PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. (1) The objectives of this procedure are the avoidance and resolution of any disputes over matters covered by this Agreement, by measures based on the provision of information and explanation, consultation, co-operation and negotiation.
(2) Subject to legislation, while the dispute procedure is being followed, normal work is to continue except where the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to the employee’s health or safety. The status quo existing before the emergence of a dispute is to continue whilst the procedure is being followed. No party shall be prejudiced as to the final settlement by the continuation of work.
(3) There is a requirement for management to provide relevant information and explanation and consult with the appropriate employee representatives.
(4) In the event of any disagreement between the parties as to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement, the following procedures shall apply:
(a) The matter is to be discussed by the employee’s union representative and/or the employee(s) concerned (where appropriate) and the immediate supervisor in the first instance. The discussion should take place within 24 hours and the procedure should not extend beyond 7 days.
(b) If the matter is not resolved as per (a) above, it shall be referred by the union representative and/or the employee(s) to the appropriate management representative who shall arrange a conference of the parties to discuss the matter. This process should not extend beyond 7 days.
(c) If the matter remains unresolved it may be referred by the employee and/or his/her union representative to the ACC for discussion and appropriate action. This process should not exceed 14 days.
(d) If the matter is not resolved then it may be referred by either party to the Commission for conciliation, or if necessary, arbitration.
(5) Nothing contained in this procedure shall prevent unions or the employer from intervening in respect of matters in dispute, should such action be considered conducive to achieving resolution.
(6) The parties acknowledge that, for matters not covered by this Agreement, there are other dispute resolution procedures available.
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. 11.1 In the event of any disagreement between the parties as to the interpretation, application or implementation of this Agreement, the following procedures will apply:
(a) Stage 1 The matter is discussed between the employee’s Union representative and/or the employees/s concerned (where appropriate) and the immediate supervisor in the first instance. The discussions will take place within 24 hours and the procedure should not extend beyond 7 days.
(b) Stage 2 If the matter is not resolved at Stage 1, it shall be referred by the Union representative and/or the employee/s to the appropriate management representative who shall arrange a conference for the parties to discuss the matter. This process should not extend beyond 7 days.
(c) Stage 3 If the matter cannot be resolved at Stage 2, either party may refer the matter to XxXXX. Where NaMIG forms a unanimous view on the resolution of the grievance, this is the position that must be accepted and implemented by the parties and will be given effect by the Chief Executive.
(d) Stage 4 If the matter remains unresolved at Stage 3, either party may refer the matter to the QIRC for conciliation and if required, arbitration.
11.2 Where a bona fide safety issue is involved the employer will ensure that:
(a) the status quo prior to the existence of the grievance will continue while the grievance procedure is being followed, provided that maintenance of the status quo will not apply in an unsafe environment; and/or
(b) the employee will not work in an unsafe environment. Where appropriate the employee will accept reassignment to alternative suitable work environment in the meantime;
(c) the employer in conjunction with the Occupational Health and Safety Committee will promptly ensure that the problem/s is/are resolved having regard to occupational health and safety standards.
11.3 Two or more grievances made by the same employee about related matters, or a grievance from more than one employee about related matters, may be dealt with as one grievance.
11.4 Without limiting an employee’s right to pursue a grievance, no party will use the grievance procedure to prevent introduction of the outcomes of organisational change or restructuring or to limit matters agreed between the parties in accordance with award provisions.
11.5 For the purposes of this clause status quo means whilst the grievance procedure is being followed, normal work will continue as it was prior to the grievance except in the case of a genuine safety ...
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. 1.9.1. If a dispute relates to:
(a) a matter arising under the Agreement; or
(b) the National Employment Standards; this clause sets out procedures to settle the dispute.
1.9.2. A VMO who is a party to the dispute may appoint a Representative, for the purposes of the procedures in this term.
1.9.3. In the first instance, the parties to the dispute must try to resolve the dispute at the workplace level, by discussions between the VMO/s, including their nominated Representative and relevant supervisors and/or management.
1.9.4. If discussions at the workplace level do not resolve the dispute, a party to the dispute may refer the matter to Fair Work Commission.
1.9.5. The Fair Work Commission may deal with the dispute in two (2) stages:
(a) the Fair Work Commission will first attempt to resolve the dispute as it considers appropriate, including by mediation, conciliation, expressing an opinion or making a recommendation; and
(b) if the Fair Work Commission is unable to resolve the dispute at the first stage, the Fair Work Commission may then:
(i) arbitrate the dispute; and
(ii) make a determination that is binding on the parties.
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. (1) In the event of any disagreement between the Service and any employee as to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement, the following dispute prevention and settlement procedures will be followed.
(a) The matter is to be discussed between the employee concerned or the employee's representative and the immediate supervisor in the first instance.
(b) If the matter is not resolved, it will be referred by the employee or the employee's representative to the appropriate management representative who shall, within 24 hours or as otherwise agreed, arrange a conference to discuss the matter.
(c) If the matter remains unresolved, it may be referred by the employee or employee's representative to the Commissioner of the Police Service or his nominee, for discussion and appropriate action.
(d) If the matter remains unresolved, it may then be referred by either the employee or the employee's representative to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission for conciliation of the matter.
(e) In accordance with the Industrial Relations Act 2016, the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission is empowered to settle the matters in dispute.
(2) At any step in the abovementioned dispute prevention and settlement procedure an employee is entitled to be represented by an appropriate industrial organisation of employees.
(3) Whilst the dispute prevention and settlement procedure is being followed:
(a) Subject to the provisions of the Police Service Administration Act 1990, normal work is to continue except in the case of a genuine safety issue, provided that a police officer shall continue to work normal work where there exists circumstances envisaged by the provisions of clause 15.2(e) and (f) of the
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. Relating to the Interpretation, Application or Operation of this Agreement
1.14.1 The parties will use their best endeavours to co-operate in order to avoid disputes arising between the parties. The emphasis will be on finding a resolution at the earliest possible stage in the process.
1.14.2 In the event of any disagreement between the parties as to the interpretation, application or implementation of this Agreement, the following procedures will be followed:
(a) When an issue is identified at the local level by an accredited and/or appointed union representative, the employee/s concerned or a management representative, an initial discussion should take place at this level. This process should take no longer than seven days.
(b) If the issue remains unresolved, it may be referred to the HHS management (or equivalent) for resolution. HHS management (or equivalent) will consult with the parties. The employee may exercise the right to consult and/or be represented by their Union representative during this process. This process should take no longer than 14 days.
(c) If the issue remains unresolved, it may be referred to the Medical Officers Certified Agreement (No.
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. 29.1 Notwithstanding the Programming Disputes Resolution Process (as outlined in clause 15 Programming), the objectives of this procedure are the avoidance and resolution of any disputes over matters covered by this Agreement, by measures based on the provision of information and explanation, consultation, co-operation and negotiation.
29.2 Subject to legislation, while the dispute procedure is being followed, normal work is to continue except where the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to the employee’s health or safety. The status quo existing before the emergence of a dispute is to continue whilst the procedure is being followed. No party shall be prejudiced as to the final settlement by the continuation of work.
29.3 There is a requirement for management to provide relevant information and explanation and consult with the appropriate employee representatives.
29.4 In the event of any disagreement between the parties as to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement, the following procedures shall apply: Consideration by a sub-committee of the Local Consultative Committee (LCC) comprised of educational staff and management representatives, which may include the Institute Director, with recommendations to the team/management within two (2) days. If either party is not satisfied with the outcome from Stage 1, the matter may be referred by either party to both employee representatives and officers from the Department’s Workforce Relations Unit for consideration and action within seven (7) days. If either party is not satisfied with the outcome from Stage 2 of this process, the matter may be referred by either party to the Training Consultative Committee (TCC) for consideration and action within seven (7) days.
29.5 If the matter is not resolved then either party may refer it to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission. In terms of s. 230 of the Industrial Relations Act 1999, the Commission is empowered to do all things necessary to prevent and/or settle the dispute and determine any matter in dispute.
29.6 All timelines outlined above may be altered by mutual agreement between the parties.
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. The parties to this Agreement are committed to good industrial relations practices and procedures based on consultation and goodwill. The employer shall ensure that they advise employees subject to this procedure that they may be represented by their union from the beginning of this procedure. If a dispute arises about this agreement, the NES or any other work-related matter (including a dispute about whether a workplace right has been breached) the parties to this dispute will attempt to resolve the dispute at the workplace level. A Union representative appointed by an employee, who is also an employee of the company, shall have reasonable access to resources (including photocopier, telephone, fax machine, email and notice board) to perform their role. A union representative appointed by an employee, who is also an employee of the company, shall be released to perform their role on paid time. Where a dispute occurs (whether any such dispute or claim arises out of the operation of this Agreement or not) regarding the wages and conditions of employment of any employee covered by this Agreement the following procedure shall apply: Any dispute shall, in the first instance, be discussed between the employee(s) concerned, their representative if requested, and the immediate line manager. The line manager or supervisor must make a genuine attempt to resolve the matter speedily. If the matter cannot be resolved, it will be referred to the appropriate line manager who will attempt to resolve the matter speedily. The line manager shall consult with a representative appointed by the employee when endeavouring to resolve the matter. If the matter is still not resolved, the matter shall be immediately referred jointly, for discussion, to a manager with industrial relations responsibility, the employee(s) and their representative if requested. If the matter cannot be resolved, it may be referred to a mutually agreed independent mediator (from an agreed list of mediators) who may exercise powers of conciliation or arbitration and whose decision will be binding subject to prior agreement by the parties or should the matter still be unresolved either party shall be entitled to refer it to the Fair Work Commission for conciliation and, if necessary, arbitration. The parties shall not raise any jurisdictional matters pertaining to the Commission’s powers to settle any dispute via arbitration. All parties will abide by any decision resulting from a matter being referred to t...
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. The parties to the agreement will strive to create a co-operative and productive industrial relations environment on all projects covered by this agreement. In the event of actual or threatened industrial action, the parties to this agreement will make every effort in good faith to avert or end such action. Particular circumstances that give rise or threaten to give rise to industrial situations shall be processed as follows:-
(a) Where an employee has submitted a request concerning any matter directly connected with employment to a foreperson or a more senior representative of management and that request has been refused, the employee may, if he/she so desires, ask the job representative to submit the matter to management and the matter shall then be submitted by the job representative to the appropriate representative of the employer concerned;
(b) If not settled at this stage the matter in dispute shall then be submitted by an Organiser of the State Secretary of the AWU to the employer;
(c) If not settled at this stage the matter in dispute shall be discussed between such representatives of the AWU as the AWU may desire and the employer who may be accompanied by or represented by such officers or representatives of an association of employers as they may desire with a view of settling the dispute;
(d) If the matter is still not settled it shall be submitted to the Commission for determination;
(e) Where the above procedures are being followed work shall continue normally except as to bona fide safety issues. No party shall be prejudice as to the final settlement by such continuation of work;
(f) The parties shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the above procedures are completed within five working days of a grievance or dispute being raised by an employee.
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. (1) The objectives of this procedure are the avoidance and resolution of any disputes over matters covered by this Agreement, by measures based on the provision of information and explanation, consultation, co- operation and negotiation.
(2) Subject to legislation, while the dispute procedure is being followed, normal work is to continue except where the employee has a reasonable concern about an imminent risk to the employee’s health or safety. No party shall be prejudiced as to the final settlement by the continuation of work.
(3) There is a requirement for management to provide relevant information and explanation and consult with the employee representatives, where appropriate.
(4) In the event of any disagreement between the parties as to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement, the following procedures shall apply:
(a) the matter is to be discussed by the employee’s union representative, where appropriate, and/or the employee(s) concerned and the immediate supervisor in the first instance. The discussion should take place within one (1) working day and the procedure should not extend beyond seven
PREVENTION AND SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES. (1) This term applies to a dispute regarding—
(a) a matter arising under this industrial instrument; or