Discipline or Discharge.
(a) When any person or group of persons make written slanderous or derogatory statements pertaining to any member of the Canadian Staff Union, the appropriate Managing Director or designate shall immediately forward to the employee concerned, and the Union, in writing, a copy of such statements and their source, and shall advise if an investigation will be conducted. In the event the Employer initiates a disciplinary action, the employee shall be notified in writing by the Employer, with full disclosure of the reasons, grounds for action and/or penalty, with a copy to the Secretary of the Union.
(b) Any verbal complaint from any person or group of persons which may give rise to any disciplinary action against an employee must be put in writing by the complainant before any such disciplinary action is undertaken.
(c) Any employee appearing before the Employer or Employer representative as a witness in an investigation may choose to be accompanied by a representative of the Union.
Discipline or Discharge.
(a) The Union recognizes the right of the Employer to discharge or otherwise discipline employees for just cause. Employees who are subjected to any form of discipline shall have recourse to the grievance procedure. There shall be no deduction of salary or benefits from an employee suspended for five (5) days or less on a first occasion until such time as any grievance arising from the suspension has been resolved.
(b) The Employer affirms its commitment to the principle of progressive discipline and agrees that except in cases of extreme misconduct, discipline will proceed in stages, e.g. verbal warning, written warning, suspension(s), discharge, as appropriate. It is further understood that transfers will not be made for disciplinary purposes.
(a) When any person or group of persons make written slanderous or derogatory statements pertaining to any member of the Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union, Local 491, the appropriate Managing Director or designate shall immediately forward to the employee concerned, and the Union, in writing, a copy of such statements and their source, and shall advise if an investigation will be conducted. In the event the Employer initiates a disciplinary action, the employee shall be notified in writing by the Employer, with full disclosure of the reasons, grounds for action and/or penalty, with a copy to the Secretary of the Union.
(b) Any verbal complaint from any person or group of persons which will give rise to any disciplinary action against an employee must be put in writing by the complainant before any such disciplinary action is undertaken.
(c) Any employee appearing before the Employer or Employer representative as a witness in an investigation may choose to be accompanied by a representative of the Union.
Discipline or Discharge. 136 When it is necessary to discipline or discharge an employee for just cause, the Company will issue a written notification to the employee and to the Union within four (4) working days after the Manager of Manufacturing or designated Company representative has knowledge of the improper conduct or performance, unless special investigation is required and the Union is so notified. A disciplined or discharged employee must file a written grievance within five (5) working days of the foregoing notification otherwise the discipline or discharge will be final.
Discipline or Discharge. No post-probation bargaining unit employee will be disciplined or discharged except for just cause. “Just cause” will be defined to include the concept of progressive discipline (such as verbal and written reprimands, the possibility of suspension, without pay and termination). A copy of all written disciplinary actions will be given to the employee. Employees will be required to sign the written disciplinary action for the purpose of acknowledging receipt thereof. The Employer agrees to provide a copy of the written disciplinary action to the Union within seventy-two (72) hours of its being issued. The inadvertent failure to provide the Union with a copy of the disciplinary action will not be sufficient grounds to overturn the discipline. However, if such failure causes the Union to miss the deadline to file a grievance for the discipline, the deadline shall be extended for that amount of time. Progressive discipline will not be applied when the nature of the offense is just cause for immediate suspension or discharge. An employee may request the attendance of a Union representative during any disciplinary or investigative meeting which may lead to disciplinary action. In the event the Employer’s investigation takes longer than fourteen (14) days, the employee will be notified. Disciplinary action, if appropriate, will be taken within fourteen (14) days following the conclusion of the investigation. Employees may ask to have written disciplinary action in their personnel file noted as inactive if two years have passed without a related discipline. Such request will not be unreasonably denied.
Discipline or Discharge. A. The District may discipline or discharge employees for just cause. Disciplinary actions include:
1. Oral discussion
2. Written reprimand
3. One to 10-day Suspension
4. Dismissal Note: This does not include letters of expectation. Letters of expectation are used to set the expectation around performance and behavior, not as a disciplinary action.
B. The parties agree that discipline should be progressive. Nevertheless, both parties agree that for more serious offenses discipline may start at any level up to and including dismissal.
C. Any reprimand of any employee shall be done in a manner that will not embarrass the employee before other employees or the public. A written reprimand may be processed through the grievance procedure.
D. In any case, if the District feels there is just cause for discipline, the employee involved may be suspended with pay for up to ten (10) days with pay pending a final decision in the case.
E. The BVCEA shall be notified and shall have the right to take up the suspension and/or discharge as a grievance at step two of the grievance procedure, and the matter will be handled in accordance with this procedure through the arbitration step if deemed necessary by either party.
F. Any fact-finding meeting will be held in a timely manner with the employee and his/her BVCEA representative within 10 work days from the disciplinary incident, as feasible. Human Resources will give notice to the BVCEA representative and employee at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting not counting non-work days.
G. Employees shall have the opportunity to review their personnel file and submit written request to the department of Human Resources that a prior infraction which occurred more than three (3) years previous be redacted from their personnel file. The decision of the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources will be final.
Discipline or Discharge. The City reserves the right to discipline or discharge any employee for just cause subject to the provisions of this Agreement. Discipline and discharge shall be the right and responsibility of management and may include, but not be limited to, the following actions: Written reprimand, suspension, probation, demotion, and discharge.
Discipline or Discharge. Discipline or discharge of a full-time or part-time nurse shall only be for just cause. “Just cause” shall include the concept of progressive discipline (such as verbal and written reprimands and the possibility of suspension without pay), provided, however, a nurse may be subject to immediate dismissal or suspension based upon the seriousness of the offense. A nurse may request the attendance of an Association representative at scheduled investigatory meetings as provided for and limited by law. A copy of all written disciplinary actions shall be given to the nurse. Nurses shall be required to sign the written disciplinary action for the purpose of acknowledging receipt thereof. Nurses will be given the opportunity to provide a written response to any written evaluations or disciplinary actions to be included in the personnel file.
Discipline or Discharge. 501 The language below is supplemented by the provisions of the National Agreement between the parties, as long as the current National Agreement is in effect. 502 The Employer shall discipline or discharge an employee for just cause only. 503 It is the intent of the Employer to utilize progressive discipline in normal circumstances. The discipline imposed will be appropriate to the offense. Where deemed appropriate, the Employer may elect to use informal corrective action such as verbal counseling or documented counseling prior to the issuing of formal discipline. Formal discipline imposed may include written warnings, final warnings, and discharge. 504 Employees who are demoted or discharged for incompetence or minor misconduct in connection with work performance (including excessive absenteeism or excessive tardiness) shall first have had two (2) prior warnings in writing which are active pursuant to Paragraph 506 preceding the discharge for related or similar offenses with a copy sent to the Union. The employee must initial the warning notice to attest only to having received a copy of said warning notice. Warning notices shall be issued only by management personnel. 505 Employees shall have the right to have a Union representative to be present at any meeting with the Employer when such meetings are accusatory, or disciplinary in nature. 506 Employees will receive copies of all Discipline / Corrective Action placed in their personnel file. Discipline / Corrective Action for which there has been no recurrence for one (1) year shall not be used as a basis for progressive discipline in any future discipline matters. Said one (1) year period shall commence on the date the Discipline / Corrective Action was issued, and will automatically be extended by any absences of sixty (60) consecutive calendar days or more for a period of time equal to the duration of said absence. 507 To satisfy governmental record keeping requirements, copies of all Discipline / Corrective Action shall be permanently maintained in a separate file to which supervisors shall not have access. 508 Upon receipt of Discipline / Corrective Action, other than discharge, by an employee, said employee shall have fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt to file a grievance concerning the Employer's action at the Second Step. All grievances concerning discharge shall be filed within ten (10) calendar days from the date the employee is advised in writing by the Employer of said discharge. Any gr...
Discipline or Discharge. 19 Discharge, suspension or written reprimand of any employee may be referred to the second step of the grievance procedure if requested by the Union representative. An employee will be afforded the opportunity to sign any written reprimand, notice of suspension, or notice of discharge to substantiate that such employee has received the document. A copy may be given to the Union upon the employee's request.
Discipline or Discharge. It is agreed that the Fire Chief can be disciplined or discharged only for just cause, upon proper notice and only after hearing at which the Fire Chief shall have the right to be represented by counsel. The Fire Chief shall have the option of choosing whether or not any such hearing shall be closed to the public or be held as an open or public hearing. Disciplinary action shall require a majority vote of the Board of Selectmen. The principle of progressive discipline will apply and the Town recognizes its obligation to provide the Chief with annual performance evaluations. It is understood that the principle of progressive discipline need not apply for a more serious, egregious offense where suspension or termination might be the appropriate action. • The Fire Chief may appeal any discipline or discharge of a committee of arbitrators consisting of three (3) persons. The three persons shall be chosen as follows: one by the Town, one by the Fire Chief, and one by the two so chosen. A majority of the three (3) member committee shall be sufficient to uphold or to reverse the discipline or discharge decision. The Arbitration panel’s decision shall be final and binding upon the parties • In the event that the arbitration panel reverses the dismissal decision of the Board of Selectmen, the remedy shall consist of back pay from the date of termination and front pay to the expiration date of this agreement but no reinstatement shall apply.