School Calendar and Daily Schedule. A school calendar will be developed annually. Elements may include but will not be limited to instruction days (including extended day and year), holidays, testing/assessment days, summer- orientation sessions for parents, intervention and acceleration time, weekend instructional opportunities, teacher planning and professional-development time, introductory home visits for parents, parent events, and other school-related events. The calendar will offer at least 920 hours of instruction.
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. For children to learn more, they must be provided with more time to learn. CCA-West’s academic calendar will provide for an extended school day, which has proven effective in urban settings with low-performing public school students.2 Students will have the support and time needed to prepare for rigorous high school programs. Enrichment programs, tutoring, and homework support will enhance the school day, providing students with an in-depth knowledge of the curriculum and the confidence to achieve in a high-expectation environment. In an impoverished community with established schools performing below state averages and students below proficient levels, CCA-West must redouble efforts to ensure urban students bridge the gap between their performance and that of their suburban counterparts. CCA-West will provide two blocks of literacy and math per student per day. Daily in-school tutoring will bolster this effort for students who require even more instructional and support time. Eleven full days will be dedicated to providing all staff PD and collaboration opportunities, with dedicated time to review ongoing student-achievement data, share effective teaching practices, and review curriculum and assessment development. Teachers will have two planning periods per day. Teamwork and grade- level planning will be an integral part of the staff culture at CCA-West. The school year for the staff begins in August with a three-week Summer Institute. Students will participate in a three-day orientation prior to the beginning of core academic instruction. This orientation will introduce students to the culture of high expectations and no excuses at CCA-West and will provide direct instruction and practice of school-wide expectations, procedures, and routines. Students will be divided into four grade-level advisories, and students within an advisory will have the same schedule throughout the day. This will provide simplicity in scheduling and group camaraderie. All students will have the opportunity to begin daily homework assignments at the end of each day with a teacher’s support. All students will have enrichment opportunities after the regular academic day has ended. These activities might include basketball, soccer, student government, and computer literacy; they offer students a chance to explore their individual interests within a structured group setting and build communication skills and confidence in achievement. The school is based on a trimester schedule. Eac...
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. In compliance with ORC 3314.03 (A)(11) (a), PCLC offers a minimum of 920 hours of instruction per academic year. A typical day includes the following: Student arrival—9:00 a.m. Breakfast—9:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Lunch period begins (inclusive of grades K–8)—11:00 a.m. Lunch period ends—1:30 p.m. Student dismissal—4:00 pm PCLC uses block scheduling. Students receive six and a half instructional hours per day, with two and a half hours allocated for reading and two and a half hours allocated for math daily. They also receive forty-five minutes daily for social studies and science.
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. The school calendar is developed at the discretion of the school. Table 4.4 below outlines a sample kindergarten schedule. The first-grade schedule will be similar; rather than nap, students will spend twenty extra minutes for the reading block and ten extra minutes for the CGI math block. Teachers will have planning time during Learning Links and during the recess/lunch block (recess and lunch will be run by the leadership team and teaching fellows).
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. For children to learn more, we must provide more time for them to learn. CCA’s academic year will provide an extended school day within an extended school year—both of which have proven effective in urban settings with low-performing public school students. Students will therefore have the support and time needed to prepare for rigorous high school programs. Enrichment programs, tutoring, and homework support will enhance the school day, providing students with an in-depth knowledge of the curriculum and the confidence to achieve in a high-expectation environment. 1 Schools studied include Excel Academy, Boston Prep, Boston Collegiate, Williamsburg Collegiate, the Academy of the Pacific Rim, Roxbury Prep, North Star Academy, Amistad Academy, and others. The academic year is 174 days long, with an additional ten days of summer school. The school year runs from the third week of August through mid-June. For the sake of our students’ families, which often have other children in Columbus City Schools, we generally follow the district’s schedule for holidays and closures. The school day will begin at 8:40 a.m. with breakfast and homework check; advisory starts at 9:00 a.m., and classes begin at 9:10 a.m. Each class is fifty minutes long, and daily lunch/physical activity lasts forty minutes. Dismissal is at 4:00 p.m. Students who commit disciplinary infractions that warrant a detention—or students who fail to successfully complete all homework assignments—will serve the detention during the lunch hour and/or during the Extension period on Friday afternoons. In an impoverished community, with established schools performing below state averages and students below proficient levels, CCA must redouble efforts to ensure that urban students bridge the gap between their performance and that of their suburban counterparts. We provide two blocks of literacy and math (sixth and seventh grade) per student per day. Daily tutoring and homework support hours bolster this effort for students who require even more instructional and support time. Teachers will have two planning periods each day. Teamwork and grade-level planning are an integral part of the staff culture at CCA. The school year for the staff begins in late July with a four-week summer institute. Students participate in a three-day orientation prior to the beginning of core academic instruction. This orientation introduces students to the culture of high expectations and no excuses at CCA and provides direct inst...
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. The calendar and daily schedule may be changed at the discretion of the board and/or school leader. In compliance with ORC 3314.03 (A)(11) (a), the Phoenix Community Learning Center offers a minimum of 920 hours of instruction per academic year. A typical day includes: • Student arrival: 9:00 a.m. • Breakfast : 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. • Lunch period begins (inclusive of grades K–8): 11:00 a.m. • Lunch period ends: 1:30 p.m. • Student dismissal: 4:00 p.m. PCLC uses block scheduling. Students receive 6.5 instructional hours per day, with 2.5 hours for reading and 2.5 hours for math daily. They also receive forty-five minutes daily for social studies and science.
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. In compliance with ORC 3314.03 (A)(11) (a), The Phoenix Community Learning Center offers a minimum of 920 hours of instruction per academic year). A typical day includes . Student Arrival - 9:00 a.m. Breakfast – 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Lunch Period Begins (inclusive of grades K-8) – 11:00 a.m. Lunch Period Ends – 1:30 p.m. Student Dismissal – 4:00 pm PCLC uses block scheduling. Students receive 6 ½ instructional hours per day with 2 ½ hours for reading and 2 ½ hours for math daily. They also receive 45 minutes daily for social studies and science.
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. The school calendar and schedule are subject to change by the school’s leadership and/or board. Number of hours in school day: 8 Number of instructional minutes per day: 390 Number of instructional school days per year: 174 Number of before-school hours devoted to academics: 1.5 (or as needed) Number of after-school hours devoted to academics: 1.5 (or as needed) Number of days devoted to staff development during school year: 9 Number of days devoted to staff development prior to school opening: 17
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. The school calendar and schedule are subject to change by the school’s leadership and/or board. More access to effective instructional time increases learning. Students will attend UPrep for an extended school day. School opens at 7:30 a.m. and dismisses at 3:45 p.m. for all grade levels. In grades K–5, when foundational academic development lies at the heart of the educational program, total extended learning for students makes up over 20 percent more instructional time than at a regular public school. Hours in school day: 8 Number of instructional minutes per day: 390 Number of instructional school days per year: 184 Number of before-school hours devoted to academics: .5 (or as needed) Number of after-school hours devoted to academics: 1.5 (or as needed) Number of days devoted to staff development during school year: 10 Number of days devoted to staff development prior to school opening: 22
A. 6 Special Student Populations Limited English Proficiency Program Structured English Immersion Gifted Students
School Calendar and Daily Schedule. The school calendar and schedule are subject to change by the school’s leadership and/or board. More access to effective instructional time increases learning. Students will attend UPA for an extended school day. School opens at 7:30 a.m. and dismisses at 3:45 p.m. for all grade levels. In grades K–5, when foundational academic development lies at the heart of the educational program, total extended learning for students makes up over 20 percent more instructional time than at a regular public school. Hours in school day: 8 Number of instructional minutes per day: 390 Number of instructional school days per year: 174 Number of before-school hours devoted to academics: 01.5 (or as needed) Number of after-school hours devoted to academics: 1.5 (or as needed) Number of days devoted to staff development during school year: 9 Number of days devoted to staff development prior to school opening: 17