LEAVES AND ABSENCES. A. 1) Ten (10) days of sick leave shall be credited annually to each teacher in accordance with Section 1154A of the School Code. The total unused portion of the annual sick leave allowance shall be permitted to accumulate indefinitely. Xxxx leave accumulated prior to a leave of absence shall be credited to the teacher upon return from the leave.
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. The Board believes that the provision of leaves for nurses helps to attract and retain persons who will maintain their physical health and have a feeling of security. The Board believes this can best be accomplished in the following ways: 1. Encourage nurses to take the necessary time to recuperate from illness. 2. Provide nurses with income in the event of illness or accident. 3. Provide a way for nurses to arrange for absence in the event of an emergency. 4. Cooperate with nurses in arranging time for the performance of certain obligations or for other personal purposes that can be accomplished only during school time. Salary deductions will be made for all absences which are not covered by the various leave policies. All absences are accounted for on the automated time keeping system, which is completed and submitted by the nurse to the immediate supervisor prior to absence.
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. (3) The employee has on file an illness leave request satisfying the certification requirements of this Section. e. If an employee is paid for more than the illness absences to which entitled, or terminates employment prior to accruing leave taken in advance, the employee shall be required to refund to the District the salary to which not entitled. This requirement shall be waived in the event of the employee’s death or physical or mental disability. f. Unused full-pay illness absence credit shall be cumulative from year to year without limitation. Half-pay illness credit shall not be cumulative from year to year. When an employee is absent under this Section and such absence is properly verified, an employee will receive full normal pay up to the total of full-pay days credited. Full-pay illness benefits shall be used before available half-pay benefits may be used. Additional days of illness absence will be at half-pay up to the total of half-pay days credited if available. Further illness absence shall be non-paid absence, unless the employee requests use of any accrued vacation. The amount of illness absence taken in any pay period shall not be in excess of the illness absence accumulated by the close of the pay period immediately preceding the illness absence, except as provided in paragraph 4.1 c. above. Pay for absence shall not be made in increments of less than .3 hours. 4.2 Certification of illness absence shall be as follows: a. An employee who is absent shall be required to certify the reason for absence by submitting a completed Certification/Request of Absence for Illness, Family Illness, New Child Form (Form No. 60.ILL). The District shall have the authority to use whatever means are reasonably necessary to verify any claimed illness, injury, or disability Section authorizing any compensation. b. An employee absent from duty for any illness, injury, or other disability for more than five (5) consecutive working days shall be required to submit Form 60.ILL and a statement from the attending physician on letterhead attached to Form 60.ILL. Form 60.ILL shall be signed by the employee. An employee absent for more than twenty (20) consecutive working days shall be required to submit a formal leave request and an “Attending Physician Statement” form. 4.3 Return to service within 39 months: If a permanent employee resigns and returns within 39 months of the last day of paid service to permanent status, the number of hours for which the employee was ...
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. The Board believes that the provision of leaves for bus drivers helps to attract and retain persons who will maintain their physical health and have a feeling of security. The Board believes this can best be accomplished in the following ways:
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. A. Provision has been made by the board of education for authorized absences from duty for good cause. Absences have a very negative impact on the students' instructional programs and leave should not be abused or over utilized. Absence may be approved for: 1. Temporary Leave (a) Sick Leave (b) Vacation leave (12 Mo. Employees) (c) Personal Leave (d) Bereavement/Funeral Leave (e) Military Reserve (f) Volunteer Emergency Responder Job Protection Act (g) Dangerous Travel (h) Professional
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. A. Notification of Absence 1. The unit member is responsible for notifying the District of absences due to illness or any other cause no later than 6:30 A.M. of the morning of absence by contacting the District’s on-line substitute system. Unit members assigned to school sites that have instructional days which begin prior to 8:00 A.M. must notify the District of absences no later than 6:00 A.M. 2. The unit member must inform the assigned school or work site no later than 2:00 p.m. if he/she will not be returning on the following day as previously scheduled on the substitute calling system. B. Definition of Paid and Unpaid Leaves 1. Paid leave of absence” means a unit member will be entitled to: a. Receive wages and fringe benefits including insurance and retirement benefits. b. The same right to a position in the District as if the leave had not been taken. c. Receive credit for applicable annual salary increments during the leave.
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. 9100 With Compensation (All Teachers) 9110 Illness, Accident or Quarantine Teachers will be compensated at the appropriate hourly rate for illness, accident or quarantine subject to the following conditions: 9111 Formula Hourly certificated teachers will be allowed one hour of sick leave credit for every 18 hours worked. 9112 Sufficient Hours Sick leave benefits will be paid on a current basis when sufficient hours have been accumulated.
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. Any Member who has left or leaves a position, other than a temporary position, in order to serve in any branch of the Armed Services of the United States and who upon termination of such services: A. Receives an honorable discharge from the Armed Forces; B. Is still qualified and competent to perform the duties of such position, and; C. Makes application for re-employment within ninety (90) days after release from military service; shall be restored, at the beginning of the semester or term following the application, to such position or to a position of like nature, seniority, status, and pay, unless circumstances have so changed as to make it impossible or unreasonable to do so.
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. The Board believes that the provision of leaves for Child Nutrition employees helps to attract and retain persons who will maintain their physical health and have a feeling of security. The Board believes this can best be accomplished in the following ways: 1. Encourage Child Nutrition employees to take the necessary time to recuperate from illness. 2. Provide Child Nutrition employees with income in the event of illness or accident. 3. Provide a way for Child Nutrition employees to arrange for absence in the event of an emergency. 4. Cooperate with Child Nutrition employees in arranging time for the performance of certain obligations or for other personal purposes that can be accomplished only during school time. Salary deductions will be made for all absences which are not covered by the various leave policies. All absences are accounted for on the automated time keeping system, which is completed and submitted by the employee to the immediate supervisor prior to absence.
LEAVES AND ABSENCES. Subd. 1. It is the responsibility of administration to prevent or remedy any abuse of policies on leaves and absences.