Time off for trade union activities. Employees who are members of the Union are entitled to take reasonable time off during working hours to take part in trade union activity and to take reasonable time off during working hours for the purposes of accessing the services of a Union Learning Representative. Requests for time off will not be unreasonably refused and subject to approval of the relevant line manager. In normal circumstances time off taken will be unpaid. However, in circumstances where the active participation of members may be in both the employers’ and trade unions interest, e.g.: attendance at workplace meetings to discuss and vote on the outcome of negotiations; and meetings with management, payment for time off may be made, subject to the prior agreement of the employer. The Organisation and Union also recognise that it is in the interests of the effective and democratic operation of the Union that representatives or officials are able to participate in other activities of the Trade Union. Reasonable time off during working hours may be granted for these purposes, which could include: • Participation, as a representative, in meetings of official policy making and consultative bodies of the Trade Unions such as annual conferences or regional meetings (the Council will allow paid time off for the delegate appointed by the branch to attend the UNISON annual conference); • Representing the Union on external bodies such as committees or working parties within the official Trade Union structure; • Holding office on official bodies of the Trade Union; • The Union will notify the Organisation at the beginning of each year of the anticipated calendar of such events wherever possible and the likely number of representatives who will be required to attend. Requests for time off will not be unreasonably refused and subject to approval of the relevant line manager.
Time off for trade union activities. In accordance with the ACAS Code of Practice the Academy Trust will (when it can reasonably do so) allow trade union representatives and members reasonable time off during working hours for the purpose of taking part in trade union activity, including in particular representing the trade union at external meetings and conferences.2 “Time off for trade union representatives and members to attend annual conferences and other policy-making conferences of their trade unions as a delegate will in all cases be time off without pay.
Time off for trade union activities. Personnel who are listed in Clause 16 who are employee representatives under Appendix 2, section 2.2 shall be allowed reasonable time off to take part in any recognised trade union activity, including:
a) meetings of official policy-making bodies, such as annual conferences
b) approved workplace meetings and properly conducted ballots.
c) preparation time for these and other agreed duties. Where it is necessary for unions to hold meetings of members during working hours, they should seek agreement from the onboard vessel or installation management. Both sides should seek to agree on a time which minimises the effects on the operations of the Employer Signatory. With the exception of industrial action, agreed time off for trade union activities will normally be paid. A reasonable limit will be placed on the amount of time trade union representatives take to cover duties, training and activities. This Agreement is in accordance with Section 168 to 173 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act (TULR(C)A), 1992, and the ACAS Code of Practice on time off for trade union duties and activities.
Time off for trade union activities. The Trust will allow Trade Union representatives and members reasonable time off during working hours for the purpose of taking part in trade union activity, including in particular representing the Trade Union at external meetings and conferences. Time off for trade union representatives and members to attend annual conferences and other policy-making conferences of their trade unions as a delegate will in all cases be time off with pay.
Time off for trade union activities. 5.1 An employee who is a member of an independent trade union is entitled to a reasonable amount of unpaid time off to take part in any activities of the trade union and any activities to which the employee is acting as a representative of the union. The ACAS Code of Practice gives a number of examples of union activities suggesting that reasonable unpaid time off could be allowed for the following: • Attendance at workplace meetings to discuss and vote on the outcome of negotiations with the employer • Meetings with full-time officials to discuss issues relevant to the workplace • Voting in union elections • Accessing the services of a Learning Representative.
Time off for trade union activities. 3.1 For the purpose of this framework, the description of a trade union official is as set out in the TULRCA 1992, i.e., “any person who is an officer of the union or of the branch or section of a union or who (not being such an officer) is a person elected or appointed in accordance with the rules of the union to be a representative of its members or some of them, including any person so elected or appointed who is an employee of the same employer as the members of one or more of the members whom they are to represent.”
3.2 The Education Department maintains a fund to allow trade unions time off for specified duties. This fund is distributed by collective agreement with all of the recognised trade unions operating in the education service. The specified duties covered are:
a) to carry out the duties of an appointed or elected member who is the holder of a senior position within a trade union, e.g. regional/national secretary.
b) to attend meetings of the Education Joint Consultative and Negotiating Panel including any meetings of working parties of that body that may be called from time to time by the Department.
c) to support individual members through casework with the proviso that wherever possible such support will not affect the operational requirements of the service and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5 to 4.8 below shall apply.
d) in respect of attendance at annual conference subject to the number of accredited delegates being specifically approved on each occasion by the Director of Education in consultation with the appropriate governing body.
e) where time off with pay is recommended or prescribed by a particular National Joint Council or other similar national body.
f) recruitment of new members, maintaining membership and collection of contributions shall be subject to there being no undue disruption of work, i.e. restricted to immediate or close proximity of employees concerned. The only exception to this will be where, by prior arrangement, an official formally covers more than one workplace, the area (or membership) is agreed and consideration is given to the needs of the service. Where a school has a recognised trade union officer within its establishment the level of funding is notified to the headteacher annually.
3.3 In addition, a trade union official will be allowed reasonable time off with pay to undergo training in aspects of industrial relations which are relevant to the carrying out of their duties, and approved by the Trade Union...
Time off for trade union activities. In accordance with the ACAS Code of Practice, TEAL will allow trade union representatives and members reasonable time off during working hours for the purpose of taking part in trade union activity, including in particular representing the trade union at external meetings and conferences. Time off for trade union representatives and members to attend annual conferences and other policy- making conferences of their trade unions as a delegate will in all cases be time off with pay. TEAL will not take disciplinary action against a trade union representative until an employed official of that trade union has been consulted with the consent of the representative involved.
Time off for trade union activities. It is recognised that Trade Unions, need the active participation of local TU officials to operate effectively and democratically. Managers will therefore allow TU officials reasonable time off during work time, wherever possible, to take part in union activities. This is notwithstanding the primary responsibility of the Trust to provide excellent services to patients.
Time off for trade union activities. (all members)
Time off for trade union activities. 12. There is no statutory requirement for time off with pay for trade union activities. The college has agreed that UNISON/UCU members and branch officers shall be granted time off with pay for the following activities: • for branch officers to attend Branch Executive meetings • for branch officers to meet prior to meetings with management • special meetings during working hours where the matter is so urgent that the College deems delay would cause a problem, subject to the agreement of the College.
13. Recognised trade union members may be granted time off without pay for the following activities: • attendance by members at industrial relations training courses approved by the TUC or by the individual union subject to a maximum of three delegates • attendance at regional and/or national conferences • attendance at union meetings. Time off will not be granted for any activity not related to this branch of the union, ie the College.
14. Recognised trade union branch officers and members may be granted time off without pay (subject to departmental requirements) for attendance at informal and/or ad hoc meetings of regional shop stewards or representatives, subject to informing the HRM of the subject matter of the meetings.
15. The branch shall endeavour to keep to a minimum the number of members involved in trade union activities during normal working hours.