ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health the home in order to prevent injury and illness. are not represented by unions and who do not exercise managerial functions, which shall identify potential dangers, recommend means of improving the health and safety programs and obtain information from the employer or other persons respecting the identification of hazards and standards elsewhere. The committee shall normally meet at least once a month, Scheduled time spent such meetings is to be considered time worked. Minutes shall be taken of all meetings and copies shall be sent to the Employer and to the Union. The Xxxxx agrees to limit representation from the full-time and part-time bargaining units to one (1) joint representative which may be increased by mutual agreement of the parties. Two (2) representatives of the joint health and safety committee, one (1) from management and one (1) from the employees on a rotating basis designated by the employees, shall make monthly inspections of the work place and equipment and shall report to the health and safety committee the results of their inspection. In the event of accident or injury, such representatives shall be notified immediately and shall investigate and report as soon as possible to the committee and to the Employer on the nature and causes of the accident or injury. Furthermore such representatives must be notified of the inspection by a government inspector and shall have the right to accompany him on his inspection. Scheduled time spent in all such activities shall be considered as time worked. The Joint Health and Safety Committee and the representa- tives thereof shall have reasonable access to the annual summary of data from The Compensation Board relating to the number of work accident fatalities, the number of lost workday cases, the number of lost work-days, the number of non-fatal cases that required medical aid without lost work-days, the incidence of occupational injuries, and such other data as may decide to disclose. The Union agrees to endeavour to obtain the full co- operation of its membership in the observation of all safety rules and practices. The employer will use its best efforts to make all affected direct care employees aware of residents who have serious infectious diseases. The nature of the disease need not be disclosed. Employees who are not direct care employees will be made aware of special procedures required of ...
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The Employer agrees to establish a Health Safety Committee with equal representation from the Employer and the Union, this will include driver representation. The Health & Safety Committee will meet during regular working hours once per month to review safety and health matters of mutual concern. The Committee will make periodic tours of the terminal for safety inspections. In the event the terminal tour is to be conducted by an Industrial Safety Officer from the Ministry of Labour, one Union Committee member will accompany the Officer on the tour. The Employer shall continue to make reasonable provisions for the health and safety of its employees in accordance with the Health Safety Code during the hours of their employment. The programme of the Safety Committee shall have the support of the Union and the Committee and will welcome the suggestions with regard to the safety of the employees. The Employer agrees to provide a separate bulletin board for health and safety matters and the minutes from the monthly health and safety meetings exclusively. The Employer will provide protective devices and apparel should the need warrant under the Health Safety Code. The Employer agrees to pay employees at their regular shift rate for time spent in monthly Health and Safety Committee meetings in accordance with the legislative requirements.
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. It is the wish, both of the Company and the Union, that safe working conditions prevail at all times. Towards that end, both parties agree that a safety officer shall exist and work actively. The Company will pay each employee one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per year as a Safety Shoe Allowance.
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in order to prevent injury and illness.
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The Employer agrees to establish a Health Safety Committeewith equal representationfrom the Employer and the Union, this will include driver representation. The Health Safety Committee will meet during regular working hours once per month to review safety and health matters of mutual concern. The Committee will make periodic tours of the terminal for safety inspec- tions. In the event the terminal tour is to be conducted by an Industrial Safety Officer from the Ministry of Labour, one Union Committee member will accompany the Officer on the tour. The Employer shall continue to make reasonable provi- sions for the health and safety of its employees in accor- dance with the Health Code during the hours of their employment. The programme of the Safety Committee shall have the support of the Union and the Committee and will welcome the suggestions with regard to the safety of the employees. The Employer agrees to provide a separate bulletin boardfor healthand safety matters and the minutes from the monthly health and safety meetings exclusively. The Employer will provide protective devices and apparel should the need warrant under the Health The Employer agrees to pay employees at their regular shift rate for time spent in monthly Health and Safety Committee meetings in accordance with the legislative requirements.
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The Employer and the Union agree to abide by the regulations and obligations as noted in the Occupational Health Safety Act, and to this end the parties hereto agree that the safety of the employees, students, and visitors to the campus of the University of Windsor and the protection of the Employer’s physical facilities and equipment is a matter of prime concern. The obligation of each employee to report safety hazards to supervisory personnel of the Employer and, where reasonable, to take positive measures to correct the same is acknowledged. The Employer agrees to provide protective equipment wherever it is required for the safe and effective performance of duties, and to ensure that safety equipment, materials, and protective devices are maintained in good condition. The Assistants shall make use of safety equipment, materials, and protective devices as provided by the Employer. Further, the parties acknowledge and agree that the institution and maintenance of appropriate safety measures is a proper subject for consideration at meetings between the Labour Management Committee and the employer and matters relating thereto may be placed upon the agenda for meetings thereof as and when it is considered appropriate so to do. The Employer agrees that the Union shall have the right to appoint a representative, and an alternate, to the University’s Health Safety Committee, as well as the right to appoint a representative to any area Health & Safety Committee where the area involved contains members of the bargaining unit. Where attendance at such meetings conflicts with normally scheduled duties, an alternate shall attend. The involvement and participation of such representative shall be in accordance with the terms of reference of the Health Safety Committee.
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The provisions of Part of the Canada Labour Code shall be deemed to be incorporated in this Agreement. There shall be the establishment of a Health Safety Committee or Health Safety Representative, First Aid Kits and Safety Equipment, as outlined in Part of the Canada Labour Code and its regulations. The Company agrees to provide certified training in and Emergency First Aid, as it deems appropriate, after receiving a recommendation from the Health and Safety Committee or Health Safety Representative in accordance with the provisions of Part of the Canada Labour Code.
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The Company shall continue to make reasonable provisions for the safety and health of employees during the hours of their employment. The Union will co-operate with the Company in maintaining and promoting safe working practices. If an employee with an industrial accident after starting work which incapacitates him from carrying out his duties, and is sent home by the attending physician, he shall be paid for the portion of his shift at his straight time rate of pay exclusive of premiums, provided he is not receiving compensation pay for that day, and the Company shall supply his transportation to a hospital or doctor and thence to his residence, if, in the opinion of the Company, it is required. a9 The Company will provide proper safety glasses and hearing protection for all employees and will cover the cost associated with the tinting of non- prescription safety glasses and light- sensitive glasses for those employees required to wear prescription safety glasses. Failure to use all safety equipment as provided shall be cause for discipline up to and including discharge, per Company rules and regulations. Effective the date of ratification, the Company will provide each employee with an allowance of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) towards the cost of safety boots each year, upon the presentation by the employee of a receipt. Effective January the safety boot allowance will be increased to one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175.00). The safety footwear must meet the green patch standards for safety shoes. Note: For purposes of the administration of this clause regarding employees required to wear safety boots with metatarsal guards, the letter dated December will be amended to provide an allowance of one hundred and ninety dollars ($ 190.00) effective upon ratification. This allowance will be increased to two hundred and fifteen dollars ($215.00) effective January Any medical examination required by the Employer shall be promptly complied with by all employees; provided, however, that the Employer shall pay for all such examinations. The Company reserves the right to select their own medical examiner or physician and the Union may, if, in their opinion, they feel an injustice has been done any employee, have such employee re-examined at the Union's expense. When a medical examination is required by the Company, the following conditions shall apply:
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The Company agrees to accept as a member of its Health and Safety Committee one representative selected or appointed by the Union at each location. The Committee shall meet at least four (4) times a year. Minutes shall be taken of all meetings and copies posted.
ARTICLE HEALTH SAFETY. The University and the Union recognize the benefits to be derived from a safe and healthy place of employment. It is agreed that the University, the employees, and the Union will cooperate fully to promote safe-work practices, health and conditions, and the enforcement of safety rules and procedures in accordance with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, The University and the Union membership agree to comply with all the regulations pursuant to the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, No employee shall be disciplined for refusal to perform work where the employee has acted in compliance with the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act, The University and the Union agree to participate in the University Health and Safety Committee as per the structure of the committee. The Union will have two (2) representatives on this committee.