Joint Committee (JC). A. The Joint Committee shall consist of three (3) members, the majority of whom shall be members of the Certificated Bargaining Unit. Said members may be nominated by Region and Department Leadership/Quality Committees or any qualified member of the Bargaining Unit and shall be appointed by the Association as required in the Association bylaws and state law. The Employer shall select the administrator to serve on the Joint Committee. The Human Resources Department will provide technical support to the Joint Committee.
B. Association Joint Committee members shall be credentialed classroom teachers with permanent status and at least three consecutive years of employment with the Contra Costa County Office of Education.
C. Joint Committee members shall have substantial recent experience in classroom instruction.
D. The length of service for Joint Committee members will be staggered with a minimum term of two years. Appointing authority will establish initial and continuing terms of appointment.
E. The Joint Committee shall establish its own meeting schedule. To meet, three
Joint Committee (JC). 15.1.1 The JC shall consist of seven (7) members, the majority of whom shall be unit members who are chosen to serve by the Association. The Superintendent or designee shall select the three (3) administrative members of the JC.
15.1.2 The JC shall establish its own meeting schedule. To take action, at least three
Joint Committee (JC). 15.3.1: The Joint Committee shall consist of three (3) members. Two (2) shall be Unit Members who are chosen to serve by the Association. Human Resources shall choose one (1) administrator to serve on the Joint Committee. The District and the Association shall individually determine the method for selection and the qualifications to serve.
15.3.2: The Human Resources administrator will communicate with the Joint Committee members when the support of a referred teacher is needed. Meetings will only be scheduled when the need arises. To meet, all of the members of the Joint Committee must be present. Such meetings shall typically take place outside the regular teacher work day or during non-school time. Each teacher member of the Joint Committee shall be compensated at their per diem hourly rate.
15.3.3: The Joint Committee’s primary responsibilities involve selection and oversight of the Consulting Coaches. The Committee is also responsible for the following: Send written notification of participation in the Program to the Referred Participating Unit Member with an Unsatisfactory level of performance (as defined in paragraph 15.2.4) to the Consulting Coach and the site Evaluating Administrator. Establish a procedure for assigning current certificated staff as a Consulting Coach for referred staff members. Review the final report prepared by the Consulting Coach as described in paragraph Submit to the Governing Board and the Association an annual evaluation of the Program’s impact. The annual evaluation of the Program’s impact may include interviews of Program participants, principals and others as deemed appropriate. This evaluation shall be in writing and shall be submitted each May 1st. The annual evaluation shall include recommendations regarding Referred Participating Unit Members and, if necessary, shall forward names of individuals who, after sustained assistance, are unable to demonstrate satisfactory improvement.
15.3.4: The budget shall be utilized to carry out the provisions of this Article.
Joint Committee (JC). 11 A. The Joint Committee shall consist of five members, the majority of whom shall be 12 certificated teachers who are chosen to serve by the Association. The District 13 shall choose the administrators of the Joint Committee.
14 B. The Joint Committee shall establish its own meeting schedule. To meet, all of 15 the members of the Joint Committee must be present. Such meetings shall take 16 place during the regular teacher workday. Teachers who are members of the 17 Joint Committee shall be released from their regular duties to attend meetings, 18 without loss of pay or benefits. If meetings are required beyond the workday, they 19 shall be compensated at the unit member’s pro rata hourly rate of pay.
20 C. The Joint Committee shall be responsible for the following:
21 1) Providing annual training for the Joint Committee members.
22 2) Establishing its own rules of procedure, including the method for the 23 selection of a Chairperson.
24 3) Selecting the Consulting Teachers.
25 4) Selecting trainers and/or training providers.
26 5) Providing training for Consulting Teachers prior to the Consulting 27 Teachers’ participation in the program.
28 6) Sending written notification of participation in the PAR Program to the 29 Referred Participating Teacher, the Consulting Teacher and the site 30 principal.
31 7) Providing a Referred Participating Teacher a list of Consulting Teachers 32 from which to choose.
33 8) Adopting Rules and Procedures to effect the provisions of this Article.
34 9) Distributing, at the beginning of each school year, a copy of the adopted 35 Rules and Procedures to all bargaining unit members and administrators.
36 10) Establishing a procedure for application as a Consulting Teacher.
1 11) Determining the number of Consulting Teachers in any school year, 2 based upon participation in the PAR Program, the budget available and
4 12) Developing and monitoring the PAR budget. (Establish budget 6 13) Reviewing the final report prepared by the Consulting Teacher and 7 making recommendations to the Governing Board regarding the Referred
9 D. All proceedings and materials related to the evaluations, report and other 10 personnel matters shall be strictly confidential. Therefore, Joint Committee 11 members and Consulting Teachers may disclose such information only as
00 X. Xxx Xxxxxxxx agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and provide a defense to the 14 Association and any Association-selected member of the Joint Committee against 15 any claims,...
Joint Committee (JC). 1. The Joint Committee shall consist of five (5) members. Three (3) shall be certificated classroom teachers who are chosen to serve by the Association. The District shall appoint two (2) administrators to serve on the Joint Committee. The District and the Association shall individually determine the method for selection and the qualifications to serve provided all statutory requirements are satisfied. Designated alternates will be allowed to replace regular members at any meeting of the Joint Committee.
2. To promote continuity appointees shall serve staggered three year terms whose terms shall initially be determined by lot. Either the Association or the District may appoint their representative to continue their service in the Joint Committee.
3. The Joint Committee shall establish its own meeting schedule. To meet, all members of the Joint Committee must be present. Such meetings shall take place during the regular work day, with release time to teachers and administration, or during non-school time. There shall be no compensation for meeting time that occurs during the regular school days.
4. The Joint Committee shall annually select a Chairperson with such Chairperson not being able to serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
5. The Joint Committee shall normally meet during the regular school day. Summary minutes shall be kept of all such meetings.
6. The Joint Committee’s primary responsibilities involve establishment of the annual budget for the Program and selection of the Consulting Teachers. In addition, the Committee is responsible for the following:
6.1 Coordinate with the District to provide annual training for Joint Committee members, Consulting Teachers and, where appropriate, Participating Teachers.
6.2 Establish procedures necessary to carry out the requirements of this Article, including a procedure for the selection of a Chairperson.
6.3 Assign the Consulting Teachers and establish standards of accountability for their performance.
6.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the Consulting Teachers and, if necessary, remove a Consulting Teacher from this position as determined by four committee members. Reasons for removal include the specific needs of the Program or inadequate performance of the Consulting Teacher.
6.5 Send written notification of participation in the Program to the Participating Teacher, the Consulting Teacher and the site principal.
6.6 Make available the panel of Consulting Teachers for selection by the Participating Teach...
Joint Committee (JC). 10.1.1 Joint Committee shall consist of five (5) members, three (3) of which shall be Association members and certificated classroom teachers who are appointed to serve by the Association. The District shall choose the remaining two (2) members.
10.1.2 The Joint Committee shall establish its own meeting schedule. To meet, two- thirds (2/3) of the members of the Joint Committee must be present. Such meetings shall not generally take place during the regular teacher workday. Teachers who are members of the Joint Committee shall be released from their regular duties to attend meetings, without loss of pay or benefits. Each member of the Joint Committee will receive a stipend of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) the first year (2002-03) and then Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) each year following.
10.1.3 All decisions made by the Joint Committee shall be made by majority vote.
10.1.4 The Joint Committee shall be responsible for the following: The Joint Committee shall control all PAR funds received for this program by the District. No more than five percent (5%) shall be designated for administrative purposes. The funds designated for the PAR program are intended to fully support that program. An annual budget shall be prepared by the Joint Committee before October 1 of each school year. This is a stand alone program, with no encroachment costs on the general fund. The program is dependent on continued funding from the State and will be discontinued when and if the funding is discontinued. In any given year, ten percent (10%) of the total funding may be reserved for providing ongoing, non- evaluative, support for beginning teachers, unless the number of Referred Participating Teachers is so great as to necessitate the encroachment on this New Teacher Assistance fund. This decision will be determined by the Joint Committee. The parties may meet at any time to raise this amount upon mutual agreement. Providing annual training for the Joint Committee’s members. Establishing its own Rules of Procedure, including the method for the selection of a Chairperson. Selecting the panel of Consulting Teachers. Selecting the trainers and/or training providers. Providing training for Consulting Teachers prior to the Consulting Teacher’s participation in the program. This training shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, peer coaching, due process, adult learning theory and duty of fair represent...
Joint Committee (JC). Operates post implementation
6.1 The parties agree to establish a Joint Committee (JC) made up of elected members and officers from both parties, to oversee the strategic direction and performance of the shared service post implementation. The composition of the JC and its Terms of Reference are set out in Appendix 4 of this document.
6.2 The JC will be supported by a Performance Management Board responsible for the delivery of services and day to day business activities. This will consist of the two service lead officers for both parties who will meet monthly to review performance, business/service improvement plans and progress reports submitting reports to the JC for consideration as appropriate.
Joint Committee (JC). The governing body that administers the PAR Program and determines program guidelines that are consistent with the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and related legislation.
Joint Committee (JC). The Joint Committee shall consist of five (5) members, the majority of whom shall be certificated classroom teachers who are chosen to serve by the Association. The committee is to be formed when needed.
Joint Committee (JC) a. The Joint Committee shall consist of five (5) members, the majority of whom shall be certificated classroom teachers who are chosen to serve by the Association. The District shall choose the administrators of the Joint Committee. Members of the Joint Committee will receive a stipend of $500 to undergo initial training, and thereafter will be provided release time to perform their duties.
b. A member of the Joint Committee who is a district administrator shall determine dates, times, and agendas for meetings. All members of the joint committee must be present to make decisions.
c. Based upon discussions with the referring administrator and after reviewing appropriate documentation, the Joint Committee will decide whether the referral to PAR is appropriate.
d. The Joint Committee shall be responsible for the following:
1) Providing annual training for the Joint Committee members
2) Establishing its own rules of procedure, including the method for the selection of a Chairperson
3) Consulting teachers shall be selected as deemed appropriate by the Joint Committee
4) Sending written notification of participation in the PAR program to the Referred Participating Teacher, the Consulting Teacher and the site principal
5) Making available the panel of Consulting Teachers for selection by the Participating Teacher
6) Establishing/defining the role of the Consulting teacher in assisting the Participating Teacher.
7) Adopting Rules and Procedures to effect the provisions of this Article. Said Rules and Procedures will be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, and to the extent there is an inconsistency, the Agreement will prevail