STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. In each district, employees in the district shall be represented by one District Xxxxxxx or during his/her absence an Alternate Xxxxxxx, who shall be a regular employee and working in the district. The District Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx shall be notified of scheduled overtime periods. During scheduled overtime periods for more than one employee in his/her district the District Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx shall be scheduled to work as long as there is work scheduled in their district that they can perform and shall be so notified and scheduled.
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. One xxxxxxx, first shift; one xxxxxxx, second shift. Additional stewards from the date of this contract will be based on a ratio of one per twenty (20) additional custodians.
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. A. Employees in the bargaining unit shall be represented by one Chief Xxxxxxx and one Shift Xxxxxxx who shall be regular Employees working in the bargaining unit.
B. In the absence of the Xxxxxxx an alternate may be appointed by the Local Union President.
C. The Xxxxxxx, during his/her working hours and without loss of time and pay may, in his/her own area of jurisdiction only, investigate and present grievances to the Employer. The privilege of the Xxxxxxx leaving his/her work during working hours without loss of time or pay is subject to the understanding that such time will be devoted to the expeditious handling of grievances and will not be beyond reasonable limits. The Xxxxxxx shall not leave work for grievance purposes as provided in the grievance procedure without first notifying the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall be provided location, and approximate time off.
D. There shall be no additional payments of any kind to any Employee for time devoted to grievance handling or to bargaining after working hours.
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. In each district, employees in the district shall be represented by one District Xxxxxxx or during his/her absence, an Alternate Xxxxxxx, who shall be a regular employee and working in the district. The District Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx shall be notified in advance and in writing of scheduled overtime periods. Any concerns over the administration of this provision shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure. The parties shall use the Special Conference provision to resolve concerns relative to this provision. During scheduled overtime periods for more than one employee in a district, if the District Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx is not scheduled to work in accordance with the equalization of overtime provision (Article 45) the District Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx shall appoint an employee scheduled to work as Acting Xxxxxxx for that particular overtime period.
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. A. The Employer recognizes the right of the local Union to designate stewards and alternates from the employees covered by the terms of this Agreement. Such designations shall be limited to one xxxxxxx and alternate for each of the school buildings located in the school district, and one xxxxxxx and alternate for transportation, building and grounds, and one for the mechanics. In addition, a chief xxxxxxx, certified by the bargaining unit, shall be recognized by the Employer. The Union will provide Human Resources with an updated list of the above-mentioned positions, keeping list updated at all times. The authority of stewards and alternates so designated by the Local Union shall be limited to, and shall not exceed, the following duties and activities:
1. Local and/or Council Representatives of the A.F.S.C.M.E., AFL-CIO shall have access to the premises of the School District at any reasonable time during working hours to investigate grievances and other problems with which they are concerned. If practical, the appropriate administrator shall be informed of their presence.
2. The investigation and presentation of grievances of employees within said xxxxxxx'x building or domain to the employer or the employer's representative in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
3. The xxxxxxx and/or alternate may investigate and present grievances to the Employer during his/her regular working hours providing: that the time used for this purpose will not be abused, and stewards or alternates will perform their regularly assigned work at all times.
4. The stewards or alternate stewards during their working hours may in accordance with the terms of this article, present grievances to the representative of the Board of Education. The Superintendent will grant permission and provide sufficient time to the stewards to leave their work during working hours without loss of time or pay subject to the understanding that the time will be devoted to the proper handling of grievances and will not be abused.
5. The chief xxxxxxx will carry any grievance from the building to the superintendent's office, or his/her designee. Stewards will perform their regularly assigned work at all times. Any alleged abuse by either party will be a proper subject of a special conference.
6. Each xxxxxxx or alternate xxxxxxx is limited to one monthly union meeting with a maximum of two (2) hours per meeting providing that every effort will be made to complete their assigned responsibilit...
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. A. There shall be one (1) Chief Xxxxxxx and one (1) Xxxxxxx for day shift, and one (1) Xxxxxxx for the evening shift. There shall be one (1)
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. There shall be one (1) Xxxxxxx and one (1) Alternate Xxxxxxx for each shift, or department, where there are at least five (5) employees assigned to work; however, the minimum necessary to qualify for a Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx at the Golf Course shall be three (3). Each Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx shall be an employee with seniority working within the department he/she represents. If there are a least five (5) employees assigned to work in the department (or three (3) at the Golf Course), the Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx shall not be transferred to another department, nor shall any Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx work outside of their department during their regular work-day. Either the Xxxxxxx or Alternate Xxxxxxx will represent an aggrieved employee if either is available. When both the Xxxxxxx and Alternate Xxxxxxx are not available, the aggrieved employee shall be represented by the Grievance Chair or by the President of OUCMT.
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. A. Employees in each group classification shall be represented by one permanent xxxxxxx elected from the Group for each shift designated. The Union shall notify the Board of Education in writing the officers and stewards of the Union. The Union may also designate a chief xxxxxxx/Vice President who may act in place of or in the absence of the xxxxxxx or President. The Union will notify the employer who the officers and stewards are and his/her term of office within thirty (30) days after election, in writing. During overtime periods, an alternate xxxxxxx will be appointed if necessary, by the President of the Union. The following listing of group classifications and positions pertains only to xxxxxxx representation and does not pertain to any other purposes of this Agreement:
1. Group A Employees Custodial-Maintenance Employees Transportation Coordinator Bus Mechanic Painter Groundskeeper Maintenance Apprentice
2. Group B Employees Cafeteria
3. Group C Bus Drivers Transportation Dispatcher Bus Aides*
4. Group D, E and F Employees Secretarial-Clerical Printing Clerk Library Technical Assistants
5. Group G Employees Security Guards Hall Monitors Crossing Guards *Note: Bus aides should remain in Group G for all other terms of this agreement.
6. Group H Employees Instructional Assistants
B. Employee classifications shall be listed in the Salary Schedule included in this Agreement. Classifications other than those listed in the Salary Schedule may be added as need is determined by the Board of Education at which time vacancies and wage rates will be posted as provided in this Contract. When a new job is placed in a unit and cannot be properly placed in an existing classification, the Employer will notify the Union prior to establishing a classification and rate structure.
C. The President, Vice President and xxxxxxx for each classification shall receive copies of grievance responses, notice of leaves of absence, notice of change of positions, transfers and promotions pertaining to Employees within that classification, excluding medical information, confidential or personal information.
D. The President shall receive a copy of the daily absence sheet listing AFSCME personnel.
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. A. In each group classification, employees in the group classification shall be represented by one (1) xxxxxxx on each shift, who shall be a regular employee working in that group classification and on that shift. During overtime periods, an alternate xxxxxxx may be appointed by the Union President.
B. For purposes of xxxxxxx and alternate xxxxxxx representation, group classifications are listed below:
1. Maintenance, Facility Services
2. Cooks
3. Playground Aides/Lunchroom Aides
4. Title I Instructional, Aides, At-risk Resource Coordinator, Integrity Responsibility (IR) and In- School Restriction Aides.
STEWARDS AND ALTERNATE STEWARDS. Employees in the bargaining unit will be represented by twenty-eight (28) Stewards, one in each of the work locations listed below.