carrying heavy packages which may damage or likely to damage the staircases, common passages or any other structure of the building in which the Unit is situated, including entrances of the said Building and in case any damage is caused to the building in which the Unit is situated or the Unit on account of negligence or default of the Allottee in this behalf, the Allottee shall be liable for the consequences of the breach.
(iii) To carry out at his own cost all internal repairs to the said Unit and maintain the Unit in the same condition, state and order in which it was delivered by the Promoter to the Allottee(s) and shall not do or suffer to be done anything in or to the building in which the Unit is situated or the Unit which may be contrary to the rules and regulations and bye-laws of the concerned local authority or other public authority. In the event of the Allottee(s) committing any act in contravention of the above provision, the Allottee(s) shall be responsible and liable for the consequences thereof including to the concerned local authority and/or other public authority.
(iv) Not to demolish or cause to be demolished the Unit or any part thereof, nor at any time make or cause to be made any addition or alteration of whatever nature in or to the Unit or any part thereof, nor any alteration in the elevation and outside colour scheme of the said Building and shall keep the portion, sewers, drains and pipes in the Unit and the appurtenances thereto in good tenantable repair and condition, and in particular, so as to support shelter and protect the other parts of the Building and shall not chisel or in any other manner cause damage to columns, beams, walls, slabs...
REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE ALLOTTEE. The Allottee hereby represents and warrants to the Promoter and the Owners as follows: