Reduction in Force Procedure Sample Clauses
Reduction in Force Procedure. Due to declining enrollment, financial reasons, or curriculum realignment, the Board of Education may deem it necessary to require a reduction of personnel. Whenever possible, the reduction of staff shall be accomplished by normal attrition or early retirement. If further reduction is necessary, the Board will be governed by the following provisions in placing staff on involuntary leave.
1. No tenured teacher will be placed on a leave of absence while non-tenured teachers are retained in positions for which a tenured teacher is licensed.
1. Personnel reductions will be made on a district-wide basis rather than building by building.
2. Other facts for consideration are seniority, certification and endorsements in areas of need, qualifications for academic areas of disciplines to be preserved in relation to available staff to fill such positions, reassignment and transfer options, and application of federal and state equal employment laws.
3. Personnel subject to the Reduction-in-Force procedures shall be provided written notice of such reduction on or before the third Friday in May of the current school year. Such written notification shall be provided by Kansas statutes regarding Due Process procedures and the Continuing Contract Law. No appointment of new teachers will be made while there are available tenured teachers on unrequested leave of absence who are licensed by the State Department of Education to fill such vacancies. Teachers will be carried on a recall list for two (2) years from the date of reduction. This leave of absence from the district will not impair the tenure of the teacher. The Board may transfer existing personnel to vacancies before recalling anyone. A teacher who is subject to a Reduction-in-Force will, if requested in writing, have priority on the substitute list. It will be the responsibility of the teacher to notify the district, in writing, of changes of contact information or qualifications in order to be considered for recall. Teachers shall be notified in writing, by licensed mail, when a vacancy occurs. The teacher shall have fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of such notice to accept the vacancy. If the vacancy is declined, the teacher shall not be removed from the recall list and remain available to accept an alternate district vacancy if available. If the teacher fails to respond on offer, the teacher shall be removed from the recall list. Teachers may retain membership in the district health coverage plan at their ...
Reduction in Force Procedure arise which could result in a layoff of Faculty Members, the District shall provide the Federation with a written statement of the basis for the decision with supporting data and projected reductions that may be needed. Upon the request of either party, the District and the Federation shall meet promptly to discuss the impact of such action and any possible alternative courses of action. In the case of a reduction in force, the District shall notify the Federation in writing of the names of all Faculty Members to be laid off. This notice shall be given simultaneously with notification to the affected Faculty Members. This procedure shall also include all notifications of re-employment following a layoff.
Reduction in Force Procedure of this contract; The right to determine appropriate staffing levels and work performance standards; except for employee safety considerations; The right to determine work schedules, tours of duty, location and daily assignments; excluding the right to assign an employee as a form of discipline; The right to determine the quality and quantity of services to be offered to the public and the means and methods of offering those services; The right to determine the content of the work day, including, without limitation, workload factors, except for employee safety considerations. The Department is entitled to take whatever action may be necessary to carry on its responsibilities in situations of emergency such as a riot, military action, natural disaster, or civil disorder. Such actions may include the suspension of this collective bargaining agreement for the duration of the emergency. Any action taken by the Department under the provisions of this subsection shall not be construed as a failure to negotiate or keep the intended good faith. The Department shall have the right and responsibility to manage its operation in the most efficient manner consistent with the best interests of all its citizens, its taxpayers, and its employees. The Department shall have the right to develop and train employees and determine corresponding criteria and procedures. The above management rights shall in no event contravene the terms of this Agreement and shall be subject thereto.
Reduction in Force Procedure. The Board reserves the right to reduce parent educators because of a decrease in the number of clients or for any other causes. Seniority will be considered in the application of this provision.
Reduction in Force Procedure. In the event that the Hospital determines that a reduction in force and/or reorganization is necessary (as opposed to low-census situations), the following procedure shall apply:
(1) The Hospital shall determine how many hours need to be reduced by department, classification and shift. At the time of notification of a layoff, the Hospital will provide the Union with notice and a list of all employees showing the seniority and department of each employee. Notice shall be given as soon as reasonably possible.
(2) Agency, travelers and temporary nurses in the same department, classification and unit performing identical jobs shall be released prior to laying off any regular full-time Registered Nurses in that department, shift and unit.
Reduction in Force Procedure. The District will terminate all temporary employees replacing regular employees on leaves of absence prior to laying off any regular employee.
Reduction in Force Procedure. A. For a reduction-in-force, the Board agrees that College employees will be reduced in force on an equitable basis as determined solely by the Board.
B. The Administration shall not terminate a full-time faculty member if there are part-time faculty employed or overload assignments in a discipline where the full- time faculty member is qualified to serve. If a reduction-in-force is necessary, faculty throughout the College in a discipline will be let go in the following order:
1. all adjunct/part-time faculty;
2. all temporary full-time faculty;
3. all non-tenured faculty;
4. all faculty with 2 consecutive unsatisfactory evaluations;
5. all faculty with 2 consecutive evaluations stating improvement needed;
6. tenured faculty with satisfactory evaluations.
C. The reduction-in-force will be implemented in accordance with the reduction-in- force point system, which takes into consideration a faculty member’s educational qualifications, efficiency, compatibility, character and capacity to meet the educational needs of the community as required by the laws of Florida. The following reduction-in-force point system will determine a faculty member’s accumulated points on the proposed date of implementing a reduction-in-force:
1. a doctorate degree will equal four (4) points; a master’s degree plus 30 credit hours in a discipline will equal three (3) points; a master’s degree will equal two (2) points; and a bachelor’s degree will equal one (1) point. The number of points earned for the highest degree earned by a faculty member will be multiplied by 25% to equal “A”.
Reduction in Force Procedure.
1. The Union and the employee(s) will be notified in writing of the decision on the proposed RIF within ten (10) work days.
2. The College and the Union will meet to review the reasons for the RIF within five (5) work days after the delivery/receipt of said notice.
3. Nothing in this article shall be construed to affect the decision and right of the appointing authority not to renew a probationary employee appointment pursuant to RCW 28B.50.857.
Reduction in Force Procedure. 24 2. Employer Prerogatives 3. Return to Lower Job Classification 4. Order of Recall 5. Stipulations 6. Notification of Recall XX. 1. BULLETIN BOARD Bulletin Board 25 XXI. 1. UNIFORMS - EQUIPMENT Items to be Provided 25 2. Items to be Returned 3. Cleaning of Uniforms 4. Clothing Allowance 5. Polygraph Operator XXII. 1. ACCESS TO PREMISES Provisions 26 XXIII. 1. INTERNAL UNION BUSINESS Duty Hours 26 2. City Facilities, Vehicles, and Equipment 3. Union Leave XXIV. 1. NO STRIKES No Strikes 27 XXV. 1. WAIVER OF AGREEMENT Waiver 27 XXVI. 1. FINAL RESOLUTION General 27
Reduction in Force Procedure. For a reduction-in-force, the Board agrees that College employees will be reduced in force on an equitable basis as determined solely by the Board.