Occupational Leave Sample Clauses

Occupational Leave. A unit member who has been employed for one (1) year (except substitute and limited term employees) who is absent from duty because of illness or injury resulting from an accident or condition which qualified under State Workers' Compensation Law, shall be granted an occupational leave for each such accident. The number of days for any one such leave or the total number of days in one school year for more than one such leave shall not exceed sixty (60) days. Only absences which are supported by a doctor's certificate and have been verified by the District's Workers' Compensation Administrator to be the result of work-connected injury or illness can be paid under the occupational leave policy. During the period an employee is receiving his/her regular salary from the District, he/she is required to assign to the District all temporary disability payments received from the District's Workers' Compensation Administrator. During the previously referenced sixty (60) days of occupational leave, changes to the unit member’s sixty day occupational leave balance shall be reduced by one (1) day for each day of authorized absence regardless of temporary disability payment paid by the District. Should the sixty day period be exhausted, subsequent deductions to an employee’s personal illness leave, earned vacation leave, and compensatory time, if any, shall be reduced only by that amount necessary to provide a full day’s wage or salary when added to temporary disability benefits. When all available leaves of absence, paid or unpaid, have been exhausted and if the employee is not medically able to assume the duties of his/her position, he/she shall, if not placed in another position, be placed on a reemployment list for a period of thirty-nine (39) months. He/she may be placed on unpaid leave of absence at which time he/she shall be granted paid health insurance benefits in the same manner as though he/she were an active regular employee of the District. When available, during the thirty-nine (39) month period, he/she shall be employed in a vacant position in the class of his/her previous assignment over all other available candidates except for a reemployment list established because of lack of work or lack of funds, in which case, he/she shall be listed in accordance with appropriate seniority regulations. An employee while receiving occupational leave benefits must remain in the state of California unless the Board of Education authorizes travel outside the state.
Occupational Leave. 11.7.1 Unit members, who are absent from duty because of illness or injury resulting from an accident or condition deemed to be work related under the Workers' Compensation Program, shall be granted occupational leave. A work-connected injury or illness shall be so considered when properly certified as compensable for Workers' Compensation benefits. Absences not verified shall be charged against unit members' sick leave or other leave as appropriate. 11.7.2 Eligible unit members shall be granted Occupational Leave subject to the following conditions: Allowable Occupational Leave shall not exceed sixty (60) working days for the same accident. Allowable leave shall not be cumulative from year to year. Occupational Leave shall commence on the first day of absence and continue for a period certified by the physician that the unit member is disabled because of the work-related injury or illness, or for a maximum of sixty (60) working days, whichever occurs first. Payment for wages lost on any day shall not, when added to a benefit granted the unit member under the Workers' Compensation Program, exceed the normal wage of the day. Occupational Leave shall be reduced by one day for each day of absence, regardless of compensation award made under the Workers' Compensation Program. When an industrial accident or illness occurs at a time when the full 60 days overlap into the next fiscal year, the unit member shall be entitled, for the same illness or injury, only the amount remaining at the end of the fiscal year in which the injury or illness occurred. When entitlement to Occupational Leave has been exhausted, entitlement to other sick leave will be used. However, if the unit member is receiving Workers' Compensation, he/she shall be entitled to use only so much of the accumulated or available sick leave, vacation, or other available leave which, when added to the Workers' Compensation award, provides a full day's wage or salary.
Occupational Leave. 258 Effective the first day of employment, employees are eligible for an unpaid Occupational Leave for absences covered by Workers’ Compensation. The period of the Occupational Leave commences after exhaustion of accrued ESL, any immediately-elected PTO and Short Term Disability benefits. An Occupational Leave may continue up to a maximum of twelve (12) months, or until such time as the employees are released by their attending physicians from the period of temporary disability and are physically capable of, and qualified for, performing substantially all tasks, whichever is earlier. 259 An Occupational Leave will expire in less than twelve (12) months if employees are no longer disabled and can perform their pre-disability jobs, with or without reasonable accommodation, or if there is uncontroverted medical evidence that the employees are permanently disabled and cannot perform their pre-disability jobs, with or without reasonable accommodation, or ninety (90) days after an award from the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board indicating that the employees are permanently disabled and cannot perform their pre-disability jobs, with or without reasonable accommodation. 260 Benefits while on Occupational Leave 261 If employees elected health plan, dental plan, and life insurance coverage under theBenefits by DesignFlexible benefits program, these benefits will continue Employer- paid during the entire period of the Occupational Leave. 262 Employees on unpaid Occupational Leave will continue to accrue PTO and ESL for up to thirty-one (31) days. PTO and ESL eligibility date(s) will not be adjusted for the entire twelve (12) month period that employees are on an unpaid Occupational Leave. Employees do not receive Holiday pay while in an unpaid status. Employees on an unpaid Occupational Leave are not eligible to receive other paid time off benefits such as Educational Leave, Jury Duty pay, etc. Pension service/credited service does not accrue while employees are in an unpaid status.
Occupational Leave. ‌ A. A regular employee shall be granted up to one (1) day of occupational leave per year. Occupational leave will be granted only when an individual is unable to take advantage of an opportunity for occupational growth on non-work time. B. Such leave will be non-accumulative, shall not extend any other leaves, and shall not be used for recreation, leisure, or vacation. C. Application for such leave must be made through the immediate supervisor at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and must be approved by the superintendent or designee.
Occupational Leave. Occupational leave may be granted by the Superintendent of Schools following written recommendation of the employee’s immediate supervisor and/or administrator on the forms supplied for such reason. - Attendance at work-shops, meetings, conferences, and conventions. As approved. - Visiting Days for Purposes of Occupational Growth. As approved - Other School Business Identified in Letter of Request. As approved.
Occupational Leave. An employee who incurs an injury or illness arising out of the course of employment shall be granted a leave without pay up to one (1) year.
Occupational Leave. Regular unit members with three (3) or more years of continuous service who are absent from work due to a work-related illness or injury may be placed on occupational leave, if eligible for such leave based on the following terms and conditions: 1. The illness or injury must be compensable under the Worker's Compensation Program. 2. The District will pay to the unit member the difference between his/her regular pay and any temporary disability compensation paid to the unit member by the Worker's Compensation Program for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days in any one fiscal year for the same accident. The total payment to the unit member from the Worker's Compensation Program and the District shall not exceed the unit member’s normal rate of pay. 3. Occupational leave shall commence on the first day of absence. 4. When occupational leave is exhausted, the unit member shall be entitled to use sick leave, vacation leave, or other available leave. The unit member may not use leave in any manner that would result in his/her receiving more than his/her normal rate of pay. 5. Absence due to occupational leave shall not be considered interruption in service for the purpose of computation of benefits under this Agreement. 6. If a unit member is medically unable to return to full duty after all available leave is exhausted, he/she shall be placed on leave without pay for a period of thirty-nine
Occupational Leave. Each employee who sustains an injury or illness arising out of and in the course of his employment with the Town of Harwich Fire Service shall be entitled to receive his full pay (without loss of sick leave or other benefits) for the period of his/her incapacity. (Article 11, Section 2: Occupational Leave Continued) Employees claiming to have sustained such an illness or injury shall be required to do the following as a condition of eligibility for such compensation or reimbursement and/or for payment of reasonable and necessary medical expenses: • Provide all information about the incident in which the employee was injured, including submitting a complete written report as soon as the employee is physically able to do so after the injury. The report will be submitted on a form supplied by the Department. • Provide relevant medical documentation pertinent to the diagnosis and treatment of the injury or illness for which compensation or reimbursement is claimed including physicians’ certificates. • If requested by the Department, undergo an evaluation by a physician or specialist designated by the Town, and cooperate fully with that evaluation, including providing access to the records of any and all providers who have treated/evaluated the employee for the condition. Periodic follow up evaluations are also required if requested by the Department. • Complete an Application for line of duty injury benefits on a form provided by the Department as soon as the employee is physically able to do so after the injury and have the benefits approved in writing by the Chief. • Take all reasonable steps to hasten a return to active duty status and follow all prescribed treatments and therapies.
Occupational Leave. Effective the first day of employment, employees are eligible for an unpaid Occupational Leave for absences covered by Workers’ Compensation. The period of the Occupational Leave commences after exhaustion of accrued ESL, any immediately- elected PTO and Short Term Disability benefits. An Occupational Leave may continue up to a maximum of twelve (12) months, or until such time as the employees are released by their attending physicians from the period of temporary disability and are physically capable of, and qualified for, performing substantially all tasks, whichever is earlier. An Occupational Leave will expire in less than twelve (12) months if employees are no longer disabled and can perform their pre-disability jobs, with or without reasonable accommodation, or if there is uncontroverted medical evidence that the employees are permanently disabled and cannot perform their pre-disability jobs, with or without reasonable accommodation, or ninety (90) days after an award from the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board indicating that the employees are permanently disabled and cannot perform their pre-disability jobs, with or without reasonable accommodation.
Occupational Leave. Leaves of absence for an occupational injury or illness shall be granted for the period of the employee’s disability or for thirty (30) day renewable increments based upon a treating physician’s certification setting forth the length of such disability. Occupational leaves shall not exceed a total of twelve (12) months (including both paid and unpaid time off). During the period of time during which an employee is on a leave of absence resulting from an occupational injury or illness incurred in the course of employment or arising out of employment with the Employer, she/he shall accrue service credit for the purposes of promotions and wage tenure increases. For a maximum of twelve (12) months the employee shall continue to be covered by Health Plan at the Employer’s expense.