Temporary Postings Sample Clauses

Temporary PostingsWhere the College has at least four (4) weeks' notice of a temporary vacancy in the bargaining unit which is expected to be of more than four (4) months' duration, the College shall post the temporary vacancy so that bargaining unit employees can indicate their desire to be selected for such vacancy. Recognizing that the College reserves the right to select a person in the bargaining unit or hire a temporary employee at its discretion, where a bargaining unit employee is selected as a temporary replacement the employee will have the right to return to his/her regular position or its equivalent on the expiration of the temporary assignment. The first resultant temporary vacancy shall also be posted in accordance with this clause if it meets the criteria. It is understood that none of the clauses of Article 17.1 apply to temporary vacancies.
Temporary Postings. (i) In the event of a temporary vacancy in excess of eight (8) weeks, that vacancy (position #1) will be posted in the normal manner. a. If no regular employee, on the main seniority list applies for the temporary vacancy (position #1) then the job shall be available to qualified persons in the following order: 1. Employees on layoff 2. Temporary employees with seniority 3. Student supervisors, subject to selection process b. If no employee in group (a) applies for the vacancy, management shall fill the position according to the Collective Agreement. (ii) Should a regular employee on the main seniority list be the successful applicant for position #1, that employee’s job (position #2) shall be posted temporarily. Should a regular employee on the main seniority list be the successful applicant for position #2, that employee’s job (position #3) shall not be posted. Position #3 shall be available to qualified persons on layoff firstly then to qualified temporary employees with seniority, then to qualified student supervisors. If position #3 is a Custodian-in-charge (with supervision) position, that position shall first be offered by seniority to the custodian(s) assigned to that school. The resulting vacancy shall be available to qualified persons on layoff firstly then to qualified temporary employees with seniority, then to qualified student supervisors. In the event the vacancy is more than ½ time and is for a period of 10 or 12 months, posting will continue in the normal manner. (iii) At the end of the temporary posting position, unless the former position has been eliminated or reduced in hours, the regular employees shall return to their former positions. There are no bumping rights at the end of temporary postings. (iv) Employees in temporary positions will be required to complete their temporary positions before being eligible for an appointment to a subsequent temporary position.
Temporary Postings. When a position of a temporary nature in excess of thirty (30) calendar days occurs, either as a new position or to replace an absent employee, the position shall be posted. A regular employee who accepts a temporary position shall return to his/her regular position upon completion of the temporary position. Positions of more than seventeen and one half (17.5) hours per week that are extended beyond one year shall be posted as regular positions.
Temporary Postings. DEFINITION
Temporary Postings. (a) Any vacancy that arises due to sickness, injury, parental leave or other leave (other than holidays) that is anticipated to continue for greater than forty-five (45) days shall be considered temporary and shall be filled through a Temporary Posting. This period may be amended by mutual agreement of the Parties. (b) Where practical, employees in the classification capable of immediately performing the required work will be offered the opportunity to assume the Temporary Posting in order of seniority. Thereafter, the vacated shifts may be filled on the same basis with no more than two employee moves on any Temporary Posting. (c) If an indication is made (medical or otherwise) that the employee holding the original posting will not be returning to his former job or position, the position will be considered a vacancy and reposted in accordance with provisions of Clause 15.01(a). (d) An employee who holds a Temporary Posting will be returned to his previously held position upon the permanent filling of the vacant position.
Temporary Postings. DEFINITION 23.01 Temporary posting means the transfer of an employee from the employee's regular posting to another posting, on a temporary basis for a period in excess of one week (7 days), the conditions of which preclude the employee from claiming full living and traveling expenses for the duration of the temporary posting. LIVING EXPENSES 23.02 In each instance of temporary posting, the employee shall be entitled to full living expenses while establishing necessary and suitable accommodation, but in no case shall this entitlement be for a period in excess of seven (7) consecutive days. ACCOMMODATION 23.03 The Regional or Bureau Commander shall be responsible for establishing an equitable per diem allowance for each employee during temporary posting governed by the prevailing rates in the area for: (a) meals, if accommodation is supplied at OPP or municipal expense; and (b) boarding house rates prevailing in the area, if no accommodation is supplied; or (c) room and meals if no boarding house accommodation is available. 23.04 It will be necessary for the Regional or Bureau Commander to establish the per diem allowance in each area prior to posting the employee. 23.05 The notice of temporary posting sent to the employee by the Regional or Bureau Commander shall state whether or not accommodation is being supplied and the per diem allowance to which the employee is entitled. Accommodation for employees during temporary postings shall, to the extent possible, be such as will adequately meet the needs of the OPP and the employees involved. TRAVEL ALLOWANCE 23.06 Travel shall be by the means which in accordance with Government policy, management deems to be most economical and direct, including, where the circumstances so warrant, the use of personally-owned automobiles. 23.07 Each employee on temporary posting shall be entitled to claim travel allowance as follows: (a) to the posting at commencement of duties, (b) to and from the employee's regular posting, (i) once each week for a distance of 0-200 kilometers; (ii) once every two (2) weeks for distances of 201-400 kilometers; (iii) once every three (3) weeks for distances of 401 kilometers or over; and (c) return to the employee's regular posting at cessation of duties. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION 23.08 Conditions may exist in an instance of temporary posting which will require special consideration, in which case the matter shall be forwarded to the Bureau Commander, Organizational Development Bureau, for consi...
Temporary PostingsWhen the Employer can reasonably determine that a temporary full-time vacancy will last longer than three (3) months, then such vacancy shall be posted in accordance with 13.01 Job Postings and Article 13.02. The initial temporary vacancy shall be posted but the Employer shall not be required to post any subsequent vacancy. Resources permitting and where practicable, full-time vacancies of less than three (3) months shall be filled with Employees who are regularly scheduled for not more than twenty-four (24) hours per week. It is understood that no temporary posting shall be longer than two (2) years unless otherwise mutually agreed.
Temporary Postings. DEFINITION CAD 14.01 Temporary posting means the transfer of an employee from the employee’s regular posting to another posting, on a temporary basis for a period in excess of one week(7 days), the conditions of which preclude the employee from claiming full living and traveling expenses for the duration of the temporary posting. LIVING EXPENSES
Temporary Postings. (a) Temporary jobs shall be bulletined, excluding those which can be filled within a department, those where the temporary job lasts less than 6 months, or others specifically referred to the Union and mutually agreed. It is the intent of the Parties that such vacancies should be filled by internal promotion where the effective operation of the department permits. (b) A regular employee who is selected to fill a Full-Time Temporary position as defined in Clause 1.06(c)1 shall retain his/her status as a regular employee during such assignment, and shall be covered by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement which are applicable to regular employees. (c) Upon completion of a full-time temporary assignment, a regular employee shall have the right to return to his/her regular job. (d) Deleted Feb. 27, 1999 (e) Temporary jobs shall be rebulletined if they become permanent in nature, unless otherwise specifically agreed to with the Union. The employer agrees to provide a listing of all new employees hired under this provision once monthly to the Union. (f) Where a regular employee obtains a promotion to a temporary job under this clause which is outside the municipal area or town in which the employee's headquarters is located, the employee shall be provided moving expenses under Article 5.12
Temporary Postings a) A permanent employee who accepts a temporary assignment through the posting procedure is not a temporary employee. In this regard, it is understood that temporary postings, resulting from a permanent employee accepting a temporary assignment, shall be limited to two (2). b) A position that is filled casually will be posted after sixty (60) working days. Where it is known in advance and it is determined by the employer that a temporary vacancy exists and will exceed forty