Teaching Day Sample Clauses
Teaching Day. The teaching day is defined as a full day in which instruction is given by a teacher to students.
Teaching Day. The normal duty day shall be seven and one-half (7 ½) hours, including a thirty-minute (30) duty free lunch period. The duty day may be changed due to emergency situations as determined by the Superintendent.
Teaching Day. There shall be one (1) start time for all teachers. The Board shall meet with the ILEA President prior to August 1 if it wishes to adjust the established teacher day for the upcoming school year.
Teaching Day. 1. All teachers shall be in their school building and ready for work at least twenty minutes prior to the opening of the official school day. Teachers are required to remain at their place of assignment for at least twenty minutes after the close of the official school day, with the exception of Fridays, a day preceding a holiday, and days that evening programs are scheduled for school-community relations where the teacher's attendance is required, at which time they may leave following the close of school, unless otherwise notified by the principal. The regular in-school work day shall not exceed seven hours and fifteen minutes in the high school for an eight period day or seven hours five minutes for a seven period day, except as otherwise required in this agreement. The regular elementary in-school work day shall not exceed seven hours, except as otherwise required in this agreement.
2. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty by placing a check in the appropriate column of the faculty "sign-in" roster.
3. When conferences are scheduled with parents and other persons interested in the welfare of the child, teachers shall remain until the conference has been completed, except that the teacher may require one day's notice.
Teaching Day. The normal working day for teachers will be 7.5 hours with a thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period, making a total of eight (8) hours. The teaching day is to be stated in the teachers’ handbook and reviewed with the staff before the opening classroom day in the Fall.
Teaching Day. A. The normal work week shall not exceed thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours per week. The actual period assigned for such duty hours shall be made by the building principal or other appropriate supervisor and shall be adjusted to meet the needs of the department, division or level (elementary, middle school, or senior high) to which the teacher has been assigned. The District has the discretion to modify the workday. No single day shall exceed eight (8) hours. The exception would be where there is a corresponding increase in the length of the teacher’s duty-free lunch time. In such instances, no single day shall exceed eight (8) hours and ten (10) minutes. Changes in individual duty hours shall be discussed with that employee prior to implementation. The Association will be notified of such changes.
B. Except in cases of emergency or unusual circumstances (shortening of day due to cold weather, etc.), all teachers shall be entitled to a minimum of a one-half (1/2) hour duty free uninterrupted lunch period. Teachers may leave the building during their thirty (30) minute duty free lunch. This minimum may be waived each school year upon a majority vote of the teachers in a particular building in the event that they so desire in order to obtain a more flexible or workable schedule. In case of emergency or unusual circumstances where the teacher is asked to supervise students and not have duty free lunch, the teacher will be able to depart thirty (30) minutes early. If an early departure is not possible, then the teacher will be able to flex departure time by mutual agreement with the building principal. Flextime is intended for use during non-student contact time and not as an exchange for a half or full day of work.
C. Teachers are expected to be in their assigned area or building from student dismissal time to the time set for teacher departure from the building unless extra-duty, extra-activity or extra-curricular assignments, instructional-related duties or classes taken for college credit conflict. On the last working day before an established recess, teachers will be released thirty (30) minutes prior to the end of their scheduled duty day, but not before student dismissal.
D. Teachers are required to attend Open House. Teachers will be compensated one half day (1/2) for Open House. If absent from Open House, the teacher will be required to use one-half (1/2) day leave. Open House is a form of Parent/Teacher Conferences. Teachers are exempt from Open...
Teaching Day. A. The normal school day, exclusive of time necessarily required to perform extra-duty and extra-curricular assignments, shall be 454 minutes in length. The actual period of time assigned for such duty hours shall be made by the building principal or other appropriate supervisor and shall be adjusted to meet the needs of the department, division, or level (Elementary, Middle School or Senior High) to which the teacher has been assigned. Teachers are expected to be in their assigned area of building from student dismissal time to the time set for teachers departure from the building unless extra-curricular assignments or professional or departmental meetings, conflict, provided, however, that on the last scheduled teaching day prior to a holiday and on state and national election days (excluding local elections) teachers may leave the building at the time when the last regular student class is dismissed and all students have boarded busses and cleared the building. School Closing- Leave Days - When the school offices are officially closed by the superintendent, no leave days previously arranged by an employee will be deducted from such emergency days. Employees who are unable to report to work as scheduled because of inclement weather shall be charged with loss of pay or may use a general leave day if available. School Closing – Make-up Days - Whenever school is officially closed during the school year, the Superintendent may direct teachers to make up time with or without students being present if total teacher work days are less than the total contract days under this Agreement. Make-up time will be used for planning or other professional duties in cooperation with the building Principal.
B. ACTIVITY TICKETS. All staff members are encouraged to volunteer their time to assist in conducting extracurricular activities. Each staff member will receive one individual picture adult activity ticket. Each staff member may earn one additional individual picture adult activity ticket or picture student activity ticket to be issued to a specified adult or student by working one middle school or high school activity during a school year.
Teaching Day. Section 7.1 Regular Workday
a. m. to 3:35 p.m. The Board of Education reserves the right to change the beginning and ending hours set forth in this Section, so long as the total workday is not increased or extended past 3:40 p.m. During each workday, the teacher shall be entitled to a duty-free lunch period equal to that of the students. The parties understand and agree that the professional duties of teachers require attendance at regularly scheduled and occasional meetings during and outside the regular workday although no additional compensation will be paid. To accomplish these professional duties, the parties further agree that the teachers will be available at reasonable times for these meetings during and outside the regular workday. Examples of regularly scheduled meetings may include, but are not limited to: team, curricular content, Multi-Tier Systems of Support (MTSS), and staff meetings. Moreover, the parties acknowledge and agree that voluntary teacher participation in certain meetings is encouraged but not required. Such voluntary participation is not compensated. Examples of voluntary meetings may include but are not limited to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Middle School Committee, Student Safety, Building-level Professional Development, etc.
Teaching Day. All teachers shall be in the building and ready to work at least thirty
Teaching Day a) Effective with the 2010-11 school year the teaching day shall not exceed seven (7) hours, twenty-five (25) minutes at the high school and middle school and seven (7) hours and twenty (20) minutes at the elementary, each of which includes at least a thirty