PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL & ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. Leave of absence with pay not chargeable against the teacher's allowance shall be granted for the following reasons:
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PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL & ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. Each school year, four-hundred dollars ($400) per bargaining unit employee shall be set aside to be used exclusively for conference requests initiated by the employee. [A pro- rated portion of four hundred dollars ($400) shall be included for any part-time employee.] Conferences, which are required by the board and mutually agreed to by the bargaining unit employee, will be deducted from this fund. Any costs of board required conferences above the $400 will be paid by the board. If the entire $400 allocation is not requested by an employee as of February 1 of any school year, the remaining funds may be reallocated at the District’s discretion to other bargaining unit employees or may be carried over into a subsequent year.
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL & ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. At the beginning of every school year, each Bargaining Unit Member may be allowed up to, but not in excess of five (5) days to be used for professional educational business. Professional educational business days may be used for any educational purpose at the discretion of the Bargaining Unit Member with department director's approval. The Bargaining Unit Member planning to use a professional educational business day shall notify the Superintendent or designee at least three (3) weeks in advance of their absence. Professional educational business days may be used for the purpose of:
PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL & ASSOCIATION LEAVE. A. Each school year, four-hundred dollars ($400) per bargaining unit member shall be set aside to be used exclusively for conference requests. [A pro-rated portion of four hundred dollars ($400) shall be included for any part-time employee.] Conferences, which are required by the Board, shall not be deducted from this fund. CONFERENCES, WHICH ARE REQUIRED BY THE BOARD AND MUTUALLY AGREED TO BY THE BARGAINING UNIT MEMBER, WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM THIS FUND. ANY COSTS OF BOARD REQUIRED CONFERENCES ABOVE THE $400 WILL BE PAID BY THE BOARD.


  • Association Leaves 1. The Board will provide the Association President or their designee with forty (40) days of paid release time during the course of the school year in order to conduct Association Business. The Association shall reimburse the Board for the cost of any substitute required as the result of any such released time which exceeds forty (40) days during the course of the school year.

  • Association Leave A total of 10 days of leave with pay during the current school year shall be granted the Association for use by the Association. A maximum of four additional days may be used for Association leave and the substitute’s salary will be reimbursed to the Board by the Association. The President of the Association will notify the Superintendent as to the educators and dates involved at least five (5) days before such leave is desired.

  • Personal/Carer’s Leave a) Personal/carer’s leave is defined in accordance with Section 244 of the Act and includes paid sick leave (accrued under the AFPCS) and paid or unpaid carer’s leave (accrued under the AFPCS). Casual employees shall have no entitlement to paid personal/carer’s leave.

  • Professional Leave Professional leave without pay will be granted to full-time and regular part- time employees who are elected to or appointed to the College of Nurses or the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario or the Registered Practical Nurses’ Association of Ontario to attend regularly scheduled meetings of the College of Nurses or the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario or the Registered Practical Nurses’ Association of Ontario subject to the following limitations:

  • Education Leave (a) If required by the Employer, an employee shall be entitled to leave of absence with pay and without loss of seniority and benefits to write examinations to upgrade his or her employment qualifications.

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