College Tuition Reimbursement Sample Clauses

College Tuition Reimbursement. 1. In the event that the district requests that a teacher become qualified to teach specified courses, the district will pay up to 18 credit hours expenses for tuition to the college or university in which a Professional Employee enrolls and successfully completes the requisite coursework. Any and all education tuition expenses initially shall be paid by the Professional Employee, and upon submission of written proof of payment of educational expenses, and completion of a semester of graduate study by the Professional Employee, the district shall directly reimburse the Professional Employee, up to the limit established herein. Total payments by the district shall not exceed the amount for tuition for an equivalent number of hours at a Kansas Board of Regents Institution. 2. In consideration of the district paying education expenses on behalf of a Professional Employee, the Professional Employee agrees to be employed by the district for a period of three (3) full school years from and after the date of becoming qualified. A full school year shall begin with a Fall semester and end with a Spring semester, regardless of the time the Professional Employee actually becomes qualified. Should the Professional Employee terminate their employment with the district at a time prior to the three (3) year commitment set forth in this section, or if the Professional Employee does not fulfill the requirements set forth, the Professional Employee agrees to reimburse the district the actual amount paid by the district pursuant to this agreement, up to the total amount of tuition reimbursement received due on or before the Professional Employee’s last day of employment with the district, or prior to the end of the Professional Employee’s current contract. If the Professional Employee is terminated or nonrenewed by the district prior to the fulfillment of their commitment, then no reimbursement of educational expenses shall be required.
College Tuition Reimbursement. As an incentive for bargaining unit members to remain current with subject matter information, teaching techniques, educational fields, as well as encouragement to obtain additional certificate/license in their areas and/or service area needs like guidance, speech and hearing, library, administration, etc., the Board will appropriate a pool of twelve thousand ($12,000) per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) and will distribute it according to the procedures below. Procedures: 1. It is the understanding that courses must be graduate level in pursuit of the individual’s initial Master’s Degree. With prior approval by the Superintendent, courses may be approved for certification to teach College Credit Plus courses at Rossford. The courses must be aligned with the member’s Individual Professional Development Plan.
College Tuition Reimbursement. Teachers hired after January 1, 2015 must have 4 years of service to the district to be eligible for this benefit. Reimbursements for college tuition will be made in full or $150 per approved credit hour, whichever is less. Approved credit has to be recognized by the State Certification Board. All hours must have prior approval by the Superintendent. Reimbursement for course work in administrative classes will be made in full or $50.00 per approved credit hour, whichever is less. Approved credit has to be recognized by the State Certification Board. All hours must have prior approval of the Superintendent. Reimbursement will be limited to three (3) credit hours per term per teacher. Budgeted funds for tuition reimbursement shall be divided equally between the summer, fall and spring terms. Any funds that are not expended during a term shall be carried over to the next term within the fiscal year. Funds that are not expended after the spring term will be divided equally between those teachers that were denied reimbursement during a previous term and paid for the course totally at his/her own expense, provided that the employee does not exceed the 3 credit hour per term limit. In order to be eligible, application for reimbursement must be submitted by the dates below for them to be reviewed and approved per contract terms in a timely manner. May 1st for courses during the summer term August 1st for courses during the fall term November 1st for courses during the spring term All applications received by the above deadlines will be considered equally. For the summer term each fiscal year, the teacher with the higher seniority, as determined on the most recently approved seniority list, shall be given priority for reimbursement. For the fall and spring terms, priority will be given to those teachers who have not received reimbursement previously during the current fiscal year. After those teachers have been reimbursed, any remaining funds for that term will be distributed based on seniority as above. Priority shall be determined by the most recently approved seniority list. Upon written request from the teacher, the Board agrees to pay (1/2) half the reimbursable amount in advance. The second half (1/2) will be paid upon successful completion of the course. Successful completion is defined as earning a minimum of a “B” as provided on an official transcript. If the teacher does not successfully complete the course, the Board will recover any advance reimbursemen...
College Tuition Reimbursement. The Board shall appropriate annually a sum in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) to provide tuition reimbursement to teachers for earned college credit subject to the following conditions: A. No employee covered by this Agreement will be eligible to receive tuition reimbursement until he/she has taught in the District for one (1) year. B. The college course must be taken in education, in the area of present certification/licensure, or in any area of any certification/licensure permitted by the State Department of Education leading to a new certificate. However, no teacher will be permitted to take courses outside his/her area of certification/licensure until he/she reaches the level of BS/BA 150. C. Available moneys shall be provided to pay qualified teachers on a first- come, first-served basis. D. The teacher desiring such pay must meet with the building principal and receive approval of the building principal and Superintendent on the appropriate form (Addendum H) provided for this purpose prior to enrolling in the college course. All courses, including correspondence courses and television courses must be provided by an accredited institution in order to be approved for purposes of reimbursement. E. Eligibility is conditioned on submission of the following: (1) completion of the proper form (Addendum H) listing the number of hours of reimbursement (forms available in the Superintendent’s office); (2) transcripts of passing grades; (3) itemized record of payment; and (4) proof of payment. It is the teacher’s responsibility to submit the required information for reimbursement. F. Reimbursement will be made on a quarterly basis. All information required for tuition reimbursement shall be submitted to the Superintendent’s office on or before the last working day of the quarter – March, June, September, and December. All approved courses must be completed and the request for reimbursement received within one calendar year of the time of original approval. In cases of unusual circumstances, (pregnancy, extended illness of teacher or teacher’s immediate family member, etc.) these timelines may be waived with the approval of the Superintendent. G. The rate of tuition reimbursement shall be fifty percent (50%) of the actual tuition cost for no more than eight (8) quarter or six (6) semester hours taken between September 1st (or the start of a fall quarter/semester) and August 31st of any school year. H. Each teacher receiving pay under this sectio...
College Tuition Reimbursement. A. Teachers under contract to the River View Board of Education may apply for tuition reimbursement for additional coursework completed. Such coursework shall be graduate level courses offered through a college or university including internet course offerings. B. The reimbursement rate for those approved courses offered on main campuses, branch campuses or through the internet shall be fifty percent (50%) of the actual tuition cost for a limit of twelve semester hours, twelve semester competency units, or eighteen quarter hours, per year; and such tuition cost shall be paid upon submission of evidence that the work was successfully completed with a "C" grade or better, or "Pass" if Pass/Fail grade applies. Only actual tuition cost will be reimbursed and an itemized statement which shows tuition separate from other extra fees unrelated to tuition should be provided. Such evidence includes a grade transcript along with a receipt indicating payment for the work taken. C. This will not include courses for which a teacher is receiving reimbursement from another agency. D. Approved coursework must be in the area of the teacher's certification, be from an accredited university, and must have prior approval by the Superintendent. E. In the event an individual receiving tuition reimbursement from the River View Board of Education in the current school year does not remain employed by the Board in the succeeding school year, that individual shall reimburse the Board for any and all tuition reimbursement received during the current school year, except in the circumstance in which the individual is not offered a contract by the Board. F. The Board shall make available a total of $35,000 each year beginning in the 2002-03 school year for purposes of tuition reimbursement under this article. Tuition reimbursement will be made on a first come, first-served basis.
College Tuition Reimbursement. The City may provide for tuition reimbursement for full-time members based upon the following criteria: A. The member has successfully completed his or her new probationary period; B. Classes must be taken as part of a degree-seeking program at an accredited institution of higher education; C. Budgetary appropriations have been approved; and the Chief has granted approval for the course of study prior to the member taking any classes. D. The degree being sought is required for a position within the City organizational structure. Any advanced degree must be directly related to the member's current position. E. Registration fees and textbooks for Distant Learning Programs or Internet Programs for degrees from accredited institutions of higher learning will qualify for reimbursement. Any software or hardware expenses where the student makes such a purchase for any classes, those on campus or through an off-campus program, will not be counted towards costs eligible for reimbursement. Upon meeting these requirements, receiving a passing grade of a “B” or better, and providing documentation for grades, all registration fees, and text books, the member may be reimbursed up to $3,000 per calendar year. No reimbursements will be made for travel, meals, and parking. All reimbursements will be consistent with all IRS regulations in effect at the time of the reimbursements for reporting a member’s gross income on the W-2 form. F. Should an member voluntarily resign employment within three (3) years of receipt of any tuition reimbursement under Section 21.5, the member shall reimburse the City the proportionate amount of tuition reimbursement he or she received within the three (3) year period prior to separation from service. Such reimbursement may be deducted by the City from any terminal leave pay due to the member. Less than one (1) year reimburse 66% More than one (1), but less than three (3) years reimburse 33% More than three (3) years reimburse 0% The above time period begins on the first day of class.
College Tuition Reimbursement. Upon completion of graduate work in areas of program or classroom improvement or responsibilities, with a "B" grade or better or pass in a pass/fail class, the Board will reimburse the cost of each semester hour taken up to a maximum of $130.00 per semester hour for no more than eight (8) hours in one year. The Board’s total cost annually under this Section F shall not exceed $10,000. A member approved for reimbursement under this Article on a first-come, first-served basis must submit the required documentation by September 15, for reimbursement from the reimbursement pool from the previous school year; if the member does not do so that member’s reimbursement amount shall reimburse the next member, if any, who was excluded by the $10,000 limit from participation in that previous school year. To be eligible for this reimbursement benefit: 1. Bargaining unit members, regardless of certification, must notify the Superintendent or his designee in writing prior to commencement of a graduate course; 2. Bargaining unit members must return to teach in the Cambridge City Schools the school year following completion of the course; and, 3. Bargaining unit members may not be reimbursed by another agency. 4. If the bargaining unit member leaves employment prior to July 10, after receiving reimbursement, the District will reduce the member’s stretch pay to collect payment that has been made. The bargaining unit member shall be paid within thirty (30) days in a lump sum following presentation of an official transcript or grade report showing satisfactory evidence of completion of the course work in accordance with the provisions of this section of the Agreement. Workshops or courses for which the bargaining unit member has released time shall not qualify for tuition reimbursement.
College Tuition Reimbursement. Section 32.1 Full-time Employees who have completed one (1) year of service shall have the right to participate in the County College Tuition Reimbursement Program as set forth in County policies in effect on the effective date of this Agreement. The provisions of the County policy shall be adopted herein and shall remain in effect for this bargaining unit for the term of this Agreement unless amended by mutual agreement.
College Tuition Reimbursement. 29.1: The City will contribute up to Twelve Thousand Five Hundred ($12,500) dollars in total annually to the bargaining unit for educational assistance. Reimbursement of qualifying expenses shall occur on a first come - first serve basis.
College Tuition Reimbursement. College tuition reimbursement is $100.00 per credit to a maximum of $600.00 per year. Prior administrative approvalpassing grade. Non-credit courses with prior administrative approval and a passing grade are fully reimbursed.