ACTIVITY SUMMARY. The BALANCED Technical Assistance Lead and Project Director will remain in county to help TCMP project staff draft policies and performance expectations for the Project’s CBDs and peer educators. Based on these policies and expectations as well as the key messages developed for the IEC materials, BALANCED will train TCMP staff on how to develop a job aid for their CBDs and peer educators to use as they counsel community members integrated PHE messages. Selected representatives from other NGOs implementing or new to PHE that also have CBD programs will also be invited to the job aid training. Criteria for selecting non-TCMP participants will be developed in collaboration with input from the field, PHE partners and USAID 1 As part of the USAID-funded PRIME II project, a job aid was used to help PATH youth peer educators to integrate family planning into a successful HIV prevention program in the Philippines. This resulted in a significant increase in the use of dual protection and modern contraception among youth engaging in high-risk behaviors. During the training participants will develop a performance-oriented job for their CBDs and/or peer educators. They will learn specific job aid methodology that will enable them to test and revise their job aids as needed. During Year 2 monitoring trips and e-mail correspondence, BALANCED will mentor participants on how to further refine the job aids developed, once they have been used by the projects’ CBDs for several months. Specific activities will include: • Develop policies and performance expectations for TCMP CBDs and peer educators promoting family planning in the scale-up community • Develop criteria for selecting non-TCMP participants to the CBD job aid training • Conduct training on how to develop job aids for CBDs and peer educators • Develop job aids for TCMP and non-TCMP participants’ CBDs and peer educators ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Funded partners: • PFPI and CRC will assist TCMP staff to develop policies and performance expectations for the newly trained CBDs and peer educators • CRC and PFPI will mentor TCMP staff and selected representatives from NGOs implementing or new to PHE activities in Tanzania on job aid development Collaborative partners: GTZ, WWF, JGI, UZIKWASA and Tanzanian PHE network partners to assist in participant selection KEY OUTPUTS • Job aid developed for TCMP CBDs and peer educators • Job aids developed by at least 3 other PHE NGOs attending the IEC training.
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY. A list of the documents, manuals, reports and data from the field, capacity building materials, and other materials made available by the PHE community on the EH project PHE website will be organized and collated based on audience research results and concept mapping exercise conducted under above-mentioned 2.1 activity. This list will be used to migrate and populate the reorganized PHE website on the K4H global website. Recommendations will reflect input from the Advisory Committee and made in close collaboration with the K4H which currently manages the K4H website that will house the new PHE site. The list of documents (data) will be stored in a searchable data system that will facilitate mining of the information contained within to create meta data structures around taxonomies supporting the PHE community efforts. This will greatly improve the ability to search for data, allowing links between the document library and topic oriented web- based forums where knowledge and best practices will be synthesized and shared. Information synthesis from these data collections and information storage and retrieval procedures will be developed in close collaboration with the K4H project at Xxxxx Xxxxxxx University. During Year 1, CRC will also develop a website for the BALANCED project that will house the documents, manuals, and reports, etc. developed as part of the project. Specific activities will include: • Deploy a ‘phase 1’ draft BALANCED website that will be descriptive in nature • Catalog and evaluate existing content and materials on PHE sites (e.g., the EH project, K4H project, WWF, WWC, PRB and CI sites) and identify gaps in content • Assess existing features and identify gaps and use findings from this assessment to inform KM decisions moving forwardIn consultation with PHE partners, EH project, K4H project and USAID identify existing communications tools (blogs, listservs, etc.) to be maintained or transferred for improvements to the new PHE site housed at K4H project. • Make recommendations regarding reorganization and design of PHE web site as well as of functionality and capabilities for serving and aggregating relevant content on PHE, including: − Complete basic style and framework for revised version of PHE website and pathway for adding content and functionality − Develop criteria for posting documents to and creating links on the revamped PHE website and apply these to available content − Develop/elaborate on existing PHE topic map and relate...
ACTIVITY SUMMARY. In Year 1, the FP/RH activities will be implemented in the Mkwaja xxxx, which includes four villages. The main activity will build on an existing GTZ initiative to establish a system of CBDs in the District. Over the year, we will establish a community based distribution system in the xxxx, develop IEC materials to educate the community on PHE and family planning, and conduct a behavior monitoring survey that will provide a baseline for measuring the effectiveness of field-based activities and track changes in target groups’ awareness and practices over the duration of the project. Activities under this intervention are linked closely to other key BALANCED result areas. For example, training of project staff on community-based distribution systems and on the development of IEC materials is linked to IR 1 (capacity building). The revision of CBD guidelines, manuals and job aids are integrated to both IR1 and IR 2 (knowledge management). It is our goal to use the materials developed and experience gained in Year 1 as BALANCED plans scale-up activities in other wards and coastal regions in Tanzania through the TCMP project or other forms of Mission buy-in. The family planning activities will be part of a holistic integrated PHE approach that is part of the Pangani integrated coastal management (ICM) action plan implementation. We will work with the Saadani National Park to implement biodiversity conservation activities related to the marine portion of the park, promote fuel efficient stoves with chimneys to reduce pressure on forest resources and improve respiratory health, build VIP latrines and hand washing stations in schools and market places, promote sustainable livelihoods (primarily beekeeping and milkfish farming), and improve access to family planning services and implement HIV/AIDS prevention activities. Three extension officers responsible for natural resources, family planning, and HIV/AIDS will work together as an integrated team to synergistically implement these activities. The Pangani ICM facilitator will act as the local coordinator as he oversees the implementation of the Pangani ICM action Plan under supervision of the SUCCESS ICM manager. The community members already see the activities implemented through SUCCESS and BALANCED as integrated. When we visited the Mkwaja village in November 2008, the villagers were enthusiastic about the new FP component and said “thank you for all the different activities that you are helping us implement in...
ACTIVITY SUMMARY. In Year 2, CRC will disburse seed grant funding to ENWRA and an NGO working in one of the CTI countries appropriate for seed grant support. PFPI staff will provide limited technical assistance to both seed grant recipients to integrate CBFP into project activities. In addition to BALANCED staff providing technical support, the Project will also build the capacity of in- country counterparts, such as the USAID-funded PHE Fellow in Ethiopia and/or regional PHE expert from one of the CTI countries to provide additional technical support to the seed grant recipients so as to continue to build in-country capacity. Specific activities will include: • Provide seed funds in the amount of $15,000 for Year 2 for ENWRA to integrate family planning and other PHE components into its WICHI Wetlands and Watershed Management project • Provide technical support to ENWRA as agreed upon in the seed grant conditions • Provide seed grant and technical support to one marine conservation project identified in the CTI region to integrate CBFP into on-going coastal resource management • Identify local champions and PHE experts and build their capacity to provide technical support to seed grant recipients and other organizations implementing PHE activities ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Funded partners: CRC, PFPI, CI to identify CTI seed grant recipient, implement the seed grants and provide technical support to seed grant recipients Collaborative partners: ENWRA, CIPHE, USAID-funded PHE Fellow, CI-CTI, WWF, CTI KEY OUTPUTS • ENWRA staff trained on CBFP and other skills needed for PHE integration • Ethiopia counterpart capacity strengthened to provide TA and monitoring support to NGOs implementing integrated PHE projects in Ethiopia • CTI seed grant recipient trained on PHE integration INDICATORS AND EXPECTED RESULTS Expected results: • At least 5 Wichi project personnel and 10 to 15 community volunteers trained in community-based family planning and other PHE components needed to implement an integrated PHE approach. • At least 1 local PHE expert trained on how to provide effective technical support to ENWRA and other PHE projects in Ethiopia (1.4) • Project scale up in Ethiopia (3.2) • Community based PHE activities integrated in at least one marine conservation project ongoing in the Coral Triangle (3.2) INDICATOR YR 2 TARGET SO-1: Number of target organizations incorporating PHE tools, protocols, etc. into their work (PRH 1.1) 1
ACTIVITY SUMMARY. Following up on potential opportunities identified during Year 2, BALANCED plans to conduct one or more PHE Program Design workshops for at least 15 senior-level staff members of organizations in the CT region that are implementing conservation, family planning/health or rural development activities and are new to but interested in developing integrated approaches to PHE and implementing these after the workshop. The training will use the Designing and Implementing Integrated Approaches to PHE:
ACTIVITY SUMMARY. During Year 3, BALANCED will identify another conservation organization that is interested in integrating health and family planning into their programs and could benefit from some financial and technical support to achieve this objective. Carry-over funds from the Year 2 budget will be used for this activity. BALANCED will present the rationale and justification for the seed grant recipient to USAID and seek final approval from USAID when a seed grant recipient is identified. Examples of potential seed grant recipients we will explore include, but are not limited to: • A conservation organization in Senegal where CRC has been asked to submit a proposal for a large coastal resources management project. • Depending on outcome of the June PHE workshop in Uganda, a conservation group that is interested in PHE integration there. • Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. The Xxxx Foundation is supporting the restoration of the Gorongosa National Park and is interested in providing health services to the populations surrounding the park. A seed grant could support technical assistance and capacity building that would strengthen the Xxxx Foundation’s USAID Mozambique-funded Ecohealth Project. • A conservation group in the CT region to be identified by PFPI as a result of their discussions with the RMDA and with organizations in the region interested in PHE activities. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Funded partners: CRC, PFPI, CI Collaborative partners: TBD KEY OUTPUTS • Seed grant proposal developed and seed grant agreement with NGO partner/MOU for technical assistance • Seed grant recipient’s implementation plan • Adapted curricula and other learning tools used by seed grant recipient • Collect baseline data, and, if conducting youth activities, collect data on youth RH/FP behaviours • Other outputs TBD
ACTIVITY SUMMARY. The specific activities to integrate population and health into the ICFG project will derive from the findings and recommendations of the BALANCED Year 2 in-country assessment scheduled to take place mid-June. Strategies and activities for PHE integration will also draw from the conceptual framework and action plan that was developed by Xx. Xxxxxxx during the SSE PHE study tour in Year 2. This plan includes steps to advocate and integrate PHE as an “organic package of initiatives” through active collaboration between local governments in partnership with grassroots communities. Specific activities may include (and will be refined after June scoping visit): • Identify /develop examples of the PHE themes/messages that would be most appropriate to integrate into the ICFG Project’s environment activities. • Conduct capacity development trainings on PHE for staff of the ICFG project, FoN and other possible partners. • Review/refine the PHE conceptual framework and action plan for PHE integration. • Conduct a TOT on PHE community-based distribution and peer education. ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Funded partners: CRC, PFPI Collaborative partners: FoN, JHU, Xxxx Xxxx International (JSI), Population Services International (PSI) or DKT, local MOH KEY OUTPUTS • PHE framework and action plan/PHE package of activities • FoN and ICFG partners trained in PHE CBD and PE system and other PHE components needed to implement an integrated approach in ICFG project sites • Active community volunteersIEC materials with integrated PHE messages drafted, pre-tested and reproduced • FoN incorporating PHE tools into their work on ICFG • Collect baseline data, and, if conducting youth activities, collect data on youth RH/FP behaviors EXPECTED RESULTS AND INDICATORS Expected results:
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ACTIVITY SUMMARY. During Year 3, BALANCED will continue to seek USG support (Mission, Bureau, program) for new and scaled-up field-based PHE activities in USAID family planning focus countries (including 1st and 2nd Tier and graduated countries) with biodiversity conservation priorities. These funds would support conservation NGOs operating in biodiversity-rich areas of a country and interested in the PHE approach to integrate CBFP services into their conservation activities. In coordination with the BALANCED Project USAID AOTR and PHE Technical Advisor, we intend to explore opportunities for additional USG support which includes, but are not limited to:
ACTIVITY SUMMARY. During Year 2, seven promising PHE practitioners from African NGOs will be identified to participate in a “South-to- South” exchange, which will consist of an eight-day study tour to the IPOPCORM learning sites. A master trainer from the TNC-CTC Global Learning Center in Bali may also participate. We plan to work with the TNC-CTC to integrate PHE training into its syllabus for CTI program managers (see Activity 1.4). The study tour can accommodate four additional participants, who may include key BALANCED personnel and/or individuals from other NGOs interested in implementing PHE approaches and who have funds to support their own participation. Specific activities will include: • Establish and apply criteria for the selection of seven practitioners from East Africa (i.e. NGO program managers from USAID 1st Tier Intensive or 1st Tier Countries) and possibly one trainer from the TNC-CTC Global Learning Center (i.e., master trainer for Conservation Action Planning) • Arrange logistics planning and materials for the South-to-South exchange (eight-day study tour) • Implement the study tour and document the proceedings ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED‌ Funded partners: PFPI & CRC Collaborative partners: Provincial Governor of Bohol; Municipal Governments of Ubay and Talibon (Bohol Province); Community-based distributors and marine protected area management committee members involved in IPOPCORM KEY OUTPUTS • Study tour participants’ country-specific action plans • Report on study tour INDICATORS AND EXPECTED RESULTS Expected results: • At least eight PHE practitioners and/or government officials with country-specific PHE action plans that include community-based family planning activities linked to conservation actions
ACTIVITY SUMMARY. During Year 2, the BALANCED Project will continue conversations with TNC to explore the possibility of incorporating PHE into one or more of the TNC-CTC Global Learning Center curricula. If affirmative, BALANCED will conduct the following activities: Specific activities will include: • Adapt the PHE Program Design curriculum to be incorporated into the selected TNC- CTC syllabus • Train TNC-CTC trainers on the PHE curriculum and how to administer an evaluation of the module and evaluation results to fine tune the training program • Monitor remotely (via email) outputs of the PHE related training activities of TNC-CTC (i.e., numbers of individuals trained by institutional type, results of test scores, etc.) ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED Funded partners: PFPI Collaborative partners: USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia /Coral Triangle Initiative; WWF-CTI; TNC-Western Pacific Regional Office (Honolulu); TNC-CTC Global Learning Center (Bali) KEY OUTPUTS • PHE Program Design Curriculum adapted for use by TNC-CTC global learning center • Three TNC-CTC facilitators trained on how to use the PHE module INDICATORS AND EXPECTED RESULTS Expected results: • At least 3 TNC-CTC facilitators trained
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