Extended Workday Sample Clauses
Extended Workday. During each school year, teachers shall be expected to attend no more than six (6) functions as the Superintendent may from time to time direct which are outside the regular school day. Examples include but are not limited to parent/teacher conference nights, curriculum open house, and supervision of a student performance. However, additional functions may be scheduled at the building level by the building principal with approval of the Superintendent, but teachers' attendance will not be required at these additional functions. Four of the six functions are parent/teacher conferences which will be held on two evenings twice each year. The calendar for conferences is developed annually by the Faculty Association and the Administration. Typically, the conference schedule reflects one evening of conferences after a regular student attendance day and a second evening after a student non-attendance and modified teacher attendance day. All teachers will be in attendance for the full conference schedule. The parties acknowledge and agree that certain teaching assignments, by their nature, require attendance at functions in excess of the six (6) noted above. Teachers agree that such additional attendance at additional functions is inherent in their teaching responsibilities and shall not be additionally compensated.
Extended Workday. All provisions pertaining to Casual Employees working the extended work day are covered in Article 40: Extended Work Day.
Extended Workday. The School Board may adopt a written plan for an extended workday consisting of no more than eight (8) hours and thirty (30) minutes at one or more instructional sites. This plan shall include the educational purpose to be achieved by the extension of the workday. LCTA shall be provided with the proposed plan as soon as practicable. Employees at a school where such extended workday is to be implemented shall be provided with written notice that the District plans to implement an extended workday at their school. Employees’ pay shall be increased proportionally consistent with the extended workday (see Section 21.03). A permanent employee assigned to a school that is to have an extended workday who desires to transfer to a school on a standard workday shall be provided with such an opportunity.
Extended Workday. 37.01 Where the parties in this Collective Agreement agree to implement a system employing an extended work day and resultant compressed work week, they shall evidence such agreement by signing a document indicating such agreement applies.
37.02 Either party may, by giving three (3) months’ notice, in writing, or such shorter period of time as may be agreed to by the parties, to the other party, terminate this arrangement.
37.03 The Employer and the Union acknowledge and confirm that, with the exception of those amendments hereinafter specifically detailed, when the extended work day is implemented, all other Articles of this Collective Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as between the parties.
37.04 The normally scheduled working hours of an employee on the compressed work week shall not exceed twelve (12) hours in a day.
37.05 Three (3) fifteen (15) minute paid rest periods will be provided during each full shift of twelve (12) hours.
37.06 The Employer shall determine when overtime is necessary and for what period of time it is required. All authorized time worked in excess of twelve (12) hours per day shall be paid at two times (2x) the employee’s basic rate of pay.
37.07 An employee required by the Employer to work on his scheduled day(s) off shall be paid at two times (2x) his basic rate of pay, unless he is given at least ten (10) calendar days’ notice of a change in the shift schedule. If, an employee is called to work without prior notification, the provisions of Clause 11.01 (a) shall apply but only where such application would result in a greater dollar payment than overtime in accordance with Article 37.06.
37.08 Shift Differential and Weekend Premium shall be paid in accordance with Articles 18 and 19.
37.09 Amend Article 21.01(a)(i) to read:
(a) Xxxxxxxxxxx leave shall be granted in the event of death of a member of the employee’s immediate family. For the first four (4) working days of such leave of absence, the employee shall suffer no loss of regular earnings. In case of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, xxxxxx parents (if not considered true parents), up to two (2) working days with pay within a seven calendar day period.
(b) In the event of a death of another relative or close friend, the Employer may, subject to operational requirements, grant up to one (1) working day off with pay to attend the funeral services should the funeral fall within scheduled working hours.
37.10 Full-time Employees shall be entitled to a day off wi...
Extended Workday. In cases involving extending the workday beyond contractual limits, the District shall adjust the workday. Additional time shall be paid at the educator’s per-diem rate. During any additional unassigned time, the educator shall be assigned to assignment-related tasks.
Extended Workday. The School Board may adopt a written plan for an extended workday consisting of no more than eight (8) hours and thirty (30) minutes at one (1) or more instructional sites. This plan shall include the educational purpose to be achieved by the extension of the workday. LCTA shall be provided with the proposed plan as soon as practicable. Implementation of the plan shall not occur prior to a discussion with LCTA about the i m p a c t s on teacher’s working conditions, wages and terms of employment. Employees at a school where such extended workday is to be implemented shall be provided with written notice that the District plans to implement an extended workday at their school. Employees’ pay shall be increased proportionally at their hourly rate consistent with the extended workday (see Section 21.03). A permanent employee assigned to a school that is to have an extended workday who desires to transfer to a school on a standard workday shall be provided with such an opportunity.
Extended Workday. The School Board may adopt a written plan for an extended workday consisting of no more than eight
Extended Workday. If the school day is lengthened beyond the hours in effect during the 1984-1985 school year, the Board shall compensate the members of the bargaining unit at a rate of compensation based upon a pro-rating of their annual salaries equal to a percentage of the time the school day is extended (e.g., if the school day is increased by 5%, then the salaries must also be increased by 5%).
Extended Workday. The School Board may adopt a written plan for an extended workday consisting of no more than eight (8) hours and thirty (30) minutes at one or more instructional sites. This plan shall include the educational purpose to be achieved by the extension of the workday. LCTA shall be provided with the proposed plan as soon as practicable. Implementation of the plan shall not occur prior to a discussion with LCTA about the i m p a c t s on teacher’s working conditions, wages and terms. Employees at a school where such extended workday is to be implemented shall be provided with written notice that the District plans to implement an extended workday at their school. Employees’ pay shall be increased proportionally consistent with the extended workday (see Section 21.03). A permanent employee assigned to a school that is to have an extended workday who desires to transfer to a school on a standard workday shall be provided with such an opportunity. The workday shall include: Lunch Period. Employees shall have a duty-free lunch period equal to the student lunch period in that building. For employees who volunteer to serve lunch duty a duty-free time equal to the duty-free lunch period shall be granted. Every effort shall be made to provide the equal duty-free time immediately before or immediately after the lunch duties. On planning days the lunch period shall be one hour. Planning/Preparation Period. All elementary school employees in the District shall have at least five (5) hours per week during the workday for the purpose of planning. Every effort will be made to ensure that at least 4 out of 5 planning periods will be reserved for individual planning time weekly. Site administrators shall make reasonable efforts, consistent with staffing and program needs, to maximize and protect teacher planning time and to provide such employees with at least forty (40) consecutive minutes of duty-free planning time during the workday; a minimum of thirty (30) consecutive minutes of duty-free planning time shall be provided. Site administrators shall provide employees at the same school with equal planning time to the extent possible consistent with program and staffing needs. Activities such as team or department planning related to the delivery of instruction are appropriate activities to be carried out during planning time and are not to be considered “duty”. Planning for secondary teachers is covered in Section 8.02. Elementary teachers may use the time during which their...
Extended Workday. The School Board may adopt a written plan for an extended workday consisting of no more than eight (8) hours and thirty (30) minutes at one or more instructional sites. This plan shall include the educational purpose to be achieved by the extension of the workday. LCTA shall be provided with the proposed plan at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to its consideration by the Board, and the District shall consult with LCTA prior to Board action regarding such plan. Employees at a school where such extended workday is to be implemented shall be provided with written notice that the District plans to implement an extended workday at their school no later than March 1 of the school year preceding the implementation of such extended workday. Employees at such school shall have input into their school’s plan through the procedures provided in Article 25 (School Improvement and Accountability and Shared Decision- Making) or through other appropriate teacher group(s) at the school (school improvement team, leadership team, etc.). Employees’ pay shall be increased proportionally consistent with the extended workday (see Section 21.03). A permanent employee assigned to a school that is to have an extended workday who desires to transfer to a school on a standard workday shall be provided with such an opportunity.