DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE. 6.01 (a) No employee, except employees during their probationary period, shall be discharged or disciplined except for just cause. The Union agrees to co-operate in any endeavor to correct inefficiencies of employees which might necessitate disciplinary action.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE. 9.01 A claim by an employee who has completed his/her probationary period that he/she has been unjustly disciplined or discharged from his/her employment, shall be treated as a grievance if a written statement of such grievance is lodged within three (3) working days after the employee ceases to work for the Company. Such grievances shall be lodged at Step 3. 9.02 When an employee has been dismissed, he/she shall have the right to interview his/her xxxxxxx for a reasonable period of time before leaving the plant premises. 9.03 Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, a probationary employee may be discharged at the sole discretion of and for any reason satisfactory to the employer (unless contrary to the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code) and such action by the Employer is not subject to the grievance procedures and does not constitute a difference between the parties. The company will advise the Plant Chair if they let anyone go as above. (a) Whenever possible or practicable any disciplinary action to be taken will be administered in the presence of the employer, the immediate Supervisor or Plant Manager and a Union Representative; provided however there is a Union Representative on shift at that time. If not the Local Union Plant Chairperson will be notified as soon as possible and without delay thereafter. (b) Any correction notice must be in writing with the signatures of the Employee, the Supervisor and/or Plant Manager. Any correction notice submitted to the Human Resources Office without the employee’s signature will not be valid, unless otherwise noted as “employee refused to sign” and witnessed by one other individual. (c) All correction notices (warnings) to include “The employee’s signature shall only be acknowledgment that they have read and received a copy of the above discipline”. (d) Correction notices (warnings) and all notes pertaining to such warnings will be removed from the employee’s file after a period of eighteen (18) months providing the employee is discipline-free for that eighteen (18) month period. Attendance related discipline will be applied to an employee’s disciplinary record for the purpose of this provision only when the discipline exceeds a written warning. The Company agrees to accept documented and valid absences from employees without impact to the employee’s record if applied to the ESA Emergency Leave regulations.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINEDischarge and discipline shall be made only for just cause. Employees in the unit may be dismissed for just cause and any of the following reasons shall be considered just cause for dismissal: a. Failure to perform duties assigned; b. Insubordination and lack of cooperation; and/or c. Use of intoxicating liquor or drugs, which are detected, by his/her supervisor, or anyone who comes in contact with employee while on duty; d. The commission of any criminal or other offense involving moral turpitude; and /or e. Any other cause, which may be made grounds for dismissal by applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota or under the School Board policies of the district.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINENo employee who has completed her/his probationary period shall be disciplined or suspended except for just cause. The question of "just cause" shall specifically be subject to the grievance procedure of this Agreement. If any discipline, suspension, or discharge results from conduct relating to a patient and if the patient does not appear at the arbitration, the arbitrator shall not consider the failure of the patient to appear as prejudicial. The term "patient" shall include, for the purpose of this Agreement, those seeking admission and those seeking care or treatment as well as those already admitted. Employees who have not completed their probationary period, however, may be terminated without recourse by the Employer and such termination shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures of this Agreement.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE. 9.01 The Employer shall pay any discharged Employee all their wages in full, by the pay period after their discharge and after any monies owed by them to the Employer have been repaid to the Employer. 9.02 A non-probationary Employee who feels they has been unjustly dismissed may present a grievance and the same shall be entered at “STEP 2” of the Grievance Procedure provided by Article 7 hereof, provided that the right to grievance shall be deemed to be waived if no grievance has been presented within five (5) working-days after the discharge using the methods set out in STEP 1 above. A probationary Employee who feels that they have been dismissed in violation of the standard as set out in Article 7.06 may present a grievance using the methods set out in STEP 1 above and the same shall be entered at the third Step of the Grievance Procedure provided by Article 7; hereof, provided that the right to grievance shall be deemed to be waived if no grievance has been presented within five (5) working-days after the discharge.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE. 9.01 The Employer shall not discipline or dismiss any employee bound by this Agreement except for just cause.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE. A. The Employer agrees to notify in writing the Building Xxxxxxx, or if the Building Xxxxxxx is unavailable, the Union President, or the Vice-President, as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours, after any discharge or discipline of an employee. The Union Xxxxxxx may attend any disciplinary meetings. B. The discharge or disciplined employee will be allowed to discuss his discharge or discipline with the Xxxxxxx of the Building or Vice-President-Chief Xxxxxxx, the President, and/or a Union Officer; and the Employer may make available an area where he may do so before he is required to leave the property of the employer. Upon request, the Employer or his designated representative will discuss the discharge or discipline with the employee and the Xxxxxxx or the officers as outlined above.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE. No employee, other than an employee who, at the time of discharge, has not completed the probationary period specified in Article shall be discharged except for just and sufficient cause; and no employee shall be disciplined except for just and sufficient cause. An employee who is called before supervisor concerning any disciplinary matter, shall be accompanied by a Union representative. If the employee receives a reprimand or is suspended, this shall be confirmed in writing within two working days, with a copy sent to the Union. If the employee is discharged, this shall be confirmed in writing on the same day, with a copy sent to the Union. For the purposes of this Article, discipline means formal discipline (i.e.: verbal, written warning, etc.). Disciplinary letters shall be removed from the employee’s file eighteen (1 8) months from their issue date. Employees shall, by appointment, have supervised access to view and copy their personal files.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE. 15.01 The Employer shall not discipline an employee except for just cause. Formal discipline may take the form of a verbal warning, a written warning, a suspension(s) or termination for cause. Written notification of formal discipline shall be provided to the employee. 15.02 An employee is entitled to be accompanied by a Union Xxxxxxx when interviewed in the course of a disciplinary investigation. The Employer will establish the time and place of such meeting allowing sufficient time for the employee to secure union representation. The Union Xxxxxxx will be advised in writing within seven (7) working days of the disciplinary action and the reason(s) thereof. 15.03 An employee who has completed her probationary period and claims she has been unjustly discharged from her employment may file a grievance in writing with the Executive Director or her designate at any time within seven (7) working days after the employee receives written notification of her discharge. The grievance will be dealt with at Step 1 of the grievance procedure. 15.04 A grievance referred to in Article 13.03 may be settled under the grievance or arbitration procedure by: (a) confirming the Employer’s action; or (b) reinstating the employee with or without loss of seniority and with or without compensation for the time lost during the period from the date of her discharge to her reinstatement; or (c) by any other arrangement which resolves the grievance. 15.05 Disciplinary letters shall be removed from the employee’s personnel file eighteen (18) months after the date of issue provided that the employee has been discipline free for that period of time. 15.06 An Employee shall have the right, at a mutually agreed upon time, to have access to and review her personnel record in the presence of the Executive Director and Union Representation.. 15.07 The Union shall receive all relevant documents in a Grievor’s personnel file prior to any grievance arbitration proceeding with respect to that Grievor.
DISCHARGE & DISCIPLINE. Discipline is primarily the responsibility of the first line supervisor and is intended to be a positive or developmental rather than a negative or punishing procedure.