SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 22.01 Employees who are permitted to go home by the Company due to non- occupational illness or injury will not be paid for the remainder of their shift.
22.02 Any employee's reinstatement after sick leave exceeding five (5) or more working days is conditional on the employee supplying a certificate from a physician that the employee is recovered from the sickness, which caused their absence.
22.03 When such an employee returns to work, such employee shall be reinstated to their former classification, if such vacancy exists, and if no such vacancy exists, the employee shall be laid off, subject to Article 12 of the Agreement.
22.04 The Company, may, at any time, require an employee to undergo a medical examination or examinations by a physician or physicians of its choice, and the Company shall bear the expenses incurred in connection therewith. Such expenses shall be limited to medical fees and traveling expenses.
22.05 Employees required by the Company to be medically examined by a Company appointed physician will bear no expense, including transportation cost, if necessary, for such medical examination and further if they are at work, will be compensated at their regular rate of pay for such time off from work for such medical examination.
22.06 An employee who is no longer able to perform the work in the employees’ classification, but is capable of performing other duties, or any employee who has incurred a non-compensable or compensable permanent or partial disability may, by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union be assigned to or retained at a job which the employee is capable of performing at the prevailing rate of pay.
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 25.01 Employees, who are permitted to go home due to non- occupational illness or injury, will not be paid for the remainder of their shift.
25.02 Any employee’s reinstatement after sick leave is conditional on his supplying a certificate from a physician that he is fully recovered from the sickness, which caused his absence.
25.03 When such an employee returns to work, he shall be reinstated to his former classification, under the seniority provisions of the Collective Agreement. In the event of a dispute between two physicians concerning the validity of a non-occupational illness or injury, the Company and Union will select a third party physician, and his opinion will be binding on the parties.
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Satisfactory medical evidence that an employee is unable to perform his or her job must accompany an application for a sick leave of absence. Such leave will be granted for a period of six (6) months or less at a time. An initial sick leave of absence may be extended for a period of time equal to the employee’s length of continuous service up to a maximum of one (1) year for the total leave of absence including extensions.
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The provisions of this sick leave of absence section do not affect sick leave benefits specified elsewhere in this Agreement.
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 25.01 Employees, who are permitted to go home due to non- occupational illness or injury, will not be paid for the remainder of their shift.
25.02 Any employee’s reinstatement after sick leave is conditional on the employee supplying a certificate from a physician identifying the employee is capable of returning to work with no restrictions or with restrictions. Doctors notes provided for three (3) consecutive days absent or more will be paid for by the Company. Where the Company requests Doctors notes for absences of less than three (3) days, they will be paid for by the Company.
25.03 When such an employee returns to work, they shall be reinstated to their former classification, under the seniority provisions of the Collective Agreement. In the event of a dispute between two physicians concerning the validity of a non-occupational illness or injury, the Company and Union will select a third party physician, and their opinion will be binding on the parties.
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE a. Full-time certificated Bargaining Unit members assigned for twelve (12) months shall receive full pay for the first fourteen (14) working days absence because of illness or injury during the school year, July 1 through June 30. Sick leave day shall include one-sixth (1/6th) additional assignments.
b. Certificated Bargaining Unit members assigned for less than twelve (12) months shall receive full pay on the basis of one and two tenths (1.2) day per month for the number of months assigned; that is ten
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. After acquiring seniority, an employee will be granted a leave of absence for illness for up to one hundred eighty (180) days, concurrent with the employee's sick leave allowance days. Two (2) renewals of ninety (90) days each may be granted upon the advice of the doctor. An employee during the first ninety (90) days of sick leave without pay shall continue to accumulate seniority, vacation and sick leave days allowance eligibility.
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 19.01 An employee may be required to produce a certificate from a medical practitioner for any illness, certifying that he/she was unable to carry out his/her duties due to illness. Such medical certificate shall not be unreasonably requested. The union reserves the right to grieve unreasonable requests.
19.02 The Agency agrees to assess an employee’s reinstatement to regular duties on an individual basis. The Union has the right to grieve any decision it deems improper.
19.03 An employee who is no longer able to perform the work in her classification, but is capable of performing other duties, or any employee who has incurred a non- compensable or compensable permanent or partial disability may be assigned to or retained at an operation which she is capable of performing at the prevailing rate of pay in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Act duty to accommodate.
19.04 A sick leave of 18 days per year (maximum) shall be granted to all employees working at least two (2) days per week on the following basis: On January 1 of each year employees will be given a sick leave entitlement for that year as follows: Normal work week: two (2) days per week 8 days Normal work week: three (3) days per week 11 days Normal work week: four (4) days per week 15 days Normal work week: five (5) days per week 18 days An additional .01 days sick time will be allotted for every hour worked or deemed to have been worked in excess of normal work week hours as described above. Sick time is not calculated on overtime hours. For new employees the sick leave entitlement for their starting year will be prorated at 1.5 days per month (to a maximum of 18) for each full month of employment during the first calendar year.
19.05 Any unused sick leave shall accumulate from year to year to a maximum of: Seventy five (75) days: for an employee working five (5) days per week Sixty (60) days: for an employee working four (4) days per week Forty Five (45) days: for an employee working three (3) days per week Thirty (30) days: for an employee working two (2) days per week Sick leave accumulation shall be for the sole purpose of protecting a member with respect to legitimate illness during her employment with the Agency and will not be funded. Sick days may be used for personal or family illness. Comp time and vacation time may not be substituted for sick time unless sick leave is exhausted.
19.06 The Agency shall keep record of sick leave accumulation, the number of sick days used and the cu...
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. 21.01 Employees who are permitted to go home due to non-occupational illness or injury will not be paid for the remainder of their shift.
21.02 Employees who are absent must call in each day prior to their regularly scheduled shift until they provide satisfactory medical evidence of their continuing absence.
21.03 Any employee’s reinstatement after sick leave is conditional on his supplying a certificate from a physician that he is able to return to work.
21.04 When such an employee returns to work, he shall be reinstated to his former classification, and shift (if possible) under the seniority provisions of the Collective Agreement. In the event of a dispute between two physicians concerning the validity of a non-occupational illness or injury, the Company and Union will select a third party physician, and his opinion will be binding on the parties. The third party physician will rule if the employee can return to work, return to work with restrictions or cannot return to work.
21.05 The Company will not pay for physicians fees for completion of the initial E.I. or Insurance carrier medical forms. Any additional medical evidence after the first submission, being requested by the Company or the Carrier, will be paid by the Company, provided that the initial claim form has been completed as required. If the employee cannot meet the return to work date or there is no return date specified, as indicated on the disability form, any request for additional medical evidence will be paid by the employee.
SICK LEAVE OF ABSENCE. After an employee has used all his/her accumulated sick leave and PTO, he/she may be granted a leave of absence without pay not to exceed six (6) months without having his/her name removed from the payroll. After the six (6) month period has expired, the Employer may review the case and determine whether any further leave shall be granted. Said leave not to exceed two (2) years, and subject to a doctor's report for each six (6) months.