Sick/Emergency Leave Sample Clauses
Sick/Emergency Leave. A. A total of twelve (12) working days per year, with full pay, shall be allowed each full-time certificated employee as sick and/or emergency leave. For employees commencing employment at the beginning of the contract year, such leave shall be granted in the following manner: 4 days in September and the remaining 8 days in January.
B. Certificated employees under contract with the District as less than full-time employees shall accrue leave in the same proportion as their part-time workday bears to a full-time workday. Certificated employees who contract with the District for less than a full-year (See Article III, Section 3 C.1), shall accrue leave on the pro-rated basis that their partial year contract bears to a full-year contract.
C. When a certificated employee does not complete a contract year and has used sick leave in excess of his/her accrued balance (said balance having been adjusted to reduce the current year’s accrual for the incomplete contract year), the hours of leave taken in excess of the balance shall be treated as leave without pay and the value of those hours will be deducted from the employee’s paycheck. In the event the final paycheck has been issued, the individual shall reimburse the District in full within 30 days of receipt of written notification from the District.
Sick/Emergency Leave a. At the beginning of each school year, each employee shall be credited with an advance sick/emergency leave allowance equal to twelve (12) days, to be used for absence caused by illness, injury, medical disability (including that caused by childbearing), poor health, child care to the extent required by law, or an emergency caused by family illness where no reasonable alternative is available to the employee, subject to the same conditions as other personal emergency leave. Should the employee leave the SPS prior to the end of the contract year, or become a part-time employee, the employee’s sick leave will be prorated to reflect actual time worked.
b. For employees hired after the beginning of the school year, one (1) day of sick/emergency leave shall be deemed earned during the first month of employment if work commences on or before the 15th day of the month.
c. When an employee is quarantined by a Health Officer of Competent Jurisdiction, the employee may utilize his/her sick leave; provided however, that the quarantine is a result of the fact that the employee is ill, the employee has a communicable disease, or the employee is unable to be inoculated because he/she is allergic to the respective vaccine. Employees who choose not to be inoculated, for whatever reason, may choose 1) leave without pay or, 2) to use their emergency leave.
d. Employees may accrue sick leave in accordance with State law. Employees may cash out sick leave in accordance with State law.
e. Sick/Emergency Leave may, except under exceptional conditions described below, be used for absence caused by illness, injury, medical disability (including that caused by childbearing), poor health of the employee, child care to the extent required by law, or an emergency caused by family illness, where no reasonable alternative is available to the employee, subject to the same conditions as other personal emergency leave. An employee’s position will be held for their return to work for as long as the employee is off work on sick/emergency leave plus a twenty-five (25) workday grace period after the exhaustion of their accrued sick/emergency leave. Employees who are or will be out of their assignments on sick leave for ten (10) consecutive days must notify Human Resources at that time of the estimated length of the absence. If the need for leave will be ongoing, a written application for Leave for Health Condition shall be made with Human Resources.
f. For the purposes of the FMLA, the twel...
Sick/Emergency Leave. Each regular employee shall earn leave equivalent to eight (8) hours for each calendar month of service or major fraction thereof to be used for illness, injury, medical disability (including childbearing), child care to the extent required by law, or an emergency caused by family illness where no reasonable alternative is available to the employee.
9.3.1 Sick/Emergency Leave will be paid upon the first day of absence for reasons as noted in 9.2. above.
9.3.2 Use of such leave for illness, medical disability (including childbearing) or childcare to the extent required by law shall be reported to the employee’s supervisor prior to the start of the work shift.
9.3.3 Use of such leave for an emergency caused by family illness where no reasonable alternative is available to the employee shall be subject to the same conditions and procedures as outlined in 9.4.7 below.
9.3.4 A physician’s certificate or other verification of illness may be required for approval of Sick/Emergency leave.
9.3.5 Employees shall be allowed to accumulate up to 180 days of Sick/Emergency Leave or as may be amended by State Law.
Sick/Emergency Leave. A. A total of twelve (12) working days per year, with full pay, will be allowed each full-time certificated employee as sick and/or emergency leave. For employees commencing employment at the beginning of the contract year, such leave will be granted in the following manner: 12 days in September.
B. Certificated employees under contract with the District as less than full-time employees will accrue leave in the same proportion as their part-time workday bears to a full-time workday. Certificated employees who contract with the District for less than a full-year (See Article III, Section 3 C.1), will accrue leave on the pro-rated basis that their partial year contract bears to a full-year contract.
Sick/Emergency Leave. Sick/emergency leave shall be credited on the first day of each contract year. Teachers shall earn 1 hour of sick/emergency leave for every 12 hours worked.
Sick/Emergency Leave. The Employer and the Union agree that the Employer provides an essential public service and that employees have the responsibility and obligation to report for all assignments unless previously excused or for the legitimate use of sick/emergency leave.
Sick/Emergency Leave. SECTION X. Xxxx leave with pay shall be granted to all probationary and regular employees. Sick leave shall not be considered as a right that an employee may use at their discretion but shall be allowed only in case of necessity and actual personal sickness or disability. In order to receive compensation while absent on sick leave, the employee shall notify the Fire Chief or their designee at least one (1) hour prior to the start of the employee’s shift. In those situations which have rendered the employee incapable of reporting as specified above, the employee shall report at the earliest possible time. When the absence is for more than two (2) shifts, the employee may be required to file a physician's certificate with the DISTRICT.
Sick/Emergency Leave.
1. An employee's supervisor will grant up to three (3) working days' paid leave during the contracted term of employment for employee illness or illness of a family member, medical/dental care, and bereavement or for other emergency reasons.
2. If sick/emergency leave extends beyond three (3) consecutive working days or if such absences span more than a two-week period during a term, the College may require a licensed health-care professional’s statement or other College- approved verification of illness, injury, or emergency. Reasonable out-of-pocket costs not covered by insurance, including office co-pays and coinsurance shall be promptly reimbursed to employees who are required to provide medical certification.
3. An employee who qualifies for a protected leave of absence will be able to access their sick leave balance as long as:
a. The employee requested a protected leave of absence following procedures established by Human Resources.
b. The employee was assigned work during the term in which the protected leave of absence was requested.
c. The protected leave of absence was approved.
Sick/Emergency Leave. Sick/emergency leave shall accrue and shall be used only during long term assignments (16 or more days). Sick/emergency leave shall accrue at the rate of 0.067 days worked, not to exceed twelve days per year. Sick/emergency leave shall accumulate annually.
Sick/Emergency Leave. During each contract year, any musician who is unable to perform because of sickness, accident, or other emergency, will be excused without loss of pay for a maximum of two services. Emergencies involving immediate family members will be considered for paid emergency leave on a case-by-case basis. Following the commencement of a service, if a