Worksite. Any location where an administrator is carrying out his/her functions as an administrator, including in a school building and on sanctioned trips.
Worksite. I certify that the worksite has been provided a copy of this Agreement and the worksite supervisor’s manual.
Worksite. A telecommuting employee must designate a work area suitable for performing official business. Requirements for the designated work area will vary depending on the nature of the work and the equipment needed, and may be determined by the department. Telecommuting employees must work in an environment that allows them to perform their duties safely and efficiently. If the telecommuting employee requires any specialized equipment for ergonomic needs, it is the responsibility of the employee to purchase and maintain such equipment at the telecommute location. In addition, the District will not deliver or retrieve, install, or set up equipment at an employee’s telecommute location.
Worksite. The building in which the employee works.
Worksite. Where practicable, the Employer will provide reasonable alternative worksite accommodation due to a temporary medical condition.
Worksite. The site in this collective agreement is the Rocky Mountaineer Vacations rail train(s), operated by the Client
Worksite. Where Company or any of its authorised representatives require the permission of any member of Contractor Group to access any Worksite, including in respect of any inspection, testing, witnessing, expediting, monitoring or examination required under MSA, Contractor shall permit or procure such access and provide or procure all facilities and assistance as may be required in connection therewith. No part of the Work shall be put out of view or covered up at any Worksite without the consent of Company. Contractor shall provide reasonable notice to Company in order to permit the inspection, testing or examination of any part of the Work which is about to be put out of view or covered up at any Worksite. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Company shall have the right at any time to require Contractor to uncover or open up any part of the Work and to reinstate such uncovered or open part following inspection, testing or examination by Company. Company reserves the right to search or require Contractor to search in the presence of Company, any article belonging to any member of Contractor Group at any time including any container, skip, basket, case, package, box, holdall or suitcase entering, remaining at or leaving any Worksite. Where the Work is carried out at any non-Contractor Group controlled Worksite, Contractor shall at all times maintain such Worksite free of waste material, rubbish and debris generated by Contractor Group. Contractor shall properly store all Equipment at any time when not being used so as to maintain such Worksite in a clean, tidy and safe condition. On completion of the Work, or any part thereof, Contractor shall, except as otherwise instructed by Company Representative, forthwith clear and remove all Equipment and all waste material, rubbish and debris generated by Contractor Group from any non-Contractor Group controlled Worksite leaving such Worksite in a clean, tidy and safe condition. Except as stated elsewhere in this MSA or where required by Legislation, nothing in this Clause 15 shall oblige Contractor to dispose of any hazardous waste generated by Contractor Group at any Company Group controlled Worksite. Company places prime importance on health, safety and environment ("HSE") issues and requires that Contractor Group subscribes to and actively pursues the highest standards of HSE performance. Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability and safety of all its operations and methods necessary for the Work...
Worksite. Worksite is the place(s) of work to which an employee is assigned. Employees assigned to work sites in more than one community will have one Home base for the assignment. The employee will begin and end the assignment at that Home base each day.
Worksite the precise Project locations designated by the City Manager, on an as needed- when needed basis, where Work is to be done by Contractor or its Subcontractor under this Agreement, in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications contained in the Contract Documents.
Worksite. (1) The Worksite agrees to make available, suitable job(s) at its worksite(s) and in the respective occupation(s) described on the Occupational Summary attachment for those eligible ACT participants who are selected and referred to the Worksite by the Administering Agency.
(2) The Worksite shall have the understanding the Administering Agency has the responsibility for all selection, recruitment, certification, and referral of all participants eligible for this program.
(3) The Worksite understands the Work Experience participant is in a temporary assignment and that the Administering Agency reserves the right, in accord with the participant, to refer the participant at anytime to another worksite, other activities funded by the ACT, or employment which provides the opportunity for hire in a position not funded under the ACT.
(4) It is agreed the participants will be considered for any regular job openings, which occur within the Worksite, if the participants meet the necessary qualifications for the openings. However, the Worksite, understands it is under no legal obligation to do so.
(5) The authorized representatives of the Administering Agency and State and Federal Oversight agency for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act activities shall have access to the premises of the Worksite at all reasonable hours for such purposes as monitoring the activities funded under the ACT. Authorized representatives of the Administering Agency shall also have access to the premises of the Worksite at all reasonable hours for such purposes of job- related or personal counseling and job coaching.
(6) The Worksite shall ensure all requested slots:
a. Result in an increase in the Agency's level of employment.
b. Do not result in the displacement or partial displacement (e.g. reduction in hours of non-overtime work, wages, or employment benefits) of currently employed workers.
c. Do not impair existing contracts for services or result in the substitution of Federal funds for other funds in connection with work that would otherwise be performed, including services normally provided by temporary, part-time or seasonal workers.
d. Result in the creation of slots that are in addition to those that would be funded in the absence of assistance under the Act.
(7) The Worksite further ensures that:
a. No participant will be placed in or remain working in any position when the same or substantially equivalent position is vacant due to a hiring freeze unless it can be demonstrate...