LEAVE WITHOUT SALARY. 5.1. An employee is eligible to apply for leave without salary twelve months after the date of her/his initial employment at the University. This requirement may be waived by the University President upon written request of the Xxxxxxx and the applicant.
5.2. An application for leave without salary must be submitted to the employee's Department Chair at least three months prior to the starting date of the requested leave. The application must state the purpose and provide a written explanation of the need for the leave and the time period for which the leave is requested. The purposes for which a leave may be requested are: (a) personal, (b) research, (c) advanced study, (d) professional development, or (e) public service. The three- month notification requirement may be waived by the University President upon written request of the applicant and approval by the Xxxxxxx.
5.3. A leave without salary is granted at the discretion of the University President. Each application for leave is evaluated on an individual basis. Upon written request of the applicant, the University President will provide a written explanation within ten working days to an employee whose application for leave without salary has not been approved. If an employee believes an application for a leave without salary has been arbitrarily and capriciously denied, she/he may file a grievance under Article 19. The sole question to be decided in any such grievance shall be whether the denial was arbitrary and capricious.
5.4. The initial grant of a leave without salary may be for a period of up to twelve months. The leave may be extended upon the agreement of the University President for additional periods for a total leave not to exceed 36 consecutive months (three years) regardless of the percentage of the leave. Each extension may be for a period of up to twelve months.
5.5. Employees on a leave without salary are responsible for responding in a timely manner to communications from the Department Chair concerning assignment of duties for the term in which the employee will return to duties.
5.6. a. Ordinarily, fractional leaves (less than 100%) will be granted only to tenured faculty. Probationary faculty may apply for a fractional leave after completion of three probationary years of service and for the purpose of meeting the educational requirements for tenure.
LEAVE WITHOUT SALARY. 5.1. a. Annually contracted faculty who have completed six consecutive academic years of service at fifty percent or more and whose names appear on the re-employment roster may apply for a leave without salary for a period not to exceed one year. Re-employment opportunities will be provided in accordance with Article 4.
(1) An annually contracted faculty member may apply for a leave without salary prior to completing six consecutive years of in-unit service provided that
(a) the employee has completed at least three consecutive years of in-unit service;
(b) the purpose of the leave is for research, advanced study, professional development, or public service. Leave for personal reasons may not be requested under this provision;
(c) the employee states in the leave request how the leave activities will address the University's mission and goals.
(2) An annually contracted employee who takes a leave without salary approved under the provisions of Article 5.1.a.
(a) must provide a brief written report of the leave activities to the Xxxxxxx within one month of returning to paid status at the University. The report will be placed in the employee's personnel file;
(b) will retain her/his seniority number on the re-employment roster at the time of the leave application;
(c) may not count the leave period toward years of service for benefits or minima adjustments;
(d) may not apply for an extension of the leave beyond the original approved leave period;
(e) may not apply for another leave without salary until he/she has completed six consecutive years of in-unit service, not counting the leave granted under the provisions of Article 5.1.a.(1) and (2).
50.1 There is no entitlement to leave without salary. Each application for leave without salary is considered on its individual merits in relation to the best interests of the University, its academic programs and students, as well as the academic interests of the Member where they relate to the University.
50.2 Normally, the period of leave without salary will not exceed one year; however, a leave without salary may be extended upon application.
50.3 An application for leave without salary is made to the Member’s Chair or, in the case of a Librarian, the University Librarian.
50.4 The Chair and the Xxxx (University Librarian in the case of Librarians) will review each application for leave without salary and make a recommendation to the Vice-President Academic and Xxxxxxx.
50.5 Applications for leave without salary are considered by the Vice-President Academic and Xxxxxxx who determines whether to recommend approval to the Board of Governors after considering the recommendations of the Chair and the Xxxx (University Librarian in the case of Librarians).
50.6 During a period of leave without salary, a Member does not receive any payment from the University by way of regular salary. Nevertheless, a Member on leave without salary may during such period hold an appointment as a sessional instructor with pay or may receive payment under another contractual arrangement with the University.
50.7 Salary adjustments with regard to a period of leave without salary are governed by this Agreement.
50.8 During a period of leave without salary, a Member may maintain their University pension and benefits plans by paying the total cost of the pension and benefit plans including the University’s normal contributions to the Member’s pension and benefit plans.
50.9 Where a Member is on leave without salary for an entire academic year, no funds are allocated to the Member’s Professional Expenses Reimbursement account for that academic year. Where a Member is on leave without salary for a portion of an academic year, the funds allocated to the Member’s Professional Expenses Reimbursement account for that academic year will be prorated accordingly.
50.10 A Member on leave without salary may not be reimbursed from Professional Expense Reimbursement funds for expenses incurred during the period of leave without salary.
50.11 A Member on leave without salary is not eligible to apply for any University research and travel grants where the funds will be expended during the period...
LEAVE WITHOUT SALARY. 37.1 This provision does not apply to casual employees.
37.2 The provision of leave without salary is not an entitlement. However it is recognised that individuals may need to apply for periods of leave without salary on compassionate or other compelling grounds. In all cases, applications will be considered by taking account of the employee’s circumstances and of the University’s operational requirements, which by necessity will take first priority.
37.3 Leave without salary will not be granted in broken periods, separated by public or University holidays, or periods of recreation leave, and will be limited to a maximum of 12 months unless there are exceptional circumstances.
37.4 Public holidays observed during a period of leave without salary will form part of the period of leave.
37.5 Normally, applicants will be expected to have exhausted accrued periods of leave which are relevant to the purpose of the application.
37.6 Periods of leave without salary up to and including 1 month will not affect an employee’s service increment or probation date and will continue to be regarded as qualifying time for long service, recreation and sick leave. Periods greater than 1 month will incur an adjustment of increment and probation dates and not be regarded as qualifying time for leave by the period of leave taken greater than 1 month.
LEAVE WITHOUT SALARY. Leaves of absence for up to five (5) days may be granted by the Superintendent, whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event that a teacher requests more than five (5) days of unpaid leave in any school year, the approval of such leave shall be at the discretion of the Superintendent. The daily salary rate shall be deducted for each day of personal leave of absence, and the teacher shall have the daily benefit rate deducted for all absences under this subsection in excess of five (5) days in any one school year. The deduction of the daily salary rate, and daily benefit rate, if any, shall be made in the pay period immediately following the personal leave of absence. Except for emergencies, unpaid leave cannot be used to extend holiday or vacation periods.
LEAVE WITHOUT SALARY. The provisions of this article are not subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure of the Collective Bargaining Agreement except for cases of reinstatement to the job by employees making use of the leave.
17.1. An employee is eligible for leave without salary 12 months after the date of her/his initial employment at the University.
LEAVE WITHOUT SALARY. An employee who wants leave without salary should apply for this as soon as possible, however no later than 3 months before the leave will commence. In his/her application, the employee should state the desired time period for leave. Leave until further notice cannot be granted. During examination of the leave application, in its assessment Chalmers should place the operational interests (disadvantages/advantages) against societal interests and the interest of the individual. Leave without salary can be granted for certain duration for state and municipal assignments and international assignments, for example, SIDA. The assessment is done by the head of department or president in consultation with the relevant manager and HR specialist for consistent handling. Such reasons may include achieving development and learning in the organisation. Internal lending of resources is regulated through a written agreement between the relevant managers. If an employee permanently and without support by legislation wants to reduce working hours, the scope of the employment should normally be changed.
LEAVE WITHOUT SALARY. During the term of the contract, the total of one or more leaves without salary authorized in accordance with the collective agreement cannot exceed twelve (12) months. In this case, the duration of this contract shall be extended accordingly. However, if the total of one or more leaves without salary exceeds twelve (12) months, the agreement shall expire on the twelfth (12th) month and the provisions of section V of this contract apply.
31.1. a. Associate Faculty who have completed one year of full-time service in the bargaining unit and whose names appear on the seniority list may apply for a leave without salary for a period not to exceed one year. This requirement may be waived by the Academic Vice President upon written request of the applicant. Reemployment opportunities will be provided in accordance with Article 30, Employee Appointments.