Alternate Hours of Work. 30.1 (a) Effective date of ratification, notwithstanding Article 37.2 (b), alternative hours of work during July and August, Christmas Recess Period and the Mid Winter Break may be applied in the following manner.
Alternate Hours of Work. The hours of work for employees may be varied with the mutual agreement of the employee and the Manager/Administrator to whom they report, with the approval from the Assistant Superintendent or designate. Such modification shall not result in extra costs to the Board by attracting premium pay, unless the Board agrees to do so. This provision only applies to employees who may seek an extended workday and/or a shortened work week. Any agreement to alter the hours of work requires an Alternative Hours of Work Agreement to be signed by the employee, the Board (or designate), and the Association prior to implementation. The term of such an agreement shall be specified in the Alternate Hours of Work Agreement.
Alternate Hours of Work. Employees except in Security Services and the Heating Plant may bank time in order to provide for time off, in accordance with the following provisions: Employees in Security Services and the Heating Plant are covered by a current agreement between the University and the Union that provides for altered hours of work, including a twelve-hour shift schedule. In the event that the current agreement is terminated, the hours of work schedule for the Heating Plant will follow the provisions below for Trade Services, with those modifications necessary due to the demands of the Heating Plant scheduling. Sick leave and vacation utilization is recorded consistent with Articles 17 and 18. However, a day will be considered to be eight (8) hours, and twelve (12) hours will be considered to be a day and one-half. Subject to the General Provisions which follow, employees will work the following daily work schedule throughout the calendar year and will earn the following banked time to be taken off during the same calendar year. Operational Services: - Daily hours - 7 hours, 30 minutes The total banked time for a calendar year is 17.5 days. Applied Scientific Services, Facility Services, Trade Services: - Daily hours - 8 hours The total banked time for a calendar year is 16 days. General Provisions
1. Every employee who wishes it (subject to the limitations below) shall be able to work a banked time schedule. Notwithstanding this provision, in unusual and isolated situations where the Employer can establish that it is not possible to have an employee participate in the arrangements detailed below, the Employer and the Union will negotiate a schedule (which may include an alternative banking schedule) which meets the operational needs of the unit and is equitable to the employee concerned.
2. A running record, stated in hours, including two decimal points if necessary, will be maintained of positive additional time worked and banked time used by an employee. No time will be banked when an employee is absent from work for a continuous period exceeding thirty calendar days except in the case of vacation leave.
3. Permanent and seasonal employees may bank time, including periods when they occupy term positions. Banking is not permitted for employees who are casual or who are in term appointments of less than four months. Part time employees may be considered for banked time eligibility on a case by case basis where in the opinion of the Employer it would be operationally feas...
Alternate Hours of Work. Notwithstanding anything herein contained the Parties may by mutual agreement introduce variable hours of work or other changes as agreed by a joint memorandum.
Alternate Hours of Work. (a) Effective date of ratification, notwithstanding Article L45.2 (b), alternative hours of work during July and August, Winter Break and the Spring Break may be applied in the following manner.
(b) Employees must work thirty (30) hours in each week, work five (5) days per week Monday to Friday and on any given day the hours of work must occur between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. No alternative hours of work will occur during the first two (2) weeks of July and the last two (2) weeks of August.
Alternate Hours of Work. Alternate Hours of work other than those noted below may be developed and implemented provided the following principles are adhered to:
a) Such schedules will be established by mutual agreement by the Labour Relations Committee.
b) Affected employees have given their consent to such an arrangement.
c) Operational effectiveness will be maintained.
d) Either party may cancel such arrangements with thirty (30) days’ notice.
e) Seniority will be the deciding factor with regard to schedule preference. Such arrangements may include, summer hours, compressed work week, etc.
Alternate Hours of Work. An employee or Employer may request to change the hours of work outside of the parameters established in clauses 15.01, 15.03 and 15.04.
Alternate Hours of Work. In view of the interest that has been expressed by employees concerning alternate hours of work, the parties agree to establish the following provisions as a means of addressing alternate hours of work.
a) When a majority of workers within a work group desire to work alternate hours, they shall submit to their Union representative and immediate manager a detailed proposal outlining the alternate hours. Individual employees may also submit requests as outlined above if they desire to workalternate hours.
b) Upon receipt of the proposal, the parties (Union representative or delegate and manager or delegate) shall meet within fifteen (15) days to discuss the proposal to determine whether the alternate hours can be accommodated. Every reasonable consideration will be given to the proposal.
Alternate Hours of Work. Where efficiencies in the operation can be achieved hours of work arrangements other than those outlined in Article 9 may be developed and implemented between the Corporation and the Principal Xxxxxxx. Power Workers’ Union Xxxxxx Hydro Distribution Inc. Jan 11, 2021 Date The parties agree to the following language covering Rest Periods.
Alternate Hours of Work. In order to better manage patient care, optimize human resources and provide optimal working conditions, the parties agree to the