Re-employment Rights Sample Clauses
Re-employment Rights. (1) Re-employment of Faculty Members on layoff status will be administered by the College in accordance with the then-applicable provisions of the Education Code.
(2) Faculty Members on layoff who wish to be re-employed shall keep Human Resources apprised in writing of their current mailing addresses and telephone numbers, and of any changes in their qualifications.
(3) When actual vacancies occur in any Faculty Service Area, the District shall notify, in seniority order, the laid-off Faculty Member(s) in such Faculty Service Area. This notice shall be sent by certified mail to the Faculty Member's current mailing address on file with Human Resources forty-five (45) days before the contemplated first day of re- employment of the Faculty Member or immediately upon the District learning of such vacancy if within forty-five (45) days of the course/assignment beginning date. The notified Faculty member shall notify the District in writing of his/her acceptance or rejection within ten (10) days of mailing by the District. Failure to do so shall mean the Faculty Member has waived his/her reappointment right to the vacancy stated in the notice from the District. Such Faculty Member shall retain the Faculty Member's seniority position on that Faculty Service Area list for the period of time provided by the Education Code.
(4) As to any Faculty Member who is re-employed, the period of absence shall be treated as a leave of absence and shall not be considered as a break in the continuity of service, and such Faculty Member shall retain all rights to contract or regular status, as the case may be, in accordance with the applicable provision of the Education Code, including the requirement of four (4) years' active service for eligibility to move from a contract position to a regular position.
(5) All partially or completely laid-off Faculty Members, upon any partial reinstatement, shall be paid the pro-rata salary equivalent to their step and column placement on the permanent salary schedule at the time of their layoff.
Re-employment Rights. 8.6.1 Laid off employees are eligible for reemployment in the classification from which laid off for a thirty-nine (39) month period from the effective date of layoff and shall be re-employed in the reverse order of layoff, as vacancies become available.
8.6.2 Laid off employees who, at the time of layoff, took voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in assigned time shall be, at the employees’ option, returned to a position in their former classification or to a position with increased assigned time as vacancies become available and for a period of sixty-three (63) months from the effective date of layoff. Such employees shall be ranked in accordance with their seniority on the reemployment list(s).
8.6.3 An employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for re-employment shall be notified in writing by the District, of opening(s), for which he/she is eligible. The notice shall be by certified mail to the last address of the employee on record with the District office.
8.6.4 In lieu of certified mail notice, the District may elect to give notice by telephone or in person. If the position is refused, the District will confirm such refusal by letter to the employee. CSEA shall be given written notice of all employees offered employment.
8.6.5 An employee who has received and declined two (2) offers of employment in the classification from which they were laid off with the same or more hours than those held at the time of layoff, shall be removed from the re-employment list.
8.6.6 Within seven (7) calendar days of mailing the notice or within five (5) calendar days of telephone or personal contact, the employee must accept the position or the right to it is deemed waived.
8.6.7 The District may simultaneously send out notice of vacancies to more than one (1) person on a reemployment list provided that a more junior person may be given the vacancy only when those with more seniority have declined or waived it.
8.6.8 Any acceptance by such employee of an assignment to a classification lower than the classification from which he/she was laid off or to the same classification, but with fewer hours, shall not affect his/her original sixty three (63) month rights to re-employment in his/her former classification and with the same number of hours. An employee given an offer of such re-employment does not need to accept re-employment to maintain his/her eligibility on the re-employment list provided the employee notifies the District of his/her refusal of...
Re-employment Rights. Laid off employees are eligible for reemployment in the class and to the hours from which laid off for a period of thirty-nine (39) months, and shall be re-employed in the reverse order of layoff. Their reemployment shall take precedence over any other type of employment. Acceptance, or refusal to accept, a reemployment offer to a position with lower class status or shorter hours than that from which laid off shall not diminish an employee’s reemployment rights. Laid off employees shall have the right to apply for other positions within the District as if they were in active status. Any right to promotional or transfer precedence granted active bargaining unit employees by this Agreement shall be extended in like manner to laid off employees on reemployment lists. Employees who elect voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions in regular, non-overtime hours of employment shall, at the employee’s option, be returned to positions in their former classes and to positions with increased hours as positions become available, and limited to 63 months, except that they shall be ranked on a reemployment list in accordance with their seniority.
Re-employment Rights. The right to the next vacant position in class ahead of any person who is not higher on the re-employment list and ahead of all new applicants.
Re-employment Rights. Employees returning from military duty shall be entitled to re-employment with the District. To be eligible for re-employment, an employee who served on active duty for ninety (90) days or more must apply for restoration of employment within ninety (90) days after relief from military duty or release from a period of hospitalization of not more than one (1) year, furnish proof of a discharge other than dishonorable conditions, and by physically qualified to perform the duties of such former position. For periods of active duty less than ninety (90) days, the time for application for re-employment shall be within thirty-one (31) days after relief from military duty or release from a period of hospitalization of not more than one (1) year. Re-employment shall commence at the earliest possible time, but no later than thirty (30) days. An employee who is unable to perform former duties by reason of disability shall be placed in another position for which the employee is qualified, that will provide the closest approximation of seniority, status, pay, and ability to carry out assigned duties.
Re-employment Rights. Employees laid off are eligible for re-employment for a period of 39 months. An employee on a re-employment list may decline three offers of re- employment in his/her former class. After his/her third refusal, the employee's name will be removed from the re-employment list.
Re-employment Rights. Re-employment rights shall automatically cease after one (1) calendar year from July 31 of the school year last completed.
Re-employment Rights. 15.7.1 Persons laid off are eligible for re-employment to their previous position for a period of thirty-nine (39) months and shall be re-employed in preference to new applicants.
15.7.2 Persons laid off shall have the right to participate in promotional examinations within the district for a period of thirty-nine (39) months.
15.7.3 Employees who take voluntary demotions or voluntary reductions of assigned time in lieu of layoff shall maintain re-employment rights for sixty-three (63) months, provided that the qualifications for the position are the same or less than the qualifications required for the employee to qualify for appointment to the class.
15.7.4 Individuals on a re-employment list shall have ten (10) days to respond to a written offer sent by certified mail beginning with the day it is deposited in the U.S. Mail to the most recent address supplied to the District by the employee.
15.7.5 If an employee on a re-employment list declines an offer of re-employment in his/her former classification, his/her name shall be removed from the re-employment list.
15.7.6 Offers of re-employment shall be made in reverse order of layoff as vacancies occur in the class for which the laid off employee is qualified. These offers shall be given by certified mail.
15.7.7 An employee shall be re-employed in the highest rated job classification available in accordance with the employee's class seniority. Employees who accept a position lower than their highest former classification shall retain their original thirty-nine (39) month rights to the higher paid position.
Re-employment Rights. 22.8.1 Laid off bargaining unit members are eligible for re-employment in the class from which laid off for a thirty-nine (39) month period and shall be re-employed in the reverse order of layoff.
22.8.2 Bargaining unit member’s re-employment shall take precedence over any other type of employment, defined or undefined in this Agreement.
22.8.3 In addition, bargaining unit members shall have the right to apply for promotional positions within the filing period specified. A bargaining unit member on a re-employment list shall be notified of promotional opportunities in accordance with the provisions of the Education Code.
Re-employment Rights. When reinstatement rights cannot be granted, the employee may be granted the leave of absence on the basis of re-employment rights entitling him/her to employment in the first vacancy in his/her former classification or related classification (lateral or downward) at the end of the leave of absence.