DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. The purpose of this analysis was to describe and categorize the types of violence present in the narrative affidavits. As explained in detail above, there are clear divisions between women who were persecuted as a woman and women who were persecuted for being a woman. There was also structural, interpersonal and intersectional violence that loosely aligned with these subgroups, but also coexisted in complex ways throughout the narratives. The outcomes can yield recommendations for improving the experience of asylum seeking and the asylum process itself. Most importantly, these affidavits clearly illustrate the importance of understanding intersectional violence. Because the US asylum system favors exotic and/or structural xxxxx over ethnocentric and/or interpersonal ones (Oxford, 2015), women seeking asylum based on interpersonal violence such as domestic violence or rape should emphasize the intersectional nature of this violence. If her country is unable or unwilling to protect her from these xxxxx, or a member of the state committed them, then the violence automatically becomes intersectional and is therefore more likely to result in a successful asylum claim. While some of these affidavits explicitly discussed how her government was not protecting them from structural or intersectional violence, many more did not. A detailed and explicit discussion of these issues, as well as any failed attempts to seek government protection, would strengthen her asylum claim. In the future, a quantitative study exploring the relationship between explicit discussion of intersectional violence and case outcomes would be helpful. Through these narratives, we also see the complexity of experiences of VAW. Although there are two clear subgroups, there is not a strict dichotomy between the types of violence women in each subgroup face. A category for gender-based persecution and legal guidelines on how to interpret and manage gender-based cases must be equally inclusive, detailed, nuanced and consistently applied. Finally, we see the importance of social networks in the experiences of lived violence, as well as how instrumental social networks are in making the escape to America. The difficulty of this journey suggests that asylum seekers who arrive on US shores are not the rule, but the exception. This contradicts current concerns about the number of refugees and undocumented immigrants entering the US. It also opposes a common argument against the inclusion of a gender ca...
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. This evaluation highlighted the impact of the KAFP on the career and professional development of alumni, as perceived by alumni themselves and KAFP staff. Overall, the program was perceived to contribute significantly to LIST: change in employment status, increased scientific productivity post graduation, and tailored services during their training at RSPH. One of the perceived challenges of staff members that the KAFP currently faces is the lack of public health practice in Saudi Arabia. The field is relatively new, with no history of public health practice. May trained professionals in the health field are mainly in medicine, and have no formal training in public health. Older professionals who have decision-making powers about career trajectories in public health have been trained in various forms of medicine but not in public health. This adds a strain to the development of the public health workforce once the graduates go back to serve in their country. Due to the lack of knowledge of the field, their degree is not recognized the same way other advanced degrees are recognized, so the system of incentives such as promotion tracks and salary raises are not there for those who decide to pursue public health. This causes an obstacle for public health in general and the program, as it limits and discourages students from joining. Another challenge faced by trainees is the lack of strong language and analytical/quantitative skills compared to their student counterparts at RSPH. Most of the Fellows who have joined the program come from medical backgrounds, and their medical education system is structured in such a way that does not reinforce analytical, statistical and critical thinking skills. This presents a challenge when selecting the department of their choice, as well as adjusting to the rigorous courses which require analytical and quantitative skills. For example, students interested in joining the Epidemiology and Biostatistics departments have admission challenges due to weak quantitative skills. With the additional academic support of the program, the fellows went through a steep learning curve but were able to circumvent these challenges. In addition to the analytical/quantitative challenges, trainees also face the barrier of English language skills. This is understandable given that it is their second language. The key challenge in this area is the immediate adjustments they have to make in such an academic setting as RSPH, as most are not fluen...
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. This section draws together the key discussions and recommendations made by the workshop. These recommendations will be forwarded to the IWC Scientific and Conservation Committees and ACCOBAMS Parties.
8.1. Best practice guidelines for future determination of high risk ship strike areas for cetaceans (group discussion)
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. It is understood that the proposed replacement bridge is to be located in the same location as the existing structure. The existing abutments will be removed, and the existing fills pulled back in order to increase the hydraulic opening of the channel. The new structure will span approximately 9 m between abutments. Based on the findings of the present investigation, the surface of the native glacial till layer varies from 1.2 to 2.0 m below the water level. As such it is anticipated that for ease of construction a pile supported structure will be the preferred option for the bridge replacement. However, it may prove economical to support the structure on spread footings placed on native glacial till or structural fill placed over the till, and as such geotechnical design recommendations for both types of foundations are provided.
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. It is understood that the proposed structure will likely either consist of a prefabricated arch or a clear span bridge. The subsurface conditions encountered near the proposed structure alignment (i.e., at BH-02) may generally be summarized as 3.5 m of very loose marine silt/sand that directly overlies a compact glacial till stratum and sandstone bedrock, at a depth of 6.6 m. The river is tidally influenced with an OHWM located near the ground surface level of the mudflats. Both spread footing and pile-supported foundations could be considered for use at the site based on the conditions encountered as discussed in the following sections. Spread footing foundations could be considered for use at the site provided that issues associated with excavation below the groundwater table and through the very loose mudflat soils can be addressed. It is recommended that the groundwater table be temporarily lowered to facilitate excavation to the till surface. Control of groundwater inflow may require a temporary river diversion and will likely require pumping from a sump(s) located below the required depth of excavation. Although lowering of the groundwater table prior to footing excavation should improve the stability of the excavation side slopes, flatter cut inclinations than the typical 1 horizontal to 1 vertical may still be necessary to achieve stable conditions. If it is preferable to limit the horizontal extent of the excavation, consideration could be given to some means of temporary shoring such as sheet piling. A large modified trench box could also be considered to assist with the safe placement of foundations and to limit the size of the excavation footprint. Precast footings placed on a granular base may also be beneficial to permit timely backfilling and to limit the time that the excavation must remain open. Any soft or disturbed soils should be removed from the bearing surface prior to footing placement. If softening persists, consideration could be given to over-excavating the bearing surface (e.g., by 300 mm) to allow the placement of clean granular layer such as concrete stone or Class D gravel. The granular layer would help stabilize the bearing surface and should assist in groundwater control. Spread footings placed on undisturbed till, or a granular layer placed over the till, may be designed using an allowable bearing pressure of 150 kPa. Associated total and differential settlements should be less than 25 mm and 15 mm, respectively. All footin...
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Harbourside understands from the Department that the new structure will be a buried HDPE pipe or buried precast concrete box culvert approximately 27 to 28 m in length supported directly on Class 'A' gravel (approximately 400 to 450 mm thick). The underside of gravel will bear on glacial till with an approximate elevation of 18.1 m at the outlet (downstream) and approximate elevation of 18.5 m at the inlet (upstream). The alignment of the new structure will be in the area of BH01 and BH04. Base preparation for culvert installation should consist of removal of all asphalt, fill, loose sands and any other deleterious materials (peat, organics, etc.) down to native undisturbed glacial till. The Class A should be placed in lifts suitable for the compaction equipment being used and compacted to 100 percent standard Xxxxxxx maximum dry density (SPMDD). It would be prudent to minimize the duration the glacial till subbase is exposed prior to placing the gravel. Prolonged exposure may lead to subbase (till) softening. Any soil that becomes excessively disturbed as a result of construction activity or softened due to water infiltration should be removed from the bearing surface prior to gravel placement. If softening persists, consideration could be given to the over-excavation of the bearing surface to allow for the placement of clean gravel or rockfill layer. Excavations within the existing fills and underlying silty sands should be no steeper than 1 horizontal to 1 vertical without means of shoring. Slopes that extend below the water table will likely require further flattening or the use of a blanket of well graded rockfill to provide stability from sloughing. Groundwater should be kept to a minimum in the excavations to prevent disturbance of the glacial till which is susceptible to softening. Xxxxxxxxxx could be accomplished by sloping the base of the excavation and, pumping from the low end if required. The Class A gravel base overlying the glacial till under the full height embankment (>4 m) would have a bearing resistance at Ultimate Limit States (ULS) of at least 350 kPa. A bearing resistance of 250 kPa can be used for design of the culvert under the embankment side slopes provided it has a minimum effective width of 0.5 m and a burial depth (culvert height plus Class A gravel thickness) layer of at least 1.5 m. The ULS bearing resistance includes a resistance factor of 0.5 in accordance with CAN/CSA S6-14. The total settlement of the culvert installed on...
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. It is understood that the existing structure will be replaced with a two-span timber, steel pile supported structure; and that grades will be raised by approximately 1.0
DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. During our search, no other global systematic reviews investigating the relationship between women’s agency and childhood immunization were identified. As such, to our knowledge, this is the first global systematic review. In general, we found that higher levels of women’s agency were associated with higher odds of complete childhood immunizations, particularly when measured by decision-making and full immunization indicators. The review found inconsistent associations between agency and freedom of movement as well as the role of women in financial decisions. The fact that Xxxxx and colleagues (2013) pooled data cross multiple African countries and found consistent positive relationships (aOR 1.31 CI .92,1.87) strengthens these findings. These findings suggest the important role of women on child health status and suggest that methods focused on empowering women may improve the uptake of child immunization. Our review highlights some limitations in the empirical literature and offers directions for future research. The fact that the majority of the included studies analyzed DHS data implies a heavy reliance on DHS for information pertaining to women’s empowerment. Although DHS is frequently used to create comparisons across national data, the findings indicate some diversity in measures of agency within and across countries [31]. Some lack of comparability in the measures, while perhaps necessary to ensure appropriateness to local settings, restricts our ability to make cross-national generalizations about the association between women’s agency, child immunizations, and even other child health outcomes. The positive association between agency and immunization seen across all the studies based in Nigeria (two of which analyzed DHS 2008) indicates that incomplete immunization among children is connected to a lack of agency in Nigeria, and points to the need for more consistent use in measurements in order to solidify the association between agency (DM and FM) across culturally diverse settings. Such data cross-national data would be useful in informing global strategies and efforts such as the Global Vaccine Action Plan and EPI that aim to address gaps in coverage. While we encourage the use of comparable tools, we do not negate the importance of context specific tools in order to understand the complexities between women’s agency and child health outcomes. The implications of relying on the DHS are important considering that DHS is used to inform policy and...