Union Leave Bank. All employees in classifications enumerated in Appendix A shall contribute two (2) hours per year of accrued vacation or compensatory time off in accordance with the procedures outlined in OAG 20.020 (Union Leave Bank).
Union Leave Bank. A. All MM&P deck officers who are members of the Union, and have worked more than thirty (30) days as a deck officer shall donate eight (8) hours of vacation leave or compensatory time, annually, to a Union Leave Bank.
B. The Vice President of the Union will submit leave bank withdrawal requests for negotiating committee members, or other designated deck officers, for official Union business purposes such as contract negotiations, executive meetings, grievance hearings, and other purposes as may be determined by the Vice President of the Union. Requests for withdrawal from the bank shall be made only by the Vice President of the Union, or their designee, to the WSF Human Resources manager or their designee, on forms mutually agreed on by the parties and furnished by the Union. All hours transferred to the bank are final and cannot be re-credited to an employee’s vacation leave or compensatory time credits.
C. Requests for hardship waivers shall be made in writing and submitted to the Union.
Union Leave Bank. A. All MM&P Deck Officers who are members of the Union, and have worked more than thirty (30) days as a Deck Officer shall donate eight (8) hours of vacation leave or compensatory time, annually, to a Union Leave Bank. However, if the Deck Officer has donated leave to the MM&P Union Leave Bank during the calendar year as a Mate, the same Deck Officer shall not donate twice. All hours transferred to the bank are final and cannot be re- credited to an employee’s vacation leave or compensatory time credits.
B. The Vice President of the Union will submit leave bank withdrawal requests for Negotiating Committee members, or other designated Deck Officers, for official Union business purposes such as contract negotiations, executive meetings, grievance hearings, and other purposes as may be determined by the Vice President of the Union. Requests for withdrawal from the bank shall be made only by the Vice President of the Union, or their designee, to the WSF Human Resources Manager or their designee, on forms mutually agreed on by the parties and furnished by the Union.
C. Requests for hardship waivers shall be made in writing and submitted to the Union.
Union Leave Bank. All employees shall donate four (4) hours of compensatory time or vacation annually to a Union Leave Bank for Union Negotiating Committee. The Regional Director (RD) of the Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific, Puget Sound Region (IBU PSR) will submit leave bank withdrawal requests for Union Negotiating Committee members, or such other WSF/IBU members as designated by the Regional Director for official union business purposes relating to preparing, negotiating and arbitrating the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the IBU PSR and the State of Washington. Requests for withdrawal from the Union Leave Bank shall only be made by the Regional Director to the WSF Labor Relations Manager on forms mutually agreed upon by the parties. All hours transferred to the leave bank are final and not recoverable for re-credit to an individual’s compensatory time or vacation account. Employee requests for hardship waivers shall be made in writing and submitted to the Regional Director, who shall have the sole right to approve or deny such requests. The Regional Director may suspend contributions to the Union Leave Bank for any year when the Regional Director believes, in his/her sole discretion, that the balance is sufficient for the stated purposes. Suspension shall be accomplished by written notification to WSF Labor Relations Manager. RULE 34 – OTHER APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS
34.01 The Memorandum of Understanding of June 1997 known as the “Morvan Agreement” and Arbiter Xxxx’x Interest Arbitration – Respirator Mask Policy of April 8, 2002 are part of this Agreement.
Union Leave Bank. County Fire shall establish a Union leave bank of eighty (80) hours per calendar year to enable Executive Officers, Association Directors or their alternates (if the Association Director is unavailable) to attend the annual SEBA conference. The leave bank shall also be available for the Hazardous Materials Unit negotiating team to attend related negotiations training. It is expressly understood that County Fire shall not be obligated or responsible for any of the expenses or costs of member attendance at such training or conferences. The release time for leave taken under this Section shall not be counted as hours worked for purposes of overtime.
Union Leave Bank. (a) The Union shall continue to administer the FOP Leave Bank of donated leave for the purpose of providing additional paid time to conduct Union business. The Union must provide to the City a signed authorization form to deduct annual leave from the accruals of donating members.
(b) The City will accept a form (provided by the Union) signed by Employees and other Union members authorizing the automatic deduction of annual leave for credit into the Union leave bank. Such authorization shall remain in effect until revoked by the Employee or Union member.
Union Leave Bank. All employees shall donate four (4) hours of compensatory time or vacation annually to a Union Leave Bank for Union Negotiating Committee. The Regional Director (RD) of the Inlandboatmen’s Union of the Pacific, Puget Sound Region (IBU PSR) will submit leave bank withdrawal requests for Union Negotiating Committee members, or such other WSF/IBU members as designated by the Regional Director for official union business purposes relating to preparing, negotiating and arbitrating the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the IBU PSR and the State of Washington. Requests for withdrawal from the Union Leave Bank shall only be made by the Regional Director to the WSF Labor Relations Manager on forms mutually agreed upon by the Parties. All hours transferred to the leave bank are final and not recoverable for re-credit to an individual’s compensatory time or vacation account. Employee requests for hardship waivers shall be made in writing and submitted to the Regional Director, who shall have the sole right to approve or deny such requests. The Regional Director may suspend contributions to the Union Leave Bank for any year when the Regional Director believes, in his/her sole discretion, that the balance is sufficient for the stated purposes. Suspension shall be accomplished by written notification to WSF Labor Relations Manager. RULE 34 – PERSONNEL FILES
34.01 There will be one (1) official personnel file maintained by the Employer for each employee. The location of personnel files will be determined by the Employer.
34.02 An employee may examine his or her own personnel file, supervisory file, attendance file, payroll file, and medical file, or a copy of such file(s) to be provided by the employer. Review of these files will be in the presence of an Employer representative during business hours, unless otherwise arranged. An employee will not be required to take leave to review Supervisory files. Written authorization from the employee is required before any representative of the employee will be granted access to these files. The employee and/or representative may not remove any contents; however, an employee may provide a written rebuttal to any information in the files that he or she considers objectionable. The Employer may charge a reasonable fee for copying any materials beyond the first copy requested each year by the employee or his or her representative.
Union Leave Bank. A. Leave Donations Effective the first full pay period in July of each year, active bargaining unit employees may voluntarily elect to contribute to the Union Leave Bank by reducing their individual vacation accrual by six (6) hours for 56 hour personnel and four (4) hours of vacation accrual for 40 hour personnel. The contribution will be credited to the Union Leave Bank. If, at the end of any fiscal year, the Union Leave Bank has a balance of more than 1500 hours, the contribution of hours described above will not occur for that fiscal year. Employees hired during the year will have no deduction until the following fiscal year’s leave bank transfer. Employees separating employment during the year will receive no credit for or return of hours contributed to the Union Leave Bank.
B. Usage of the Union Leave Bank Union Leave Bank may be utilized by bargaining unit employees for scheduled work absences when all of the following conditions are met:
1. The absence is for a union authorized event or purpose.
2. A Union official has provided prior written approval for the use of the Union Leave Bank to cover the absence.
3. The Union Leave Bank has sufficient hours to reimburse the City at the applicable regular and overtime rates to provide coverage for the absence.
4. The absence is approved in writing by shift Deputy Fire Chief. The Deputy Fire Chief shall secure a replacement to cover the shifts resulting from an approved Union Leave absence in accordance with the current practice for obtaining shift replacements. However, nothing in this section shall supersede the Fire Chief’s duty to maintain management control over the Department to ensure adequate staffing for daily operations and emergency situations.
C. Payment for Union Leave When bargaining unit employees receive the appropriate approval to be absent from their scheduled shift(s) for a union authorized event or purpose, payment to the employee(s) covering the open shifts(s) shall be made at the employee’s applicable regular or overtime rate on an hour-for-hour basis from the Union Leave Bank. Employees absent from work on union leave shall receive pay for their regularly scheduled shift as paid union leave. Employees covering open shifts for employees absent on union leave and employees absent on union leave shall code their time cards accordingly.
Union Leave Bank. A. A Union Business Leave Bank shall be administered by the District with a quarterly report of the balance and withdrawals provided to the Union. An employee accruing leave shall contribute annually four hours to the Union Leave Bank. The four-hour contribution to the Union Leave Bank will be deferred, except for new employees, as long as the balance in the Union Leave Bank is 1,000 hours or more on July 1 of any year. If the balance goes below 1,000 hours, the contribution will be reinstated. The contribution to the Bank will occur automatically through payroll deduction no later than November 15 each year or the first ninety (90) calendar days of employment.
B. Withdrawal requests from the Union Leave Bank will be for the purposes of Agreement negotiations, executive meetings, training sponsored by the Union, and other Union-related purposes. Withdrawal requests from the Bank shall be authorized only by the Business Manager or the Contract Administration Department. Leave transferred to the Bank is final and not recoverable for credit to an employee's accrued leave.
C. The release of employees for Union leave shall be handled the same as release for leave.
D. No employee shall be on Union leave for more than two years. Employees on Union leave for more than thirty (30) calendar days shall not earn annual leave. If a position at the classification of the employee returning from Union leave of more than thirty (30) calendar days is not available, the least senior employee in that classification shall be laid off to provide the position for the returning employee.
Union Leave Bank. A. A Union business bank will be established for the purpose of Union business time off. Each bargaining unit member will donate two (2) hours of vacation time per year, available from his or her personal vacation account, into the Union’s business leave bank. This bank will be used at the discretion of the principal officers of the Union to ensure that Union members are able to attend Union-associated conventions, seminars, meetings, etc. If a member of the Local is a member of the IAFF, WSCFF, or any other labor organization that Local 1828 belongs to, that member will be able to use time from the Union leave bank. All at no cost to the RFA. The RFA will deduct two (2) hours from each bargaining unit member at the beginning of the calendar year. At the end of the calendar year, any hours remaining in the Union business leave bank will reduce proportionately the individual contribution for the ensuing year. The size of the bank will be determined by the number of bargaining unit members as of January 1st of each year.