EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. (a) Citizens of Ghana shall be given preference for employment by the Company in all phases of its operations hereunder to the maximum possible extent, consistent with safety, efficiency and economy. (b) Except with respect to unskilled personnel, the Company may employ non-Ghanaian personnel in the conduct of its operations provided that the number of such non-Ghanaian personnel employed shall not exceed the quota permitted by the Government. (c) The Company shall provide appropriate programmes of instruction and theoretical and practical training to ensure the advancement, development, improved skills and qualification of Ghanaian employees in all categories of employment.
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. In carrying out Petroleum Operations the Company shall, to the maximum extent possible, employ Namibian citizens having appropriate qualifications.
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. Timor-Leste and Australia shall take appropriate measures with due regard to occupational health and safety requirements, efficient operations and good oilfield practice to ensure that preference is given in employment and training in the Unit Area to nationals or permanent residents of Timor- Leste and Australia.
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. 21.1 In order to establish programmes to train Ghanaian personnel for work in Petroleum Operations and for the transfer of management and technical skills required for the efficient conduct of Petroleum Operations, Contractor shall pay to GNPC the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars (US$250,000) per year from the Effective Date to maintain and implement such programmes. Such expenditure shall qualify for deduction against income tax under the Income Tax law and shall be considered as Petroleum Costs. The above amounts shall be payable within thirty (30) days after the beginning of each Calendar Year, provided that the sum payable shall be pro rata for any period of less than a full Calendar Year (e.g. from the Effective Date to the end of the Calendar Year). GNPC shall prepare and present to JMC its intentions for such programmes on an annual basis and shall consider any suggestions made by Contractor’s JMC representatives. 21.2 In addition to the annual sums payable pursuant to Article 21.1 above, Contractor shall pay to GNPC on a once-off basis a single further sum of four hundred thousand US dollars (U.S.$400,000) in respect of technical support for GNPC. Such expenditure shall also qualify for deduction against income tax under the Income Tax law and shall be considered as a Petroleum Cost. 21.3 Where qualified Ghanaian personnel are available for employment in the conduct of Petroleum Operations, Contractor shall ensure that in the engagement of personnel it shall as far as reasonably possible provide opportunities for the employment of such personnel. For this purpose, Contractor shall submit to GNPC an employment plan with number of persons and the required professions and technical capabilities prior to the performance of Petroleum Operations. GNPC shall provide the qualified personnel according to the said plan. 21.4 Contractor shall, if so requested by GNPC, provide opportunities for a mutually agreed number of GNPC personnel nominated by GNPC to be seconded for on-the-job training or attachment in all phases of its Petroleum Operations under a mutually agreed secondment contract. Expenses of secondment shall not be credited against the training obligation under Article 21. 1. Such secondment contract shall include continuing education and short industry courses mutually identified as beneficial to the secondee. Costs and other expenses connected with such assignment of GNPC personnel on secondment shall be borne by the Contractor an...
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. 21.1 As contribution to Training, Research and Development Fund, Licensee shall pay to the State, thirty (30) days from the Effective Date, the sum of XXX United States Dollars (US$XXX) per Graticular Block per annum during the Exploration Period and XXX United States Dollars (US$XXX) per Graticular Block per annum during the Development Period, and XXX United States Dollars (US$XXX) per Graticular Block per annum during the Production Period. Licensee shall pay Training, Research and Development Fund to the State’s consolidated revenue fund in accordance with Public Financial Management Xxx 0000, which the State may use to train Sierra Leonean personnel and transfer the management and technical skills required for the efficient conduct of Petroleum Operations. This sum shall be paid to the State within thirty (30) days of the Effective Date, and on every anniversary of the Effective Date for the duration of the Licence. 21.2 Licensee shall be required to employ Sierra Leone citizens in all categories and functions, except if there are no Sierra Leone citizens in the national market with the required qualifications and experience, under terms to be regulated. 21.3 National and foreign workers employed by Licensee who occupy identical professional categories and carry out identical functions shall enjoy the same rights of remuneration and the same working and social conditions, without any type of discrimination. 21.4 Licensee shall, if so requested by the Director General, provide opportunities for a mutually agreed number of employees nominated by the Director General to be seconded for on-the-job training or attachment to all phases of its Petroleum Operations under a mutually agreed secondment scheme. 21.5 In furtherance of its obligations under this Article, Licensee shall during the term of this Licence, prepare in respect of each Year a local employment statement, containing the following information: a) the number of Sierra Leoneans employed by the Licensee directly, or indirectly through its Subcontractors, their level within the organization and their salary scale; b) the mean salary of foreign employees hired by the Licensee directly, or indirectly through its Subcontractors, at the same levels as the Sierra Leonean workers; c) the percentage that the number of Sierra Leoneans employed by Licensee or Sub- contractor represent of the total number of Licensee and Sub-Contractors employ- ees respectively; d) the percentage that the total salaries of...
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. 20.1 Without prejudice to the right of the Contractor to select and employ such number of personnel as, in the opinion of the Contractor, are required for carrying out Petroleum Operations in a safe and efficient manner, the Contractor shall, to the maximum extent possible, employ, and require the Operator and Subcontractors to employ, citizens of India having appropriate qualifications and experience, taking into account experience required in the level and nature of the Petroleum Operations. 20.2 The Operator shall offer a mutually agreed number of Indian nationals the opportunity for on- the-job training and practical experience in Petroleum Operations during the Exploration Period. Not later than six (6) Months after submission of FDP, the Operator shall, in consultation with the Government, establish and implement training programmes for staff positions at every level of Petroleum Operations including skilled, technical, executive and management positions, with a view to ensuring employment of nationals of India.
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. 22.1 From the commencement of the Hydrocarbons Operations, the Contractor shall give preference to the employment of competent and suitably qualified Cypriot and EEA nationals and contribute to the training of those personnel in order to allow them access to any position of skilled worker, xxxxxxx, executive and manager. 22.2 For the better implementation of Article 22.1, the Contractor shall establish at the end of each Calendar Year in agreement with the Minister a plan for recruiting Cypriot and EEA personnel and a plan for training and improving such personnel residing in Cyprus, in order to achieve progressively greater participation of Cypriot and EEA personnel in the Hydrocarbons Operations. 22.3 As from the commencement of the Hydrocarbons Operations, the Contractor shall also contribute to the training and improving of the professional skills of the civil servants of the Republic or other candidates nominated by the Minister, including the acquisition of the necessary equipment, in accordance with a plan established in agreement with the Minister for each Calendar Year. For that purpose, the Contractor shall allocate to said plan or, at the Minister's election, place at the disposal of the Minister for implementing said plan: (i) During the term of the Exploration Period, a minimum amount of ( ) Euros per Calendar Year; (ii) During the term of the Exploitation Period, a minimum amount of ( ) Euros per Calendar Year.
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. (a) The parties acknowledge that: (i) there are limited opportunities for an explorer and its contractors to employ persons during the carrying out of authorised exploration activities, including for the employment of members of the native title claim group; and (ii) those employment opportunities that do exist during the carrying out of authorised exploration activities are primarily for people with specialist skills and training. (b) The parties also acknowledge that it is in their mutual interests that government funded training for Aboriginal people is offered in regional South Australia to provide those people with skills required for employment in the resources industry and which, where possible, are also transferable to other industries.
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. The Contractor shall use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver the Services in a manner that utilizes persons, bodies or other entities that provide employment and training to persons with disabilities.
EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING. OF INDONESIAN PARTICIPANTS 1. The Company shall employ Indonesian personnel, giving preference to local residents, to the maximum extent practicable consistent with efficient operations, subject to the provisions of the laws and regulations which may from time to time be in force in Indonesia. 2. The Company shall not be restricted in its assignment or discharge of personnel; provided, however, that subject to the foregoing requirements, the terms and conditions of such assignment and discharge or disciplining of Indonesian personnel shall be carried out in compliance with the laws and regulations of Indonesia which at the time are generally applied. 3. The Company shall seek to provide direct Indonesian participation in the Enterprise through the inclusion of Indonesian nationals in the management of the Company and among the members of its Board of Directors. To this end at least one seat on the Board of Directors will continuously be occupied by an Indonesian national from the date of incorporation of the Company. The Company will also train Indonesian nationals to occupy other responsible positions. 4. The Company shall conduct a comprehensive training program for Indonesian personnel in Indonesia and, subject to the approval of the Government, in other countries and carry out such program for training and education in order to meet the requirement for various classifications of full time employment for its operations in Indonesia within the shortest practicable period of time. The Company shall also conduct a program to acquaint all Expatriate employees and registered subcontractors with the laws and customs of Indonesia. 5. The Company and its registered subcontractors may bring into Indonesia such Expatriate Individuals as in the Company's judgement are required to carry out its operations efficiently; provided however, that the Minister may make known to the Company, and the Company shall duly observe, objections based on grounds of national security or foreign policy of the Government. At the Company's request (which shall be accompanied by information concerning the education, experience and other qualifications of the individuals concerned) and in compliance with the rules and regulations in effect from time to time, the Government will make arrangement for the acquisition of all necessary permits, (including entry and exit permits, work permits, visas and such other permits, as may be required); in this connection the Company shall periodically...