Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. Regular part-time employees shall be offered any additional hours available in the childcare centre before casuals, provided the additional hours do not result in overtime.
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. Part-time employees assigned to work hours beyond their regularly scheduled hours will receive additional pay at their regular hourly rate for such hours up to a total of forty (40) hours in a workweek. Hours worked beyond forty (40) in a workweek will be considered overtime.
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. A part-time employee shall have the right to claim within their own store all part- time hours when such hours become available up to eight (8) hours per day and forty (40) hours per week based upon seniority over other part-time employees provided such part-time employee has the qualifications and ability to perform the duties of the position claimed. An employee(s) cannot claim hours from another employee if the hours claimed would result in the less senior employee receiving less than the minimum guaranteed hours. After first (1st) having notified, in writing, the home store manager and the Union, a part-time employee shall also have the right to request additional available hours up to forty (40) hours per week at no more than three (3) other stores within the Employer’s region. Said part-time employee shall notify, in writing, the manager of such stores of the request, and said manager shall endeavor to comply with such request on a seniority basis. No new part-time or extra employee shall be hired until or unless said part-time employee has been afforded the opportunity to work such additional hours on a seniority basis as set forth above.
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. (i) The Employer may request, but not require, a Part-Time Employee to work additional hours in accordance with the provisions of this clause 9.4(f).
(ii) Where a Part-Time Employee works additional hours other than in accordance with clause 14.12, the Employee shall be paid for all such additional hours:
(A) at the casual rate of pay for the relevant classification, provided that the additional hours fall within applicable daily spread of hours in clause 20 Ordinary Hours of Work and clause 22 Shift Work and do not result in the Employee working more than eight ordinary hours on that day; and
(B) in all other cases the Employee will be entitled to payment at the appropriate overtime rate of pay.
(iii) Where a Part-Time Employee works additional hours during non-term time in accordance with clause 14.12, the terms of that clause will apply.
(iv) Where additional hours are worked continuously on a day the Employee is already attending for work, the minimum casual engagements under clause 9.5(b) shall not apply.
(v) Additional hours worked by a Part-Time Employee in accordance with this clause do not accrue leave entitlements under this Agreement or the NES.
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. Regular part-time employees shall be offered any additional hours available before casuals, provided they have the necessary qualifications and the additional hours do not result in overtime.
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. A part-time employee shall have the right to claim within his own store all part- time hours when such hours become available up to eight (8) hours per day and forty (40) hours per week based upon seniority over other part-time employees provided such part-time employee has the qualifications and ability to perform the duties of the position claimed. After first (1st) having notified, in writing, the home store manager and the Union, a part-time employee shall also have the right to request additional available hours up to forty
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. (a) Pursuant to MOU 1-Casual Addendum, full-time and/or part-time employees working fewer than 40 hours weekly may register in writing to the Manager for additional hours/casual work in their classification which they are qualified, to perform a maximum of 40 hours, provided it will not result in overtime pay. The call in procedure will apply. Full-time and/or part-time employees will be called prior to casuals in order of seniority. These hours will be credited to regular seniority. It is understood that the call in procedure will only apply to additional shifts and not the employee's regularly scheduled shifts.
(b) If the regular employee is already scheduled for work on the day of the casual vacancy, the regular employee is deemed unavailable for the casual shift. If the acceptance of the casual shift will incur overtime for the part-time employee, the employee is deemed unavailable for that shift. Shifts will not be assigned if overtime will be incurred. In such cases overtime will be offered pursuant to Clause 16.5-Sharing of Overtime.
(c) Any regular employee on the casual registry who accepts a casual shift is deemed responsible for that shift. If an accepted shift(s) is cancelled more than two times in two calendar months, the regular employee’s name will be removed from the casual register.
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. (a) The Employer will assign known work to part-time and casual employees consistent with the collective agreement and post those assignments 14 days in advance of the assignment commencing.
(b) Any errors or omissions in the posted assignments must be brought to the scheduler's attention. Failing resolution, the affected employee must bring the error/omission to a Program Manager's attention a minimum of two working days prior to the commencement of the assignment.
(c) Regular part-time employees will be offered any additional hours available in the child care centre before casuals, provided the additional hours do not result in overtime.
(d) Assignment of additional hours will mean the process used when additional hours become available to be offered to staff.
(e) For the purposes of call-in for additional hours only, buildings are "Xxxxx Court" and "Xxxxxx Park", and the rooms are: Xxxxxx Park 3 - 5; Xxxxxx Park Toddler; Xxxxx Court 3 - 5; Xxxxx Court Infant Toddler.
(f) Additional hours will be offered to staff in the following order:
(1) Regular part-time staff within the room they are working in;
(2) Regular part-time staff from other rooms in either building;
(3) Casual staff filling posted temporary part-time positions;
(4) Before a shift schedule is posted under Clause 14.7, casual staff already scheduled to work if they are scheduled for a shift that is shorter than the available shift;
(5) Short-term casual staff on the seniority list who are not already scheduled to work;
(6) Casual staff who have worked less than 30 days.
(g) Additional hours for permanent employees will be shared equitably at each step.
(h) Casual employees will be called in accordance with Clause 30.3.
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. (a) Part-time employees who want to be offered extra work shall indicate their availability to the Employer in writing, specifying hours and locations.
(b) For extra work scheduled at a time not continuous with an employee=s scheduled shift, the employee shall be paid at her regular rate for all time worked or for three
Additional Hours for Part-Time Employees. (a) Part-time employees who want to be offered extra work shall indicate their availability to the Employer in writing, specifying hours and locations.
(b) For extra work scheduled at a time not continuous with an employee’s scheduled shift, the employee shall be paid at their regular rate for all time worked or for three (3) hours, whichever is greater.
(c) Notwithstanding other provisions of this collective agreement, part-time employees may volunteer to do back-to-back shifts or split shifts. The Employer shall not incur overtime or call back costs as a result of an employee receiving extra work under this Article 11.11.
(d) Additional periods of work available at the time the work schedule is being developed as well as periods of work available subsequent to the posting of the schedule shall be offered equitably to part-time employees able to do the work.
(e) The extra work shall first be offered to floaters until such time as the floaters reach their designated hours for two (2) pay periods, then to other part-time employees within the classification within the Department or Branch where the work is to be done. If no part- time employees are available within the classification, the work shall then be offered to employees in other classifications able to do the work within the Department or Branch. If no part-time employees within the Department or Branch are available or able to do the work, then the work shall be offered equitably to floaters who have reached their designated hours and part-time employees outside the Department or Branch.
(f) Extra work that becomes available on the same day it is to be worked can be filled at the discretion of the Employer.
(g) Part-time employees shall not be entitled to have a work assignment altered on the schedule so as to claim a work opportunity that subsequently becomes available.
(h) An employee shall be deemed to have refused additional work when unavailable for work or when the Employer is unable to contact the employee for any reason. Without limiting the foregoing, an employee is considered unavailable for work when working in their regular position or in any other position at HRL.
(i) Part-time employees may only be required to work additional periods of work without their consent if the Employer has been unable to fulfill its operational requirements from within the branch or through this Article 11.11. A part-time employee with a reasonable excuse will not be required to work an additional period of w...