LABOUR HIRE Sample Clauses
LABOUR HIRE. An employee of a labour hire business will not replace an employee of City of Newcastle on a permanent basis unless it is agreed with the relevant Union in writing. This subclause does not apply to the employment of apprentices and/or trainees by a group training business. To ensure there is visibility of the use of labour hire, a regular monitoring process will be resolved between the parties, including scope to include the City of Newcastle Consultative Committee.
LABOUR HIRE. 7.1 If the Purchase Order states that the Services include the provision of Labour Hire Services, you must provide Temporary Workers to perform Assignments and supply the Temporary Worker with such tools and personal protective equipment as is specified on the Purchase Order.
7.2 By the end of each working day of an Assignment, you must ensure that each Temporary Worker submits a timesheet for our approval and signature, verifying the number of hours worked by the Temporary Worker during that day.
7.3 Prior to the commencement of any Assignment and at such regular intervals during the Assignment as we request, you must: give notice to us of the Temporary Worker’s identity, relevant experience, training, qualifications and any authorisation required by law or a professional body of the Temporary Worker so that we can determine the suitability of the Temporary Worker for the required Assignment, in our absolute discretion; and ensure that the Temporary Worker submits to medical examinations as required in connection with the Assignment (including alcohol and other drug screening) to demonstrate suitability and fitness for work.
7.4 You agree that you must: employ Temporary Workers under an employment contract that complies with all applicable Legislative Requirements; ensure that your employees and agents comply with all applicable Legislative Requirements; ensure that the Temporary Worker complies with all relevant WHSE Requirements; ensure that you do not do or omit to do anything that would cause us to be in breach of Legislative Requirements or any enterprise agreement or industrial instrument; and pay and administer all employment costs of the Temporary Worker, including wages, benefits, payroll tax, superannuation, PAYG income tax, other relevant entitlements and deductions applicable to the Temporary Worker and all associated costs in accordance with any employment contract between you and the Temporary Worker.
7.5 You are liable for, indemnify and will keep us indemnified against all Loss, and hereby release us from any claim, action, suit, proceeding or demand, arising directly or indirectly out of or otherwise connected with the death of or personal injury to, any Temporary Worker except to the extent caused or contributed to by any wrongful act or omission by us.
7.6 You agree and acknowledge that Temporary Workers undertake Assignments on a contract hire basis. They are at all times your employees and are deemed to be under our supervision and di...
LABOUR HIRE. The Labour Hire (Clause 28) provisions of the Local Government (State) Award 2017 and its successors apply
LABOUR HIRE. 4.6.1. Citywide recognises that in certain circumstances the use of labour hire workers may affect the job security of employees covered by this Agreement.
4.6.2. Citywide may make use of labour hire workers to meet short term need for a particular expertise or a period of high demand for activities which cannot be reasonably met from existing staff resources.
4.6.3. Xxxxxxxx agrees that permanent positions will not be made redundant with the intention of them being immediately replaced by the use of labour hire workers.
LABOUR HIRE. (i) An employee of a labour hire business shall not replace an employee of the employer on a permanent basis.
(ii) This clause does not apply to the employment of apprentices and/or trainees by a group training business.
(iii) For the purpose of this clause:
a) a “labour hire business” is a bona fide labour hire business (whether an organisation, business enterprise, company, partnership, co-operative, sole trader, family trust or unit trust, corporation and/or person) which supplies staff employed or engaged by it to the employer on an on-hire basis for the purpose of such staff performing work or services for that employer. Provided that a business is not a labour hire business if:
1. the staff of that business are not performing the specific duties of a position(s) covered by the employer’s organisation structure;
2. the business is providing professional business services which cannot reasonably be fulfilled by the employer’s employees, for a specified period of time or for a specific task (for example, legal, financial or accounting services);
3. the business is a bona fide contractor providing both equipment and employees to the employer; or
4. the business is another entity covered by this Agreement.
b) a “group training business” is a bona fide group training business (whether an organisation, business enterprise, company, partnership, co-operative, sole trader, family trust or unit trust, corporation and/or person) which has as its business function, or one of its business functions, to supply apprentices and/or trainees to the employer for the purpose of such staff performing work or services as an apprentice or trainee for that employer
(iv) Notwithstanding the provisions of subclause (i), the employer and the relevant union may agree in writing that the employer may replace an employee of the employer on a permanent basis with the employee of a labour hire business.
LABOUR HIRE. The company may use labour that is employed by another commercial entity, which contracts with the company to provide labour (“labour hire”). Labour hire / Agency employees shall be offered full time employment with Xxxxx Australia after 12 months continuous casual employment.
LABOUR HIRE. 19.1 Labour hire agency employees may be engaged to cover the following situations: Replace employees on leave or extended absence from duty; or Undertake seasonal or other short term project work; or Undertake project work where Council is unable to resource its work from within existing resources; or Replace existing employees temporarily assigned to undertake project work; or Short term placements to cover peaks in workload, or until the recruitment and selection process is completed for a vacant position.
19.2 Where labour hire is engaged, Council will ensure that they are paid at the Award rate of pay plus 25% casual loading for the first two weeks. Thereafter, they will be paid the rates of pay provided in this Agreement plus a 25% casual loading; and that their other conditions of employment are also consistent with this Agreement.
19.3 Labour hire placements will be for no longer than 9 months. This may be extended following consultation with the Consultative Committee.
LABOUR HIRE. (a) The company may use labour that is employed by another commercial entity, which contracts with the company to provide labour (“labour hire”).
LABOUR HIRE. Companies
(a) The Company agrees that when necessary to meet short term peak work requirements additional labour will be sourced from Labour Hire Companies who have a registered enterprise agreement with the TWU
(b) The Company will ensure that the employees of labour hire companies engaged are paid no less than the rate fixed by this Agreement for any work performed by them.
(c) If the Company experiences problems with the implementation of this clause owing to a genuine emergency (as defined below the Company will discuss alternative arrangements with the Branch Secretary (or nominee) of the TWU to ensure that the business needs of the Company are met.
(d) For the purpose of this clause “Genuine Emergency” means short term peaks, high demands or unavailability of regular suppliers which the Company may experience from time to time during the life of this agreement.
LABOUR HIRE. Personnel from labour hire agencies will continue to be utilised to support our permanent labour force, for example where there are changing customer requirements, seasonality of production, roster coverage, workplace skills or competency development programs.