CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. An employee who is pregnant may remain in active service until the termination of her pregnancy, provided that, at the end of the fourth month of pregnancy she furnishes an appropriate medical certificate of her fitness to continue in her position. In subsequent months, the employee may be required to furnish further medical certification and, at the end of the seventh month of pregnancy the employee must submit a written statement from her physician indicating how long she may safely continue her active employment prior to the expected date of confinement; and provided further that she may be required to cease active employment under this Article if the Employer determines that she is not adequately performing the duties of her position or there are reasons of personal medical safety warranting cessation of active employment. A physician’s certificate of fitness may be required before the employee may return to her position. Employees who are disabled from working because of pregnancy or recovery therefrom may apply unused sick leave, in accordance with ARTICLE 17. SICK LEAVE for those days on which they are unable to work.
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CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. 1. An employee who becomes a parent shall be entitled to a leave of absence of up to two (2) years, without pay or increment, up to one (1) year at a time. Application for said leave shall be accompanied by a statement from the teacher's physician confirming the pregnancy. The leave may be for a period of less than one (1) or two (2) years' duration so as to conform to the individual circumstances of each case.
CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. A. During the period of actual disability related to pregnancy, teachers may, at their option, utilize regular sick leave. The Board may require, as a condition of the teacher’s return to service at the conclusion of the period of disability, production of a certificate from a physician certifying that the teacher is medically able to resume her duties.
CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. 18.3.1. Teachers who are disabled from working because of pregnancy or recovery therefrom may ap- ply unused sick leave, in accordance with Section 18.1. Temporary Absence, for those days on which they are unable to work.
CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. Section 1. Employees shall be entitled to a leave of absence for a maximum of one (1) year for the purpose of child rearing. Request for such leave shall be made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools as soon as the fact of the pregnancy is known or not later than the fourth month, or the anticipated date of the adoption is known. Request for leave shall indicate the probable beginning date and duration of the leave. The duration of such leave shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties at the time such leave is granted and the return shall be set so that, in so far as possible the continuity of the educational program shall not be disrupted.
CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. Section 15.1. A bargaining unit member who becomes pregnant will notify the Superintendent in writing as soon as possible but in no event less than four (4) weeks before the commencement of such leave, stating the anticipated dates of departure and return. Such notification shall provide the Administration with as much opportunity as possible to secure a replacement bargaining unit member and insure continuity of assignments.
CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. A. Teachers who become pregnant shall be placed on short term leave status for child bearing purposes under this paragraph unless they elect a long-term leave under the provisions of paragraph (B). Any teacher who becomes pregnant shall so notify the Superintendent or his/her designee at least four (4) months prior to the expected date of delivery and shall thereafter provide a doctor's certificate indicating continued fitness for work at least monthly, or more often if there is a change in her condition during the month. Leave shall begin when in the opinion of her doctor, the teacher is no longer physically able to work, or upon confinement, whichever comes first. Leave shall expire when in the opinion of her doctor, she is physically able to return to work. Except in the case of unusual medical difficulties of the teacher, leave is not expected to continue for more than six (6) weeks after delivery. The teacher shall be assigned to her former position upon return. Such leave shall be with pay, as for any other short term disability, to the extent of accumulated sick leave.
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CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. A nurse may apply for and will receive an unpaid leave of absence for the purpose of child rearing for a period of time not to exceed one (1) year. Member must return to work for one (1) year of full time work before a subsequent child rearing leave is granted. The request for child rearing leave shall include the exit date when the unit member anticipates he/she will commence his/her leave and the date when the unit member anticipates returning to his/her duties. The exit date for child rearing leave shall be mutually agreed upon. A unit member shall confirm to the Superintendent in writing at least 90 days in advance of their intention to resume his/her duties. Upon return to work the unit member shall be assigned to the same position held at the commencement of the leave: or if that position is no longer in existence, to a substantially equivalent position. All accumulated benefits other than salary, shall be reinstated as a benefit to the unit member upon their return to work. Seniority freezes when unit member goes out on leave, and resumes upon their return.
CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. 12.6.1. An employee who is pregnant may remain in her position until the termination of her pregnancy, provided that, at the end of the seventh (7th) month of pregnancy she provides a written statement from her physician indicating how long she may safely continue her active employment prior to the expected date of confinement. The employee’s supervisor along with the employee shall determine that she is adequately performing all of the duties of active employment.
CHILD-BEARING AND CHILD-REARING LEAVE. A leave of absence without pay shall be granted to employees, for an absence related to pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, or for family illness which necessitates the presence of the employee in the home for care of minor children. Such leave may not exceed one (1) year and, during such leave period, group insurance payments shall be continued.
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